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Any Health Bill Without Single Payer Is No Reform At All


[084702:111010] j.k., Whitesboro, NY
Single Payer government funded health insurance would save money and save American lives. Cut out the supposed "Health Care" Insurance leeches. Even if they payed to get you elected.


[185508:110810] D.S., Glen Ellyn, IL
Diane Steitz


[095249:110810] Y.H., Sebastopol, CA
I wholeheartedly support your aims and am braced by the tone of your letter. Nonetheless, the Single Payer system is like a slap in the face of many Americans who have been indoctrinated in an unsustainable value system. Essentially it has been a winner take all system where responsibility for national ills is disregarded and the very concept of civic obligations is seen as a socialist threat. As a People, we see only the benefits the Nation provides but none of the inherent obligations of being a citizen.

We need change from kindergarten on, so we may have an understanding of our civic obligations and not see the Nation as a national piggybank only. American has changed since 1776 and our institutions must change to reflect today's needs. While I cheer for the Single Payer system, I see little chance of it getting much traction till America's image of itself is turned around.

I'd like your "Alerts" to energise every Americans so they come to realise the American Dream has been a fraud from its very beginning, because it exalted our benefits and totally ignored our obligations, ushering us into a world of fraud.

The Single Payer for Health Care agenda is only one strand of a sheaf of many other needs, the most beleaguered of which is national education. I see Single Payer beaten over and over again till Education becomes our Primary Care. That may take decades of rehabilitation of the public ethos of the Res Publica.


[092854:110810] E.C., Cape Coral, FL
Listen to the people.


[114905:110710] S.H., Beaverton, OR
WE need REALl reform not give aways to the already rich health care industry !!!!!


[170920:030610] R.L., Cave Creek, AZ
Many of us feel as if we have been sold down the river. We did not expect our Republican senators to support a bill which would actually change or reform the health care situation but for you,President Obama, to also sell out to the healthcare and insurance industries, is deeply disappointing. This is proof that you are not the president we the people voted for.


[041006:022710] p.T., Binghamton, NY
Please pass single payer, no compromise.
Mr. Patrick M. Tino

P L E A S E Thank You


[155109:011810] D.G., Olympia, WA
Any so called health care bill written by the insurance companies will be nothing more than another version of the auto liability insurance law, welfare for the insurance companies and a drain on the resources of the working people of this nation at a time when we simply can't afford to pay out anything to the greedy corporations.

Single payer is the only way to go unless we want a system that will only make the greedy insurance companies richer and fatter while murdering the people that need health care. I can't afford to pay for any form of insurance on the small amount of money I earn. I refuse to even try to accept the farce I'm being offered.

No welfare for the rich. Health care for the plain people of America!


[085306:121709] K.R., Shutesbury, MA
Any so called health reform bill that does not include a single payer option is a disaster, but with the current mandate for universal coverage included it is foolhardy suicide for the Democratic Party. No public option and another guaranteed --30 million policies for the insurance companies, with the government underwriting the policies of those less well off? I assure you that when the requirement kicks in the Republicans will tearfully talk about the hardships Obamacare has brought America out of one side of their mouth and how we need real fiscal restraint out of the other.
Make no mistake, IT IS THE LESS WELL OFF THAT ARE DISPROPORTIONATELY UNDER INSURED. If the government is going to be underwriting these polices anyway why not cut out the middlemen? If nothing government does works well, the public option will be passed over, thank you very much. However, if a socialized police department works, if we are proud of our socialized armed forces, if we look up to and depend upon our socialized fire fighters, why is socialized healthcare management such an odious harbinger of the fall of American democracy? We all depend on all these things.
With all due respect, any bill that does not provide for a strong public option should be voted down. I don't say this lightly, but if you want to win in 2010 vote this down, clearly explain why, and don't be surprised if there's some pride in the Democratic Party at a display of backbone. A health bill without reform is lose-lose for the American people and the Democratic Party.


[072433:120309] C.V., Mount Holly, NJ
Why is there a trade deficit? It wouldn't have anything to do with countries who can sell products to US for less because they have single-payer AND WE DON'T, would it? Might as well take my spelling bee champion girl out of school and have her work at Wal-Mart. You don't want deficit-reductions in trade and budget if you want corporations to profit from what 99% of the rest of the world sees as a basic human right. If the UN said as much, that would violate our sovereignty, right, Glenn Beck?


[100114:113009] C.K., Wayne, PA
We should have single payer insurance. It is the most efficient and effective way to better health for people and will involve minimal adverse affects on the economy. As it is now, the health care cartel is taking dangerous amounts of money out of the system and turning it over to single individuals who don't reinvest it, but use it to maintain a princely lifestyle. And, as the bill is now written, ever greater amounts will travel the same road, from our pockets to the despots who run the medical insurance industry. It seems to me that at least in the medical field we have passed the line in the fight to prevent our democracy from devolving into fascism -- the running of the government by corporations.


[180804:111109] R.N., San Antonio, TX
I'm am outraged at the deceit going on in the White House. You promised us better health care-where is it ?


[105055:103009] S.C., Buffalo, NY
Both my husband and I are on Medicare a publically financed health care plan and he is serviced by the VA medical system as well. Single payer would take away administrative costs and make health care about caring for patients.


[094229:102109] W.T., Seattle, WA
They are now fumbling around in Congress, sorting out how they can help the Healthcare Industry while trying to appear that they really are helping us - the system is broken and it along with the bloated defense industry will sink us.
How can we change our system of governance, if we do not we are looking at a near future disaster.
Could we not have one single purpose, to limit all contributions to our politicos of say $500 from any entity and not allow any of our representatives to lobby for ten years after they leave office.


[235926:101709] C.L., Los Angeles, CA
Single payer! Or i vote against you and I campaign for your removal from public service!


[044301:101409] J.T., Nashville, TN
A health care plan is essential, and a public option should be included, but only if a single payer plan is not chosen. Health care is a government responsibility, not a money sink for private enterprise. If cost saving is a goal, a single payer plan is the only choice.


[045518:101209] J.D., Forestville, CA
You are supposed to represent the people, not the insurance companies.


[020445:101209] T.S., Nucla, CO
We need meaningful reform... yesterday!


[114010:100809] J.D., Lake Oswego, OR
It's the only solution that addresses all the problems with the existing conditions and problems with the other solutions, please do the thing that is best for everyone and pass the single payer method of ensuring health care to everyone.


[110025:100609] R.C., Raleigh, NC
If you have studied the health care issue, you would have to conclude that the single payer system is the best solution for the people. Of course forced buying insurance plans are the best for the insurance companies. Do you have the courage to vote for the peiople?


[150700:100209] H.H., Seattle, WA
Single payer is the real public option.


[203814:092909] N.C., Miranda, CA
The profit motive has no place in health care. Maximizing profit means denying coverage as often as possible which is the opposite of what is needed. A single payer plan is the only thing that can really do the job. With single payer all the money that currently goes to profit and insurance company overhead will go to providing care, which is as it should be.


[180904:092909] J.B., Antigo, WI
Any health reform bill without single payer is not reform at all. Obama says let's build on what works--- what works is a uniquely American system called Medicare. How do we pay for extended Medicare? It's a no brainer---we pay a health tax in lieu of 10 to 16 thousand dollar annual for profit insurance premiums which are private taxation imposed by profiteers of the healthcare industry. A health tax would be a fraction of the tax imposed by healthcare profiteers because it would be based on a universal insurnace pool and is non-profit. Had Congress and the President been serious about healthcare reform they would have made the above very clear, however they are not serious about real refom because they have their hands in the deep pockets of healthcare profiteers. Obama alone has received $20 million. Current reform bills keep in charge the middle men of insurance companies, who contribute absolutely nothing to healthcare. Reform bills deal with some of the problems of the current system such as no denial because of prior conditions or transferability from one job to another but in a for profit system these fixes will only drive costs higher and make insurance even more unaffordable in spite of mandated "universal" coverage because there are no controls on profits. What Congress seeks to impose upon us is the dream of insurance companies and we are going to be taxed to subsidize payments to the insurance companies for the added costs. This is corporate welfare on a grand scale. That our Congress people would seek to extend and preserve this status quo system on Americans by letting healtcare profiteers write healthcare reform is beyond belief. My dream is that Americans will rise up and throw Obama and the insurance company lackies in Congress out of office in the next election cycle.

It is obvious to anyone with a brain (and a spine) that Medicare for All is the only efficient, affordable, accessible, fair and uniquely American healthcare system that works.


[115410:092909] P.F., Longmeadow, MA
The only health care plan that will solve America's health care predicament is a single payer plan similar to that used in the rest of the developed world. Every member of our captive congress knows that this is true but that its adoption would mean lean times for their friends in the health care industry. Unfortunately the greed of all parties is more important to our than the well being of the people of America.


[143157:092809] J.R., Vancouver, WA
My grown children would still not be able to afford a plan that is "reasonable in cost"............they are choosing to keep food on the table. Their care is Urgency Care Clinics when only absolutely necessary.


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