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No Fossil Fuel Expansion In The Climate Bill


[180937:082310] E.G., Berlin, MA
We need clean energy simply to have any future at all.


[102900:082310] K.B., Evansville, IN
It's simply common sense that burning fossil fuels endangers the environment. There are many clean sources out there that we can do to make reparitions.


[214518:082010] Y.K., Chicago, IL


[081247:012610] C.V., Mount Holly, NJ
Expanding oil drilling beyond the leases already approved is another corporate bail-out: by having greater amount of land and sea under the threat of drill-bit, investors' risk is minimized. Let them drill what they already have until the last drop is extracted, then be sure they clean up the messbefore there's any talk about expansion.


[080017:010810] M.H., Fort Lauderdale, FL
The US needs to follow the wisdom of 3rd world countries when it comes to living in harmony with the environment and learn to follow the recommendations of intelligent people. Solar and wind energy if working around the world. We must act in our best environmental interest. Americans are free to talk about doing the right things for the environment, health care and the war but congress does not follow wisdom. For congressmen to continue to doubt what engineers said when I was in college 30 years ago while we have the coldest winters and largest bad weather patterns in history makes you question their sanity. Money can't buy your way out of natural disasters. Mother Nature can't be bought off. But Mother Nature can blow us away. Stop talking about human terrorism and recognize that when you don't take the right actions even Mother Nature will retaliate. If we don't act now Mother Nature will and no one will be able to hide from her wrath. This may be why Congress gave South Dakota back to the Indians. They realize that we are out of control and Native people did a better job. I hope congress leaves the state under better control. The Native Americans are the only people working for the US environment!


[070628:122909] P.S., Palo Alto, CA
I'd like to see the Democrats take seriously the American people for a change. They should leave the whoring for the HMOs and the oil companies to the Republicans. They're much better at it.


[052533:122209] R.H., Haines City, FL
Fossil fuels have to be reduced!! Why are we putting so much time and money into our own destruction?


[114542:121209] M.G., Bronx, NY
Dear Congress Persons,

At this time on our planet, knowing with documented scientific certainty about global warming, health issues for all of creation and minimizing our carbon footprint, you must insure that there be no fossil fuel expansion in the climate bill. Insist on it, rally your fellow colleagues in the Senate and House, and make it a reality. Please do this for all of life, for where there is life there is hope, and vice versa.

May God bless you now, during the holiday season, and always.

Michael Gary


[083939:121109] k.c., Phoenix, AZ
yeah... what means sovereignty when the carbon dioxide pollution we create, spread to the rest of the world ( like a disease) causes our OWN climate to change? Not to mention the american sovereignty that is GONE, along with america's prosperity when "OUR reps" in OUR government gave tax credits to corporations to take OUR jobs and prosperity with them.


[163857:121009] P.B., Sarasota, FL
I favor strong action to combat climate change


[110010:120609] R.H., Haines City, FL
We do not need more Oil drilling and coal plants, we need more conservation, and I have read nothing on that line at all.


[010315:120609] S.S., Columbus, OH
We must preserve this earth, its flora and fauna, for future generations, your grand-children and mine.


[201106:120409] A.H., West Springfield, MA
Let's get real. Really!


[185634:120409] L.F., Columbus, OH
We may not have the ideal measures for the purpose of minimizing the impact of climate change, but whatever we do needs to be at least a step in the right direction, please. If we encourage still more fossil fuel use and extraction, how can that possibly help us? Please do your best for our nation and for the planet. Thank you.


[171730:120409] J.B., Easton, CT
Lack of concrete action = death. Choose wisely.


[090931:113009] L.R., Pasadena, CA


[170744:112909] D.D., Girard, OH
We need to take measures to use renewable energy sources that have minimal impact on our environment


[035905:112809] k.c., Phoenix, AZ
yeah you should see what the retired,retardered, retardied, retireded have DONE to MY family's home NO more...ARIZONA !!!!!


[180315:112709] A.W., Edmonds, WA
We MUST stop the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere.


[132003:112409] R.B., Los Angeles, CA
W eneed to completly get off our dependence of fossil fuels,


[192624:112309] M.W., Colorado Springs, CO
Is CO2 a byproduct? Then forget it! Unless you've developed an efficient technology to remove and sequester it...


[160600:112309] L.F., Turners Falls, MA
Please remember - there is no current (or future) solution to the problem of nuclear waste.


[144525:112309] N.J., Durham, NH
It is the height of folly and deceit to include any increase in the use of fossil/CO2 producing fuels in any bill addressing climate change. There needs to be instead a penalty of some kind attached to such uses - taxes or similar measures. Please! Think of your children, our children and the future of this home planet. Industry lobbyists should have no influence in this debate on the future health of our world. Money is not the primary force here, survival is. Air to breathe is. Water to drink is.


[084251:112109] K.S., Reading, MI
We have already lost eight years because of President Bush's
refusal to akcnowledge climate change. Just so he and his family could line their own pockets. Have we not done enough
damage to our eco system? We are tired of the greed of the Republican Party. The are always screaming GOD but they have no christian morals at all. No christian charity, no compassion for their fellow man, no regret for the way they have ravaged our beautiful country, stripped our lands for profit. And in the face of global disater, due to global warming
they refuse still to change their ways. Until they find their moral conscience, they will find their party right where it belongs, in the stone age. Stop serving yourselves and serve the people and GOD, before the GOP is extinct! Maybe in this case extinction is a blessing.


[105837:112009] j.c., New Orleans, LA
there is nothing clean about coal and oil. so stop leading the people with false ideas.wind, solar are the best options ,,,so do it and stop messing around. our people, children , animals and planet depend on it. clean is the answer. wind and solar the best ways....


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