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I Want To Sign Up For Medicare Too!!


[055746:032210] E.S., New York, NY
It is essential to have a gov option.


[205014:031710] D.M., Lebanon, NJ
Please approve this! It harms no one and would help so many, and still, there will be many that cannot even afford this.


[194344:031610] s.b., Beaverton, OR
Please pass the health-care reform-there is no other option!


[111535:031510] A.B., Woodstock, IL
Without a public option there is NO REFORM. Its just more of the same:

* More insurance companies making health care decisions.
* More obscene insurance company profits while CEOs reap huge salaries.
* More claim denials.
* More caps on coverage.
* More people uninsured.
* More suffering.

Why would any moral human being want that?

European nations already have the model created and it works for them. Why is America trailing behind Europe? Isn't America supposed to be the leader? Why is our nation so uncivilized it lacks a true national health care system?

Turn off the noise from insurance companies and their shills. Listen to your constituents and reason.

Pass a single-payer government run health care plan. Be aware: I oppose any legislation that lacks a public/consumer option. You should oppose that too.


[200335:030310] S.B., Hayward, CA
I am a former attorney, fluent in at least three languages, and I cannot get a job because the cost for an employer of insuring me makes it financially burdensome. So at the age of 61, I am one of the uninsured. When I had a bad rotator cuff injury, I could not even go to a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, I quite simply cannot afford it. Being able to sign up for Medicare now will mean that I can have the lifestyle that I have worked for all my life, including the right to health care. Health care is not an option, it's a fundamental human and civil right.


[064429:021610] R.M., Elmont, NY
Health insurance should be run exactly the same way the fire departments and police departments are. There is no reason to have health insurance tied to employment -- it prevents people from retiring early which causes unemployment.


[075400:013010] G.T., Albuquerque, NM
I want and need universal health care for all or at least medicare for all!!!


[182735:012910] G.S., Springfield, TN
Here is how to pay for health care. Cut the military-industrial-congressional complex budget in half(we will still outspend the rest of the world) and stop trying to rule the world. Doing this will allow the government to care for its people and the rest of the world won't hate America so much and try to kill us.


[180620:012910] S.W., Springfield, MO
I am 58, overweight at 220, but basically healthy. I'm just hoping to get to Medicare before something does happen to me because no one will insure me. Okay some will for $800 a month and a $10000 deductable. Excuse me! That is crazy! I just hope I don't get sick or I would probably lose my house .


[180350:012910] K.M., South Hadley, MA
People should be able to buy into Medicare regardless of age, income or health status. It is the only public option that is easy to set up since Medicare works and already exists. I would love to be able to have Medicare coverage backed up by a private secondary. That arrangement would do so much to give me financial peace of mind--not worrying about medical bankruptcy is something ALL Americans should be able to do.

Please let all Americans be able to buy into Medicare if they so choose.

There are several ways to pay for this option--through premiums paid by the younger, healthier Medicare users, and through eliminating the tax cap on Medicare taxes altogether, for example.


[154544:012910] D.H., Orlando, FL
It's a great idea to get more people on Medicare. Let's stop
caring if the lobbyists like it or not. They as a group are going nothing but harm to our entire system. I don't think the constitution had any thing in it that said, 'By the Lobbyists, for the Lobbyists!' Let's get back to, 'For the People', PLEASE.


[141424:012910] B.R., Orlando, FL
Give us a real choice.


[105151:012910] P.T., Orlando, FL
The petition says it all, I can't add anything else except my desperate plea as an uninsured American with pre-existing conditions that prevent me from obtaining affordable health care under the current health care scenario.


[102416:012910] M.C., Hollister, CA
Whoopi Goldberg says it best, "We want the same coverage that the Congress has."


[092938:012910] G.W., Romulus, MI
Not only me but everyone should be on medicare that will take care of this mess of a insurance companys strangle hold on the people who can least afford it.


[074406:012910] C.S., Columbus, OH
Don't let us down!!!
INCLUDING A PUBLIC OPTION at least for people over 55


[074248:012910] P.G., Pagosa Springs, CO
Screw the party of no. We demand Medicare for all!


[072455:012910] M.S., Huntington Beach, CA
Health care is a human right. The U.S. government has the responsibility to provide EVERYONE in the U.S. with comprehensive, high-quality health care. A single-payer plan ("Medicare for All") would allow enough money to be saved to accomplish this. "Medicare for All" NOW!


[053852:012910] M.A., Muscoda, WI
Single payer is the only way to go. Medicare already has a system that works. Why not build on that?


[052034:012910] L.C., Montclair, NJ
It's a terrible shame that health care and jobs are being posited as an either/or choice. We need both. Not only do we need health care reform, it will also actually help the economy, because a strong public option, or a single-payer system, will keep medical costs down. We need real health reform now, AND jobs.


[044304:012910] c.h., Oakland, CA
Shame on all of you for not getting a public option. Shame on you all for arguing over mostly nothing. Do NOT pass any health care "reform" bill without a public option!
I want MEDICARE NOW!!!!!! Do NOT let insurance companies run health care!


[231345:012810] T.F., Ridley Park, PA
American citizens are entitled to participate in a proven healthcare system that could easily serve many more of us in a cost-effective, non-discriminatory fashion. Please support Medicare-for-all.


[203302:012810] B.W., East Lansing, MI
Making Medicare available to all American citizens, regardless of age is a just, fair and simple way to reform our healthcare system. No need for thousands of pages or massive new legislation.


[202856:012810] L.C., Hollywood, FL
The majority of the American voting citizens want the "Public Option". What has happened to "WE the People by the People for the People"? After all, We pay the salaries and health care costs for our elected employees. Why shouldn't we have the same entitlements? It's time for politicians to remember Who pays their salary. It is "We the People"!!!!


[200237:012810] L.G., Palm Desert, CA
Where is my health care? Why are our children dying in this country for no health care? Why can't I have medicare? Why aren't you fighting for me? That is why I voted for you.


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