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Open The Health Care Conference Committee To Public Scrutiny (H.Res.847)


[232117:030710] S.Y., North Palm Beach, FL
It's no secret that Public trust in our Government overall has declined rapidly in the past decade or two. It's very disturbing that our elected officials--essentially our voice--either hasn't recognized this or just don't care. I'm among the growing number of citizens that, not only think our Democracy is jeoporday, but can't seem to find any reminance of it anymore. Furthermore, our Constitution is not being reveered or followed--evident by reasons in this petition. In such a time of distrust and uneasiness, involving a bill of such magnitude as our HealthCare Reform--why would we be denied transparancy on any level?? This just validates my point, we the people just don't matter to BigGov anymore. I would love to be proven wrong about this, please stand up for the citizens that believed in you, elected you. Please preserve what's left of our Democracy by providing transpanrency to citizens. Reconnect with the people and resore our trust!
Thank you


[084727:022710] L.H., Boulder, CO
We MUST include a public option. Have a spine! Don't alienate those who supported you in the election!


[102742:022310] R.M., Little Neck, NY
We the people have a right to know what our legislators are shouting about, who is doing the shouting, what are they shouting, and how is this shouting benefitting us, the people,


[062652:022210] W.E., Port Saint Lucie, FL
Transparency, Education, and Telling The TRUTH is the Best Perscription for ALL that AILS.....(i.e. 'WE, THE PEOPLE....').


[114020:021410] g.v., Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
Where is the change form the Bush administration?????
The people have a right to know what is being considered for the future of THEIR health!!!!!!!!


[171342:020310] J.G., Batesville, AR
It's not just the Republicans, Independents, and other political party members who have been shut out of the debate to set national health care policy. The American people have been completely shut out as well. This goes all the way back to the beginning of the process, when activists were arrested and hauled out of the Senate Finance committee for protesting the preemptive exclusion of any discussion of Single Payer (Medicare for all) or Multiple Payer (Healthcare SHS) as a basis alongside other proposals, including the free market-based versions, for reform.

Now we hear that they don't even plan on having a conference committee to reconcile the weak bill passed by the House with the total insurance industry/government sell out passed by the Senate. No, they are just going to make another back room deal and install the Senate version by fiat. Even our House of Representatives is to be shut out unless they entirely capitulate as well.

We all know the Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and other political parties just want to obstruct the process, whether the bill is good or bad. But shame on the all parties, shame, shame, shame, for giving each other good cause for doing so. And shame on us, if for our own partisan reasons we do not protest this outrage. The public's business must be conducted in the full light of day.


[152254:020310] M.G., Alexandria, VA
Health Care Reform MUST include a strong public option!

C'mon Democrats, show some spine!


[151012:012910] H.C., Jamaica, NY
I am a bleeding heart liberal registered Democrat and I hope the current healthcare bill fails.
I WANT people to have good healthcare - but the bills in house and senate have problems.
I actually try to read the bills - the Senate bill over 2000 pages kept closing down WORD - no need for the length.
Bills past on Christmas Eve reek of something sneaky.

I prefer to break bill up into catagories so the public can comment on each topic. Some topics such as programs to reduce elder abuse and grants to provide healthcare in rural areas will pass quickly. Then the Nation can address more controversial issues.
We can agree on priorities first and then on the budget. This way one side can't object only becuase of the cost.


[074929:012510] G.B., Arvada, CO
Our health systems should not be up for grabs by powerful factions whose only thought is what kind of money they can make out of it. They care nothing for human lives evidently even their own and their descendants. They are evil for lack of a better word!


[064251:012510] C.M., Salem, OR
I believe we have a Right to health care. To many don't have it. Please open the process, and let the people support you. Please Give Hope a Chance. Don't close us out and give the insurance companies even more power. Christine Mock


[072949:012410] j.b., Piscataway, NJ
listen to the people on the main street! you did not listen to us when you bailed out wall street. the people have seen your change mr president. it ain't for the people who voted you into office. big business is in your pocket. health care reform for the citizens of the usa (single payer/medicare) not health care reform for big business,big phrama,insurance companies. mr obama get your change on for the people.


[184643:012310] L.S., Clearwater, FL
No more behind-closed-doors decision-making. It does not belong in democracy, nor does insurance reform without a public option. President Obama, remember who you professed to represent! WE WANT CHANGE, not bus--t.


[162815:012210] e.g., Rockaway Park, NY
Pres. Obama made promises or indeed inferred that the middle class would not suffer the indignities of poor health care by the insurance companies, yet it still goes on. there should be medicare for all or at least a public option. DO THE RIGHT THING !!!!


[153820:012210] R.R., Rochester, MA
In recent years I've had the benefit of Medicare (flawed as it is) and in the past few months, the Veterans Administration. I find it difficult to understand how someone in circumstances similar to mine could manage. He/she would probably be dead. I hope that the Congress will not be guilty of murder by omission.


[142105:012010] F.D., Terrebonne, OR
It is feeling like a conspiracy against the American people to deny a public option. What is going on? What has happened to the Changes we were led to believe would happen when Barack Obama became President? I am seeing the same policies that george bush enacted being upheld. That's NOT why I voted for Barack Obama. Let's get back to CHANGE THAT MATTERS FOR WE THE PEOPLE!


[054442:012010] J.F., Raleigh, NC
Looks like Congress does not get it! The Mass Coakley issue was about Congress not listening to the people. Single Payer is the obvious best answer and Congress won't even do a Public Option. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!


[131301:011910] J.G., Hyde Park, NY
H.R.676 shouldn't be off the table.


[101039:011910] B.S., Portland, OR
Let's divorce ourselves from the criminally secret policies which have crippled us for almost thirty years.
No more secret meetings with money laden lobbyists, drug companies, anti-choice zealots, or insurance vendors!
Please, stop this non-democratic side-show! It's become a crippling habit and a tool of those who believe our government should be as powerless, weak, and 'free enterprise raped' as Haiti. Really.


[114313:011810] B.G., Berkeley, CA
We must have public transparancy of this critical health care debate.


[091036:011810] S.K., Little Rock, AR


[081339:011810] M.D., Pompano Beach, FL
The healthcare bill must contain a public option: Medicare for all. The current bill is a massive giveaway to insurance companies. Shame on our Democratic leaders for allowing this to happen. Congress and the President have another opportunity to get this right. Americans deserve good, affordable healthcare. Americans shouldn't be required to pay the insurance companies as a quid pro quo for those same companies who have filled the coffers of the Congress and the President


[075736:011810] G.Z., Cincinnati, OH
The antidote for what ailes democracy is more democracy, let the antiseptic of sunlight cleanse the politcal system..The only thing they have to fear is we the American people! Do the right thing.


[075140:011810] B.C., Vernon Hills, IL
While I realize the deplorable obstructionist actions of the GOP might lead to this sort of act, there is no excuse for stepping outside the judicial process to further political goals. Period. I thought Democrats were better than that. Or maybe I didn't and that's why I'm independent.


[171637:011710] d.d., Mendocino, CA
I demand public a option. I prefer single payer.


[171032:011710] D.E., Los Angeles, CA
I want the SAME healthcare and insurance you have. I'm just as human as you and as alive as you, and I should have the right to live as much as you do. There should be no inequality in our health care.

I'm tired of paying exorbitant amounts for my drugs, I'm tired of paying higher and higher costs for less care. I'm tired of getting screwed over by the insurance companies, the drug companies, and by you. For once, do the right thing and stand with the people who elected you, and give us the health care and health care costs we deserve.


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