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Put The Public Option Up For A Vote


[202056:123016] M.F., Seal Beach, CA
Medicare for all would solve many of the problems of the Health Care system, with huge savings in overhead costs compared to Obamacare or its other predecessors. Even if you just make Medicare available for a fee to those over 55, you would solve most of the problems of Obamacare.


[140749:113016] T.L., Newbury Park, CA
Put the Public Option Up for a Vote


[221051:121610] W.M., Santa Rosa, CA
I say let the people choose!!! It has become painfully obvious that our elected officials are not voting for the people that sent them to vote for them, from Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to Mitch McConnell and John Boehner. None of them get it! I think our legislators should formulate the bills quarterly and there should be a national election quarterly to approve or disapprove the bills. We want a Single Payer Healthcare Plan. We don't want to pay the taxes the wealthy and corporations have gotten out of paying which is creating our national debt. We want fair trade NOT free trade. We are not against immigrants, we are against unemployment, DON"T ship in workers when there are qualified Americans that want those jobs! Penalize corporations and any business that ship their jobs overseas. Get rid of subsidies to companies recording record profits! I could go on and on but that is what we elected our representatives to do.


[152240:120610] B.P., Santa Fe, NM
Healthcare is a basic human right. Discriminating on the basis of income is unconstiounable!


[065312:111610] K.H., Playa Del Rey, CA
I would like to know how many people are in favor of the public option, and by that I do not mean a poll by Fox News or a poll done by the monied interests.


[155731:110910] B.S., Eugene, OR
The public option, single payer, is the only solution to the health care mess. The statistics are clear. We need to join the countries doing better than us, or become a 3rd world country.


[035324:110910] N.M., Kirkville, NY
We need the Public Option


[035210:110910] R.M., Kirkville, NY
Please stop scamming us Americans and include The Public Option


[063828:110810] L.E., Iowa City, IA
The Democratic leadership dropped the public option -- Medicare for all -- and now will lose the weak health reform passed instead. Take a stand now before the newly elected opposition take office. Put the public option up for a public vote.


[062511:110810] K.K., Washougal, WA
Free Market Forces cannot positively influence Health Care Insurance rates or accessibility because the Company's profits are not linked to meeting the customer's objective. My objective in buying health insurance is to have all medically needed care I cannot afford paid for. Does the company make a profit meeting my objective? No, they make a profit by spending as little of my premium on my care as they are contractually obligated. Their profit is what is left over. As soon as the company is meeting my objective, paying for care above my premium value, I am an unprofitable, undesirable, losing account that should be dropped as soon as possible. This is the Free Market Profit Incentive working against me. This dynamic is so adversarial that For Profit Health Insurance for basic health care is illegal in most of the reat of the world.
The most efficient way to control Private Health Insurance Company pricing is through offering the chance to buy into Medicare for anyone who chooses. I would much rather have my premiums support other Americans than underwrite ridiculously lavish lifestyles of HI Executives. Allowing the Medicare buy in is truly American- those who want it can buy in, those that prefer the private system can stay there.
People complain about Canadian Health Care wait times. Canada spends 60% of what we do- put United States level funding into a Canadian type system and there would be no wait times.


[042459:110810] D.M., Salem, MA
Most Americans want and need a Public Option for Health Care. How can you be so cruel, as to either weakly create and support a sell-out of a health-care bill that is a bonanza for private insurance companies, or else be willing to deny health care for over 50 million people altogether? For God's sake- A Public Option vote is essential by the end of 2010. 19,000 Americans die every year because thay do not have access to preventive care. Please. Have mercy.


[180725:110710] M.M., Brandon, FL
we were hoping for the public option but we were just left holding the bag as usual corruption rules


[174820:110710] N.C., Seattle, WA
Please put the public option up for a least one more time! Thankyou.


[121621:110710] W.R., Ellsworth, ME
We need Medicare for all, and we need it now. Please represent the people of the United States of America and not the corporations thyat just bought this election with the blessing of the Supreme Court.


[102634:110710] A.B., Hillsboro, OR
In this Congressional interim---please put forth the public option--its the ONLY and MOST important part of ALL healthcare reform and it needs to be done NOW---NOT when the whackos take over the House!


[102404:110710] A.B., Hillsboro, OR
In this Congressional interim---please put forth the public option--its the ONLY and MOST important part of ALL healthcare reform and it needs to be done NOW---NOT when the whackos take over the House!


[095945:110710] M.J., Fremont, CA
Democratic members of Congress are under corporate orders (including direct from the White House and being cajoled) to take a dive.


[085924:110710] T.C., Arcata, CA
Medicare for all. Then improve Medicare. Anything else, anything less, is just a scam. And the American people are on to your scam.


[084025:110710] R.H., Brighton, CO
I'm about to declair myself an Independant if the Dems continue this Bulls--t of not doing what the pEOPLE want!


[063126:110710] b.d., Saint James City, FL
Put the public optional to avote by the public.This is the only fair way to do it.


[063027:110710] H.R., San Jose, CA
The Democrats failed to stand up for what they are SUPPOSED to care about. We don't have to stand for their weak positions. I am disappointed.The failure is a betrayal of the mandate from 2008


[052836:110710] S.T., Santa Fe, NM
I no longer know what to say to you people. You certainly don't represent me!


[015207:110710] s.w., Loves Park, IL
sharon wight


[234115:110610] L.H., Riverside, CA
Public Option or be content with further demise of a just and healthy America!


[233921:110610] p.B., Lavelle, PA

After all the money spent on getting yourselves reelected, it is time to give us what we really need. an early buy in to Medicare. It's the least you can do.


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