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Let People Under 65 Buy Into Medicare


[111710:030420] G.Z., Cornelius, NC
Please send this to President Trump! What happened to this! Private Insurer do not provide for a free market , they are taking advantage of everyone. Health care is not a free market , the participant can not choose to just not participate. 10-20% premium rates increases every year is not sustainable.


[161338:121416] D.D., Melrose, MA
I'm more worried then ever about my future Medicare coverage! I will be 65 in just 4 short years and if Ryan is determined to destroy Medicare this could be my only option!


[033552:032113] F.P., Miami, FL
Private Insurer do not provide for a free market , they are taking advantage of everyone. Health care is not a free market , the participant can not choose to just not participate. 10-20% premium rates increases every year is not sustainable.


[130347:103112] R.K., San Juan Capistrano, CA
Despite overwhelming evidence that man-made carbon dioxide pollution is radically changing our global climate, government appears to be determined to do just
the opposite, by accelerating the burning of fossil fuels.

We need a crash program of global reforestation, reversal of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere starting with elimination of ALL fossil fuel usage, and strong international cooperation to make this happen. To those who say we cannot afford to do these things, witness the cost of just one storm, 50 billion and counting. What's the cost of replacing the infrastructure of just a couple major coastal cities? What will another decade of NO change do to all of our coastlines?

Symbolic of the growing awareness bringing us to our knees, many covering Hurricane Sandy have one after another been relating this hurricane to global warming due to carbon emissions. We must find better ways.


[044938:010712] C.F., Fairfax, VA
To My Congressional Representatives:

The best idea is to lower the minimum age of qualifying for Medicare from 65 to 0 as stipulated in H.R. 676.

The proposition of allowing a taxpayer to choose Medicare for his primary health insurance is an excellent alternative. Congress should ask the Congressional Budget Office to conduct a cost-benefit analysis of such a proposal. I am sure that the report will be a favorable one in behalf of it. Congress should, also. ask the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to determine an appropriate premium to charge for someone to buy Medicare. I will be pleased to volunteer to assist you in your effort to assess its benefits and to promote its adoption.

Sincerely yours,

Charles Fleming
13306 Hollinger Avenue
Fairfax, Virginia 22033-1409


[060332:073111] P.D., Brooklyn, NY
This proposal makes economic and political sense. If more people purchase Medicare, then it will be possible to turn it into an entirely self-funding program.


[084726:042010] S.B., Walpole, MA
It is time for the Small Business Owners to be able to buy into this insurance. I am tired for paying for terrible insurance which I hear is going up in cost when it is approved. We need the options so that we are not crushed.


[075743:040410] A.R., Phoenix, AZ
My health insurance has risen in cost to me from less than $50 two years ago when I was still working, to over $500 a month now with another $100+ increase coming this year. I can no longer afford it.


[042836:040410] L.B., Hemphill, TX
I just turned 63 years old and my cobra insurance will end in May, 2010. I can't find affordable health insurance and would very much like to see Medicare for under 65 American Citizens.
Lester Brittain


[060820:040210] G.T., Agawam, MA


[042247:033110] d.n., Arvada, CO
This medicare public option would be the best way to reduce the the national debt. The portion of tax dollars which will be paid to subsidize the poor would all go toward healthcare and not any $ would have to go to the pimp (insurance companies). That could easily reduce the debt up to 30%.


[171456:032910] B.G., Saint Paul, MN
This is our last chance to allow every American the unalienable right to life, as stated in the Declaration of Independence and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Article 3, and the right to "a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including ... medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control" as stated in Article 25. Without a public option, many people through no fault of their own will still be uninsured, and will be denied health care under the current system, even with Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. No. 111-148


[103527:032910] M.F., Philadelphia, PA
Healthcare is a basic necessity - a human right - NOT a "commodity." Citizens deserve the same FREE quality healthcare taxpayers provide members of Congress.


[070907:032910] a.b., Belleville, IL


[050505:032910] V.L., Chicago, IL
Let us buy into Medicare! I'm 55 with no insurance, and poverty-level income. Help Now!


[110335:032810] T.B., Orange, TX
This would be a great option for health reform.


[193225:032710] M.F., Culleoka, TN
This option would allow We the People make the choice of buying government run or private run insurance. This is a no brainer.


[172044:032610] D.U., Austin, TX
We should provide that people younger than 65 be permitted the OPTION of buying into Medicare.

This is a simple, common sense idea. Instead of cutting Medicare, which is the most economical and efficient health care program in the country, why not bring more money into Medicare and strengthen it, by giving the American people the freedom to make THAT one of their choices in the new health care exchange? We have spent millions of dollars in setting up the Medicare network, yet only 12% of our population can currently use it.

The only real public option has always been and remains Medicare. And Medicare is treasured by virually everyone who has it...that's why many outraged citizens shouted "don't touch my Medicare!" when protesting the health insurance reform bill last summer.


[064053:032610] R.M., Lutz, FL
Fiscal responsiblity is again at the Helm and we citizens must join the correct path.


[110833:032310] L.M., Culver City, CA
This is a common sense approach that would help the American people and our businesses. Why should health insurance be tied to our jobs?


[142228:032210] M.M., Sandia Park, NM
Now that you've pass the health care reform bill, which is a huge government subsidy for the insurance corporations, take the next step and get the profiteers out of health care. Expand Medicare for all who want it.


[065704:032210] M.V., Troy, MI
We need this option, and it is a program that is already up and running, saving years of needless discussion and design.


[060948:032210] D.L., Longmont, CO
"Medicare for All" is the best solution. Let the Medicare solution be put in as a common sense "pay as you go" initiative. It does not need to be a Cadillac plan, just a safety net focused on prevention and customary care - a real choice for those in need.


[165350:032110] M.M., Erie, PA
Medicare for all!! I have great insurance but the cost is about to go threw the roof. Thanks to congress!! You passed your health care bill without the option even though the vote WERE in the Senate. You let us down, now make it right Medicare for all let me buy in!!!!!!!!


[113019:032110] A.D., Haledon, NJ
This is an effective way of sending a message to the private insurers, and, if you don't want it, you don't have to do it. Simple as that...


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