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Extend Only Middle Class Tax Cuts


[125025:071412] D.S., Auburn, WA

The President is mistating his tax policy by saying he wants to extend the tax cuts for those earning less than $250,000. To clarify his message: Extend the tax cut on the first $250,000 of TAXABLE income for everyone, including those who make more than $250,000.


[093514:110411] L.H., Forestville, CA
If our government representatives are really interested in creating a healthier nation rather then promoting policies catering to the power of the rich, than they will support ONLY extending middle class tax cuts. This will bring need revenue from taxes from the rich but also put more money into the hands of millions which will infuse all sectors of the economy.

This is called win-win solution. Will they do it? If not, why not?


[060807:041311] H.S., Sumner, WA
This middle class American would be willing to have tax cuts end for me if it also means they end for the wealthy. The federal budget deficit should not be reduced on the backs of the poor. If you want to reduce the deficit, reduce military spending and END THE BUSH TAX CUTS!


[185351:021411] J.H., Pottsville, PA
Extend Only Middle Class Tax Cuts
With the top 1% of the country now in possession of 30% of the wealth of our economy, and with the federal deficit completely out of control, it is time to let the misguided tax cuts for the wealthy expire.

In the first place, they did not work. We were told that they would stimulate the economy and create jobs. They did not. All the rich did was hoard more and more of their money.

Secondly, what really stimulates the economy is when people who are NOT rich have money to spend on the things they need. Yet the most heartless members of Congress propose balancing the budget on the backs of people who cannot make ends meet as it is.

Worse yet, the Republicans are threatening to shut down the business of Congress until their most greedy constituents, the only ones they represent at all, get to keep their reserved seat at the pig trough. And it is the road to utter economic collapse and disaster. The last time distribution of wealth was so unequal was just before the Great Depression, and we all know how that turned out.

So let the overgenerous tax cuts for the wealthy expire. Enough is more than enough.


[171251:011711] b.n., Garwood, NJ
I know that it is to late to express this sentiment in terms of the law, given what Congress did, but I still wanted to let you know my opinion. I do not agree with Congress' vote to extend the tax cuts for the rich.


[080038:122110] .M., Jamaica, NY
Extending tax credits for the middle claa makes sense, but extending them (more wealth for the wealthy!) would be nothig short of an outrageous insult to the millions who have lost and are still losing their jobs and their homes.


[152059:121810] C.K., Youngwood, PA
The poor and middle classes don't have the money to pay huge amounts of taxes but the rich seem to get breaks left and right.If we had jobs in America that might very well solve the problem of people going without jobs.


[125616:121710] C.S., Genesee, ID
I would like to say to Senator Kyl and all who think a dribble-down system will work, that there must be some really good intentions on the part of the 1% who hold 30% of the wealth for that to happen. Extending the Bush tax cuts to the wealthy while denying support to the unemployed is like saying to poorly fed children: "You can't have the milk you need beause I want T-bone steak. If our legislators think like that, they should be ashamed to look in a mirror to shave or put on their make-up. I notice that the suggested length of extension for the tax cuts is much greater than for the unemployment benifits. Get real folks. Put money in the hands of those who will spend it.


[073006:121710] R.W., Sioux City, IA
I respectfully hope that you, as Congressional representatives of mine, understand that extending these Bush tax cuts, with the deficit as high as it is, will only make the deficit higher. If you truly are interested in reducing the deficit, as you say you are, do not extend these tax cuts. The unemployed need their benefits, but not at the expense of the US debt. Please cast your vote for the sake of your country, not your political future. I look forward to your response.


[095123:121610] N.C., Kansas City, MO
I'm truly astounded at the self-deceptive rationales being put forth for extending tax cuts for the wealthy. It's been shown that the wealthy did not use these cuts to reinvest in our economy. These cuts did nothing to stimulate the economy. They are simply give aways. If our economy were good and millions weren't out of work, I would say ok. But to INCREASE OUR DEBT AND REDUCE OUR REVENUE IS LUDICROUS. We are fast becoming a 2nd rate country, full of self-indulgent idealogues who care more about their own personal beliefs than about the welfare of the country. I see more and more people around me losing their jobs, and then losing their homes. Some are headed for divorce court under the strain of it all. Tens of thousands of pet dogs and cats are dead because their owners lost jobs and homes, and took their pets to pounds that are already overcrowded ("owner relinquishments" are always killed first). The havoc wrecked on on lives is incalcuable. FURTHER FINANCIAL PROFLIGACY IS UNTENABLE. Please sustain the tax cuts on the middle class, but allow the tax cuts for the wealthy to to expire until such time as our financial house is again in order and we can afford to reduce tax rates for all.


[085047:121610] J.N., East Orleans, MA
The tax cut deal will run up the deficit tremendously and in the long run hurt the poor and middle class most importantly because the so-called "temporary" (but in reality likely to be permanent) cut in social security taxes it weakens social security, which is unfortunately the objective of "our" political leaders.


[140940:121510] J.P., Cottonwood, AZ
Are we voting ourselves a tax break at your constituents expense?


[133912:121510] E.B., Seattle, WA
The gulf between the rich and the poor is the greatest since 1929!


[104015:121510] R.M., Waterloo, IA
Prove to the majority that you still represent us. By extending ONLY the middle-class tax cuts, you are proving your allegiance to the PEOPLE of this United States, not the CORPORATIONS which are quickly DESTROYING the American Dream for MILLIONS of Americans every day. Do the right thing, don't let the "land of the free" become a Corporatocracy!


[102222:121510] N.V., Wernersville, PA
The rich don't need to get any richer. End tax cuts for the wealthy. Extend only Middle Class tax cuts.


[073359:121510] k.b., Arab, AL
It is time to end the rape and enslavement of the poor and the midlle class by the rich individuals,families,corporations and of course the elected officials who are in there employed. If the eledted and non elected officials or not in the employed and claim they are of the peasants let them prove by the following actions: take away corporations rights as citizens,audit the activities and income of the rich and of the companies, raise income tax on said to 90 percent,let the elected officials work for free and of course their staff,let both sign agreement to never work or recieved any compensation from the aforemention and above let the rich join the miltary to fight and to die for the nation,after all the rich have more to lose or do they perhaps the rich will gladly accept any form of government that will allow and even increase their power and wealth and exploation of the masses.


[062719:121510] M.D., Derby, KS
Please do NOT extend the tax cuts for the wealthy.
Tax cuts belong ONLY to the Americans living in America, working at American jobs on American soil and paying taxes.
The wealthy already have so many tax shelters, it's way past time they pay their fair share.


[061900:121510] L.W., Madison, WI
Please do NOT extend the tax cuts to the wealthy. The ONLY way America will survive is for the super wealthy to be taxed so that they are forced to create jobs to reduce their tax liability. In fact, their tax rates should be INCREASED, back to pre-Reagan days. Also close their tax loopholes so that the wealthy have to actually PAY taxes and NOT receive subsidies for taking American jobs overseas.

NO tax cuts at all are preferred to billions for the wealthy and pennies for the majority of tax PAYING Americans.

I would prefer that ALL tax c


[060803:121510] L.W., Cedar Creek, TX
Please do NOT extend the tax cuts to the wealthy, ONLY the poor and middle class. I would MUCH rather have NONE of the tax cuts extended than include the wealthy. My $10.57 savings won't help me or the country, but 4% of billions the wealthy have not been paying for the last 8 years WILL.

Do NOT extend the tax cuts to the wealthy.


[212639:121410] R.C., Pasadena, CA
Tax cuts for the middle class! No such thing for the top 1% - they already have more than enough and don't need a tax break to get by!


[122137:121410] S.S., Los Angeles, CA
This is about simple justice!


[081932:121410] C.S., Genesee, ID
When I took Economics to prepare for teaching, the dribble-down-system was known not to work . The faucet is too tight. It is beyond comprehension why 30 percent of the wealth is in 1 percent of the population, and yet conservatives want to bring down the debt on the backs of the very poor and the lower middle class income brackets, cutting everything from education to Social Security benifits. What does a parent of sick children or adult children with ailing parents suppose to do? I don't understand how those who tout maintainging holding the wealth in so few hands can get up of a morning, look in the mirror and shave or put their make up on. It doesn't coicide with a Christian view point or with a sustanable system.


[034925:121410] S.R., Ann Arbor, MI
One theory of taxation is based upon the ability to pay, this is what the rich have, by definition. More taxes on the backs of the middle class keeps squeezing it, creating a nation without this stabilizing middle...and a democracy without that probably won't last.


[183925:121310] A.W., Portland, OR


[142415:121310] B.W., Dayton, OH
I don't feel you are really working for US 90% of the american people!


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