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Reject Keystone XL


[042627:071013] J.K., Houston, TX
"But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself."
-- Rachel Carson


[075303:052413] M.L., Longmeadow, MA
This issue is a No Brainer, Mr. Obama!


[051737:051813] C.M., Trinidad, CA
Please do the math on this one. Keystone XL is many disasters waiting to happen. Prevent them.


[150102:050913] E.C., Watertown, MA


[120411:050613] B.E., Ann Arbor, MI
There are many ways to create jobs that do not require severe payment by this generation and all future generations. Please reject / veto Keystone.


[163111:043013] L.P., Portland, OR
I strongly urge you to disallow the Keystone lines to be built in the US. The days of petroleum-based energy are over! I have requested that our governor, John Kitzhaber require every additional penny, minute, brain cell, and all other contributions to be spent toward R and D of a new clean, renewable, environmentally safe energy source. This ridiculous, destructive, environmentally hazardous Keystone line is absolutely absurd! And will only further our need for and dependence on fossil fuel based energy!! Looking at ALL the damage fossil fuels have already done to our planet, I am appalled that the "clean" state of Oregon would be included in the list of contributors!

I look forward to reading in the news about the FERC rejecting ALL proposals and future construction of ANY Keystone type line in the US!

Thank you for your attention in this matter.


[142649:043013] M.E., Emeryville, CA
The State Department's latest sham environmental review of Keystone XL - actually written by contractors paid by the pipeline developer2,3 - ignores the prospect of guaranteed toxic spills and ignores the fact that Keystone XL will mean "game over for the climate" by lighting fuse to the carbon bomb of the Alberta tar sands.
Finally, much of this oil will not be for US consumption but will be exported for Canada's gain. We should not risk our natural resources on such a project.


[133759:043013] k.s., Plano, TX
Dear Mr. President, please reject the keystone pipeline as an unnecessarily dangerous project that only continues our reliance on highly polluting tar sands oils. Please send a message that the time of being allowed to destroy the parts of the Earth that sustain us for short term money, are over.


[192457:042913] C.N., Laguna Hills, CA
Our planet is already in jeopardy. For the sake of your children and ours, please do not allow this fracked oil to be shipped thru our country.


[144358:042913] S.H., Saegertown, PA
We need to protect our air, water, land, and wildlife. We also need to protect our health. Nothing is worth destroying any of these. Global warming needs to be addressed now. Please do not let this pipeline go through.


[013419:042913] V.B., Kansas City, MO
We must not continue to allow ever more destructive and expensive extraction of hydrocarbons. Do not approve the KXL pipeline.


[141956:042713] J.B., Seattle, WA
Clean renewable energy, NOW! No Keystone Pipeline.


[073735:042613] D.B., Warminster, PA
This oil is not only very difficult to obtain and very dirty, but it requires the expenditure of a great deal of energy just to extract it from the shale and exacerbates global warming.


[065028:042613] E.L., San Francisco, CA
President Obama, If you are truly serious about making progress on clean energy, then you will reject this pipeline which will transport the filthiest form of oil. If there was a spill, it would be nearly impossible to clean it up since this form of oil adheres and permeates everything it comes in contact with. It would be hypocritical of you to approve this disastrous pipeline. In the long run, it would be a huge mistake. Please have the courage to reject this filthy proposal which would do nothing to contribute to our energy or economic needs.


[053645:042613] G.L., Shreveport, LA


[042844:042613] P.T., Hammondsport, NY
No more dirty energy. It's time for clean renewable sources. Let the dinosaur juice junkies go cold turkey.


[200919:042413] J.A., Chaska, MN
What happened to renewable energy??? A lot of lip service is all we get!!!


[181545:042413] N.L., Wantagh, NY


[174947:042413] j.K., Houston, TX
"But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself."
-- Rachel Carson


[174406:042413] j.K., Houston, TX
"But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself."
-- Rachel Carson


[173821:042413] E.G., North Hollywood, CA
Now is the time for clean energy - we should be investing in new technologies and not the same old dirty oil. I pledge to actively campaign against anyone who votes for the XL pipeline. It is time to take a stand.


[145722:042413] E.D., Stillwater, MN
We have had record super storms, oil spills, pollution from companies that aren't responsible in their toxic waste and emissions. Climate change is a fact. OUr waters and air are in danger from existing pollution. Why would we want to add more? Money should be spent on clean energy, not some of the worst this planet has.


[102745:042413] K.S., Durham, NC
Do we want to chance a disaster for oil that will most likely be shipped out of the US from the "PORT" in the Gulf?


[100832:042413] G.A., Willimantic, CT
We should be running on algal bio-diesel NOT petroleum and we should pipe water for irrigation from Alaska NOT tar sands CRUD from Alberta.


[063441:042413] J.C., Hingham, MA
If approved it would be a disgrace


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