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Don't Spy on US


[025841:091913] R.P., Downingtown, PA
My right to privacy is mine not the Governments'


[081722:081613] R.T., Oklahoma City, OK
The real men who wrote the constitution had integrity. The current constituency needs to pay heed.


[052919:080713] J.R., Marquette, MI
i need my Constitutionally-guarantied privacy to be respected.


[120436:080513] D.R., Portland, OR
Let us not be the ones who go docilely into the dark night of evil by looking away. Democratic principles are not given, they are our responsibility to know, to uphold and maintain. When they are trampled, it is we who must speak out in a loud voice.........passivity is collusion.


[145704:080313] P.K., Flushing, NY
the government should be by the people for the people.


[084018:080313] J.P., Sonoma, CA
Dick Cheney needs to be arrested for treason and war crimes. Send Dick Cheney to the Hague for trials. Convict Dick Cheney.


[163407:080213] D.P., Palo Alto, CA
All of you, listen up. Catch up to the mood of the nation, and DON'T SPY ON US!! It is truly disheartening that the only reason to vote for you is that the alternative can only be worse. Be part of the solution, not an exacerbation of the problem.


[053248:080213] R.A., New York, NY
No freedom comes from spying on the citizenry. It can only result in crushing all political opposition.


[080704:073113] N.C., Clinton, MA
Americans and residents of America should still be given due process have their civil rights. Warrants should be obtained if a citizen needs to be investigated.


[060922:073113] P.H., Dayton, OH
I am glad someone STOOD UP for the American public!


[055819:073113] F.W., Minoa, NY


[040308:073113] T.H., Hamden, CT
We need to support whistle blowers! Without them we have little chance to know what is being done against us by those who are suppose to be on our side. People Like Snowden and Manning should be considered heroes for speaking up in the face of great risk for the good of all of us. While technically what they did may be illegal they exposed a much greater network of illegal and immoral actions being taken in our name against us! They did not cause these dark deeds they just exposed them to the light of day and now you want to hang them! Something is seriously our or whack with our government when so much energy, threats and fear are used to hide the wrong doing of our military, the government, and big business by prosecuting anyone who sheds light on the seriously dark deeds of our "leaders".


[220406:073013] M.S., Colorado Springs, CO
This must end now. I call BS on all the liars in D.C. who say this is Constitutional and necessary. NOT.


[210029:073013] L.P., Berkeley, CA
I am appalled that this country is no longer recognizable to me. The merchants of death profit from filling us with fear--when I was young it was communists hiding behind every bush. That has now morphed into a terrorist behind the bush. But sadly, I have no fear of them, only a fear of govt./corporate spying, a lock-down of information and severe punishment for those exposing the crimes of those "on high".


[161700:073013] C.D., Garden Grove, CA
Thank goodness for Eric Snowden.


[152448:073013] B.K., Schenectady, NY
Spying on Americans without their knowledge is definitely UN-AMERICAN!


[142511:073013] E.W., Mountain View, CA
The scope of this program is neither necessary nor appropriate for our country. I believe the desperate attempts to continue to cloak the program in secrecy indicate that those responsible for it understand that it would not pass muster if exposed to the light of day. This is one slippery slope that we need to claw our way back up immediately!


[110633:073013] J.W., Brunswick, GA


[103308:073013] J.B., Alexandria, VA
As Lord Acton said absolute power corrupts absolutely.


[103120:073013] K.C., Vail, AZ
Is our government at "war" with its citizens??


[094853:073013] L.T., Greensboro, NC
This country has never until now looked so much like the Soviet States of America.
We are not an Eastern Block country. We are a Republic. Please let us act like one.
YOU need to adjust your actions to reflect this Republic.


[085756:073013] S.M., Newark, DE
SD Murray


[083208:073013] A.M., Atwater, OH
It is long overdue to repeal the patently UNpatriotic Patriate Act. It is time to recognize our brave citizens who risk all to inform the public of the un-acceptable excesses in government power. Preserve what little privacy we have left!!


[082638:073013] J.J., Overland Park, KS
I am registering Republican this year and will remember who did not protect me from Fascist spying. I hope there are lots of primaries.


[082202:073013] n.m., Salisbury, MA
It is really getting very bad all over the 50 states.
Too much corruption and NO MIDDLE CLASS left ,to help make some political noise. I Just read the new book "The Town" by Lelbovist. This Book is full of information regarding how the Right has been planning this gap in income, since the JBJ administration.!
We the People are very aware of the plans of the elite, wealthy, corporations and banks that are running this country. We will come after you for your greedy deeds. Our Freedom of Rights will come back to haunt you in the future. !!
The OCCUPY MOVEMENT and other organized grassroots movements, will open the eyes of all citizens, and this new knowledge will be the Equalizer, in the next few years. GOOD BYE 1 %.!!

Snowden and Bradley Manning are just the beginning of the Whistleblowers/ HEROS . There are many more brave men out there, willing to risk there freedoms, to help US citizens turn the tables on the 1 %.


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