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Remember What Happened The Last Time We Attacked Another Country Without UN Inspector Support?


[062444:091513] E.K., Kelseyville, CA
This continues to be a fight over oil and resources and human beings are paying the price.


[115003:091113] L.R., Columbus, OH
I am seventy and I found my foodcard slashed...
-and many other people have been as unfortunate.
You can restore a LOT of slashed foodcards for the price of a war-any war-including a war upon people in Syria who are suffering much more than anybody should suffer.

We should do them no further harm.
Nor slash foodcards here...there is absolutely no need to do that...if we can really afford to start another war.


[094501:091113] S.C., Aitkin, MN
We need to stay out of this posturing! I like President Obama but I don't think he needs to act macho over this international issue!
Please keep us out of another military action that we do not need to be sending our best and brightest to fight!


[151656:091013] J.W., Camden Wyoming, DE
We don't need another war with more dead Americans. No retaliation against Syria ! We were not attacked !


[064940:091013] D.C., Englewood, CO
Not worth military actions. There are other options


[033342:091013] S.L., Philadelphia, PA
Use this money to fix the myriad problems we have at home!


[143658:090913] M.T., Rand, CO
War has gone on too long, killed too many, destroyed too much, broken too many hearts. What benefits have resulted from a ten year period of an ill-begotten conflict? NONE! Why repeat it?


[064705:090913] E.W., Melbourne, FL
Napoleon said something like "If your enemies are killing EACH OTHER, let them." The Syrian situation reeks of IRAQ to me. We don't really know who these rebels are and they are reportedly Al Queda affiliated.!

The chemical deaths of the Syrian people is tragic. But before we go running off to pour millions of dollars a day helping yet another country-

How about a look at the people of the USA who are unemployed, starving, homeless? How about our wounded warriors and thousands of veterans we do not support?The way we treat our Veterans is shameful.Our president was elected on promises to end wars, not start them. Regretfully, I believed him.

How about coming to the aid of the people in New York, New Jersey and Long Island who still suffer post Sandy without power, livable homes, potable water and home repairs?
How about consideration of improving services for our mentally ill and disabled citizens in our own nation?
How about coming to the aid of victims of forest and wild fires raging in the west? What about helping victims of tornadoes and flooding in the mid west?

How about rescuing our own NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE, our bridges, highways and water and sewer lines which are failing?How about improving our national transportation services, on land, rail and air?

How about the needs of our children and steady deterioration of public schools in the good old USA?

How about our taxation without representation?How about Congress and Senators holding hands with lobbyists?

HELL NO WE SHOULD NOT GO!! But somehow I doubt that the President and our government really care. The Military Industrialists want to make money on the backs and by the blood of our young people and our nation.

We already have diminished hope and opportunities.
I fear for the immediate and long term future of this country. We are in trouble. Serious trouble.


Eugenia Walsh


[034251:090913] N.G., White Plains, NY
The American people have enough to worry about at home. We need jobs that pay well. Bigotry has been showing up again. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. How is meddling in another country's civil war going to help? Gassing people is horrid, but what's the difference if gas or bombs are used. How is it helping the victims of gas attacks if we start a war that may kill billions?? STAY OUT OF THE MIDDLE EAST!


[031724:090913] J.R., Miami, FL
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!


[185614:090813] P.S., Gainesville, FL
How can we even think of attacking Syria for what they do within their own country ? The Congress wants to take away PBS, Food Stamps and expect Seniors to pay more for Medical care all because we have a large debt nuit we will spend Billions to bomb Syria. If we have enough money for bombing Syria, then lets use it for our own citizens to make life a little better here.


[162141:090813] K.H., Rowlett, TX
Dear Fellow Citizens,
I would like to encourage you to speak out against the rush to war being discussed in Congress as well as on the streets. We do not need the added expenses or world wide attention that bombing Syria will bring to us. We are not the world's moral compass nor are we the world's policeman. Please speak out and say no to President Obama's plan to attack Syria. This is not in the best interest of the United States of America.


[135106:090813] M.G., Cascadia, OR
Why is it we have to be the cops?


[121630:090813] J.B., Mariposa, CA
Please don't add to the number of deaths in Syria!


[105413:090813] R.O., Hohenwald, TN
Don't do this. Bring our troops home instead. We have had enough of these wars for the benefit of defense contractors.


[104130:090813] N.K., Bend, OR
Peace is not accomplished by more violence. What in Gods name will the powers that be, realize that.


[100028:090813] B.S., Fort Lauderdale, FL
We can help the Syrian people more with diplomacy and humanitarian aid.


[085829:090813] p.b., Kirkland, WA
We all want to stop the Syrian people from being attacked by their own government. But this does not mean that we should be going in and bombing Syria. This act alone will cause many more casualties, and destruction of infrastructure. What happens when we decide we don't like who the rebels pick as a leader, will we pick it for them, and they become casualties? We have not proven ourselves capable of choosing leaders for other countries, and that is to the detriment of our reputation, and a tremendous cost to democracy in America as well as monetary cost.


[075204:090813] L.C., Lake Forest, CA
We must not repeat the mistake we made with Iraq. PLEASE wait for the results of an independent investigation and follow the processes established by the global community. PLEASE handle this situation the right way. The US is not the world's "enforcer."


[072637:090813] D.H., Lakeside, AZ
We must not repeat the mistake we made with Iraq. Wait for the results of an independent investigate. Follow the processes established by the global community, and do this the right way. The US is not the world's "enforcer".


[064034:090813] M.S., Denver, CO
Random military strikes do nothing to help the victims and refugees of this conflict. Please work to find a peaceful solution.


[063530:090813] D.H., Lakeside, AZ
We must not repeat the mistake we made with Iraq. Wait for the results of an independent investigate. Follow the processes established by the global community, and do this the right way. The US is not the world's "enforcer".


[033940:090813] C.L., Cleveland, OH


[013507:090813] P.S., Indianapolis, IN
I am not against stepping in to stop wrongdoing. It's just that we don't know how to do it. We have the terrible sorrow and guilt, to say nothing of the hatred, that come from our actions in Iraq. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.


[202206:090713] T.G., Hillsboro, OR
When are people going to learn from history? 1) War does not solve problems - it creates them. 2) Remember the debt ceiling problem? For those of us who paid income taxes last year, about 26% went to military expenses. 3% went to education. Imagine what our society would look like if we those two categories switched places, in terms of percentage of spending. 3) The middle east must solve it's own problems. Intervention by the west has never produced good results. 4) We must work together with the majority of nations to finds alternative solutions to death and destruction at the hands of the military. We must stop being the police of the world and, instead, invest, re-build and nurture our own society, its infrastructure, and institutions.


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