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Support The International Criminal Court


[142416:092513] Y.H., Sebastopol, CA
The US already has signed many so-called Bilateral International Treaties which obligate US investors to have ultimate recourse to the International Court of Justice in the event they wish to have such Court review, amend or void decisions rendered by arbitration of disputes between US investors and foreign States or agencies thereof. These treaties have generally been designed to protect foreign investors from the jurisdiction of local courts and typically grant, as an element of mutuality, to foreign investors the same rights regarding decisions rendered against them by US courts in connection with contracts between them in decisions rendered by such courts. The argument that such decisions are constitutionally immune from the jurisdiction of foreign courts has already been rejected. Admittedly, the number of cases involving the extension of appellate jurisdiction over decisions rendered by US courts are few, whereas claims seeking immunity from local foreign courts are many.


[141727:092413] T.T., Indianapolis, IN
How about standing on the right side of history for a change Republicans?


[191030:091913] p.s., San Francisco, CA
I want you all, my elected officials, to sign on and ratify the International Criminal Court.


[071144:091913] T.E., Brush Prairie, WA
This nation seems to be so quick to condemn others, while stand hypocritically on on moral high ground, it has no right to claim. How can we in good conscious, initiate a war against innocents and children, when we has not yet even been fully in compliance with international law ourselves. The nation with the most illegal weapons, be they nuclear, chemical, or biological is the United States. Be for we can presume to get the mite out someone else's eye,we should first clean the log out of our own.


[094750:091813] S.M., Olympia, WA
The United States cannot and should not act as the world's police man. Instead we should work with other countries and establish an international venue for addressing crimes against humanity. Maybe we would scale back on our own atrocities (drone strikes that kill innocent civilians is just one example) if we understood that we could be held accountable for our actions.


[062918:091813] P.D., Rapid City, SD
It is time that America joins the International Criminal Court to prevent the international crimes that has sadly become the norm of the executive branch and our military! No more Iran-Contra like ops, or torture or lying us into war!!!!!!


[110758:091613] C.L., Seattle, WA
Our citizens have with our varied enforcement and judicial systems, giving us a whole series of options when responding to others. If we could participate in a world judicial system, there would be more choices for each country. Even if we don't always get our own way.


[175650:091513] R.H., Mason, MI
Our support for a world under the rule of law must not end with the UN Charter. When crimes against humanity are committed, the most legitimate prosecution we can make is through the International Criminal Court. If Americans are criminals, bringing them to justice is more important than protecting them in the name of "national sovereignty"!


[135443:091513] F.S., Saint Paul, MN
It is long past time for the U.S. to sign and ratify the International Criminal Court.


[070408:091513] M.J., Montgomery Village, MD
How can we presume to use The International Criminal Court (as we have) to hold nationals of other countries responsible for their crimes while refuse the Court the opportunity to consider the guilt of our own?


[002805:091513] M.G., Glen Mills, PA
With regards to the provocations in Syria, it is self evident that we cannot take international law into our own hands. That would itself be an international crime on its face by definition.

Instead we need to do exactly the opposite, and immediately move to sign on to and ratify the International Criminal Court. The fact that we have never done so, while some continue to assert our sole moral authority to dictate international norms, is a national embarrassment, not lost on the rest of the world.

Who are the wise and brave members of Congress who will now bring forward a bill for us to join the International Criminal Court as a full and dutifully supporting member?

Only a robust and fully empowered International Criminal Court can bring those who use chemical weapons to true justice, without starting yet another senseless and counterproductive war.

Support the International Criminal Court now.


[001039:091513] N.F., Brunswick, ME
We are not God, we have no business telling other countries what they can do to be just like us. We are certainly not perfect at all, who decided we can be judge, jury and executioner of the world.


[190513:091413] P.R., Saint Cloud, MN
This is a very important step that we should embrace. I do so because we need a deterrent to these crimes against humanity.


[185403:091413] T.F., Kenosha, WI
I believe that an international law enforcement-based approach would be far more effective in bringing war criminals to justice, than unilateral US military action. This way we eliminate the possibility of causing additional casualties, while relieving our country of the sole responsibility of taking international intervention when crises arise.


[154204:091413] L.H., Minneapolis, MN
We must sign on to the International Criminal Court, otherwise we are sorely lacking in credibility with the other nations who have signed.


[152550:091413] A.E., Encinitas, CA
As Americans, our fundamental belief, since the Magna Carta is that no person should be above the law. In the community of nations, America stands out as the dictator, the bully, the enforcer, disregarding legal norms and violating the fundamental tenets of international law. It is hypocritical to an extreme and undermines our moral authority. I am ashamed to be an American.

Let's turn this around. Please move forward with all speed to take the steps necessary for the U.S. to become a full member of the International Criminal Court of Justice, adopting all the responsibilities and duties thereof. Let us lead by moral example rather than military might.


[172611:091313] L.B., Kendallville, IN
It seems to me that the International Criminal Court would be a welcome and very useful tool when the WORLD COMMUNITY is dealing with problems like the use of chemical weapons that is happening in Syria. Why has the United States not signed on and moved to ratify the ICC? I believe we should do so immediately. What HAS BEEN AND STILL IS happening in Syria is a terrible crisis, and is a problem for the WORLD COMMUNITY-NOT JUST THE UNITED STATES. We need to JOIN the ICC- NOW. Thank you.


[155923:091313] Y.H., Sebastopol, CA
The United States has always shrunk from the proposition that it should recognise the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over citizens and residents of the United States of America. no matter what the crime alleged to have been committed may be. For a Great Power such as the United States, this refusal offers the most cogent example for other Nations likewise to decline to submit to the jurisdiction of the ICC and calls into question the good faith of the United States in honoring the commitment the People of the United States make every time citizens and residents of the United States invoke the words of the Constitution of the United States as ground for establishing Justice and securing the blessing of Liberty for themselves. By placing itself beyond the pale of the ICC, the US places in doubt the legitimacy it claims seeking justice against the perpetrators of some of the most horrible crimes ever known to mankind worldwide. Occasionally, claims ares also made that the decisions of courts foreign to the United States are all too often subject to undue political influence but apparently no account is taken of the influence of political interests in the selection, nomination and approval of judges to the US Supreme Court and, arguably, the outcome of cases presented to such Court for adjudication.


[111523:091313] D.C., Saint Paris, OH
An International Criminal Court is a good idea.However,I'm against the USA taking any military action against Syria without the support of our allies.


[103251:091313] T.W., Fayetteville, NY
It is time the U.S. assumed its responsibilities by accepting the International Criminal Court.


[102335:091313] L.C., Flagstaff, AZ
This is a worthwhile endeavor especially exemplified by the situation we are confronted with today in Syria and others we may face in the future.


[101605:091313] L.H., Manchester, MI
Just why the hell is the USA not a signatory to the International Criminal Court. Here is a country that constantly professes to be a beacon for liberty and JUSTCE ( as well as ENGAGING IN ENDLESS "POLICING ACTIONS", but the US Government will not recognize International Court Justice. Just doesn't pass the smell test!


[073140:091313] B.C., Dolgeville, NY
Assad is a war criminal who should be brought to justice for committing atrocious crimes against his own people. We should stay OUT OF IT! Have we not done enough damage in the middle east? Shooting missals in to Syria will only make things worse! War to stop war is NEVER the answer.


[013505:091313] S.W., Saint Petersburg, FL
We vote you all in to do the will of the people, for once listen to us. Stay out, work on our safety from our soil using the technology that we have here. We have lost enough people.


[195106:091213] D.D., Spanaway, WA
The ONLY credible solution with regard to the International Court System is for the United States to transport the signatories of the P.N.A.C. documents to the Hague for investigation of War Crimes. Followed by transport to Spain for prosecution of War Crimes (declared by Spanish Supreme Court indictment). Without these measures taken the United States has NO business attempting to prosecute anyone anywhere until we wash the blood from our hands!


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