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Stop The Planet Killing Keystone XL Pipeline


[203617:031814] C.S., Madison, WI
Please continue to respect our planet and oppose the Keystone
XL Pipeline, as my children and grandchildren and yours, deserve a healthy planet and a healthy future on it.


[195510:031314] J.W., Arcadia, OK
The pipelines need to go away. What we do need is actual refineries in the northern border states to process this oil. We are already subject to price fluctuation of gas, due to refinery shut downs/maintenance because of too few refineries.

Another hurricane like Katrina or Ike in the wrong location could be devastating to the gasoline supplies of the nation because we do not have enough diversity in refinery locations.

Just build new refineries in the northern border states and stop the idiocy of the pipelines.


[223029:031014] C.S., Madison, WI
The preservation of the environment must come before profits taken from our lands.


[194950:030814] P.K., Havre, MT
We must not allow this for the present and all future generations.


[124113:030714] P.G., Charlottesville, VA
The true thrust of this effort to push forward with the Keystone XL is nothing more than a blatant scam to line the pockets of big oil and big business, and actually ignores the incredible danger that lies ahead.


[113647:030714] a.w., Elk River, MN
without the Earth, we are nothing-those with the power to make this decision should know better by now


[194714:030314] Y.T., Louisburg, NC
Please stop this pipeline from devastating the environment of our country. We must place our world, our water, our health, and our children's future before oil company profits!


[113050:022014] S.F., Fayette, MO
Keystone is not a viable solution to the planet's energy needs. It will cause more harm than benefit. Please reject this damaging plan.


[180024:021914] T.M., Venice, CA
Is the fix in ? Are the bribes too deep to stop this dangerous and polluting XL pipeline. Big money wins again against the wishes of the people, and against rational scientific evidence of the destructivness of oil sands and this pipeline ?
Oil madness polluting America. States giving citizens rights away. A government that is controlled by corporations. Sad reality now.


[103337:021814] J.N., San Diego, CA
SHAM employment ploy by republicans!
No more DIRTY energy projects!


[084120:021814] F.W., League City, TX
I do not see anything in this for our country. It will be piped to the Gulf Coast, then other countries will buy it. The pipes could leak and ruin the environment. We do not need it.


[170051:021714] H.G., Bellingham, WA
KXL in not in our national interest and we should not subject ourselves to the environmental damage it will cause and the risk it will impose on the US population.


[160055:021714] J.M., Sylva, NC
There are times when compromise is appropriate and necessary. This is not one of them. There is no excuse for any politician who has proclaimed the importance of protecting the earth from climate change to also support the Keystone pipeline. Muster up some courage and do the right thing!


[140937:021714] M.B., Fort Worth, TX
Stop the Insanity!!!!


[235400:021614] M.J., Portland, OR
Let me see if I have this right. To get to the tar sands the boreal forest has to be clearcut. To get the sand-bitumen out, the land must be strip mined. To get the tar out of the sands, it must be heated. To provide fuel for that heating process, natural gas must be obtained by fracking and polluting ground water reservoirs. To get the bitumen-sand botchery to a refining site, pipe lines or rail cars must be used. To get refined gasoline or diesel to market, oil freighters must be filled. The waste left over from refining will pollute the gulf coast forever. How much better it would be just to get natural gas from fracking (a bad idea in itself) but at least the process could provide heat for homes, schools and industry and not drive up the price of heating by wasting the gas to heat sand.


[174647:021614] C.M., Littleton, CO
No money is worth the destruction that tar sands, by their definition, WILL SAND through the pipes and destroy the wildlife and people's lives in those areas. There are countless deaths in those areas, and it's NOT worth it!!! I'd rather have trains come through, but let's just create alternatives anyway. You have to be firm here, it's our ONLY solution!!!


[192244:021514] B.H., Scottsdale, AZ
Please take into consdieration not only the environmental impact that will be caused by the pipeline but that the output of the pipeline will not be used by US citizens. The output is for export-not for US consumption. thank you


[190739:021214] J.M., Saint Louis, MO
This is the point in time when we choose the environment over business, especially somebody else's business. There is no way this pipeline can ultimately be in the national interest much less a benefit for all the people along its way. The jobs don't justify it. The risks over the long haul are horrible from spills but more importantly the cost of releasing all the CO2 into the atmosphere from the oil extracted, whether it is piped or not. Helping convince all parties that tar sands should remain where they are is paramount. Ensuring no pipeline is built is the first step to doing this.


[124244:021214] c.n., Bloomfield, NJ
The XL Keystone Pipeline will only add 35 new full time jobs to the economy while it endangers all of the areas that it is installed in. I say NO to the hyper polluted shale oil!


[054542:021214] A.T., Snow Camp, NC
Please put our environment ahead of profits.


[204747:021114] D.E., Broomfield, CO
Reject the Keystone XL Pipeline. Our country can do better.


[120629:021114] J.P., Goleta, CA
Currently, we reside on the only planet that is habitable. Please do not sacrifice our environment to satisfy the greed of the moneyed interests.


[120209:021114] E.P., Birmingham, AL
The Keystone XL pipeline is undoubtedly about the oil industry reaching higher prices in overseas markets. That's right, overseas markets, which is where the majority of this processed oil will end up. This dirty energy project is all risk and no reward for the American children. Where the environment is compromised, our children will suffer, as common sense exposes that this will be the outcome of this pipeline. There is so much possibility of compromising the future for the oil we get today, instead of working with nature and encouraging the future for children with evolved, innovative ideas. Please get real clear with your vision of light and renewable technology for America, rather than perpetuating conflicts in the name of oil, I mean terrorism.


[101746:021114] P.F., Clearlake, CA
How dare you insult we the people with your phony big oil corporate backed findings on the effects of climate change. You turn your backs on Real science over and over to serve your corporate masters at the expense of we the people and our planet. We want GREEN energy not 16th. century poison. You know this is only for Koch brother profits. You know these guys are murderers and criminals and you still suck their cocks. Congress has become corrupt organized crime and the people of america know it. You could do the right thing but you will not because you only care about money. You are sick with greed and you will destroy our planet and kill us all for money. You are so out of touch and belong in prison. We are sick of corporate control of our planet and we are sick of liars crooks thieves and murderers in congress. We want our democracy back. We want our rights back. We want congress to LISTEN to we the people and corporations ARE NOT PEOPLE! Reverse the corrupt supreme court know you have the power to do so but you will not because you are corrupt.The people hate you because you are corrupt.


[083512:021114] L.J., Los Gatos, CA
Protect this wonderful, beautiful planet and you protect life on it.


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