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Put SB1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, On The November Ballot


[172920:061114] C.P., Martinez, CA
Senate Bill 1272 would is an important step toward democracy. The California Assembly and Governor Brown must stand up for democracy!!


[151609:061014] H.S., Walnut Creek, CA
There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that equates entities created by the state with human beings, "created equal and with certain inalienable rights." If you are an originalist or a liberal, it is all the same. Not only was the USSC wrong in Citizens United and its progeny, but it was wrong in the series of decisions giving corporations "personhood".


[080311:060714] L.K., Oakland, CA
The forefathers of this country warned us that this could happen. Control of the few of the economy is not moral, ethical or fair.


[071921:060414] D.S., San Francisco, CA
We can not get a true representation with people who do not know how to survive without a lot of money. We want representatives from all economic sectors, as well as people who have grown up with money and know how to handle financial supporters. But just buying candidates seems cheap and there should be a ceiling on how much somebody can contribute.


[144813:060214] a.k., San Ysidro, CA
The constitution is very clear - person. A person is a natural-born person, not a corporation. The supreme court clearly violated the constitution, and this needs to be corrected by we, the people.


[012357:060214] G.A., Beverly Hills, CA
Corporations are not people.


[232943:060114] D.B., Valley Springs, CA
Is it really that difficult to understand right from wrong in this matter? Citizens need to make this decision. Make it happen!


[101857:060114] R.M., Santa Maria, CA
The continuing trend towards ever more control by corporations and the marginalization of the will of the people - who are the reason this country exists, by the way - is insidious and more of a threat to this republic than anything else that has come before or since its founding. Unless the power of corporations and unlimited money in politics is eliminated, this country will lose all the progress it has made in the last 230 years. Enough is enough. The people deserve better and should demand better. More money equals more corruption and greater potential for disaster. The Supreme Court was wrong in it's decision to uphold Citizen's United and along with Lewis Powell's 1971 memo is a disgrace and an embarrassment to what our country was meant to be.


[173824:053114] l.m., Phelan, CA
Please don't sell our country to the highest bidder.


[032727:053114] D.M., Los Angeles, CA
Please PASS SB1272 Now: We need to turn over and out Citizens United!


[201010:053014] M.H., Hermosa Beach, CA
The rest of the world is learning that we don't believe what we claim. Money/corporations are not people and it's ludicrous to claim otherwise. This Supreme Court blunder will also completely destroy "rule of the people," leaving only the few wealthiest in charge. This is not tolerable.


[164138:053014] C.J., Santa Rosa, CA
Corporations are NOT people
Money is not Speech


[125118:053014] R.B., San Bernardino, CA
Citizens United is undermining US democracy.


[221450:052914] A.w., Albion, CA
No more big money special interests during elections !


[213003:052914] M.K., Seal Beach, CA
Citizens United is anti-American.


[201019:052914] K.C., San Diego, CA
Dear Representative, I ask you to cast your vote to allow SB1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, on the November ballot. Give Democracy a chance.


[130403:052914] R.G., Saratoga, CA
The double agents on the Supreme Court bench are not working for the good of America. Who are they working for, really?


[114931:052914] S.J., La Mesa, CA
The San Diego paper, the "UT" supports Citizens United and all other criminal organizations designed to destroy the middle class an turn America into a kings and paupers society.


[114924:052914] J.B., Apple Valley, CA
Thank you for supporting our efforts.


[101413:052914] K.Z., Redlands, CA
I want to be proud of living in a country where democracy is authentic, where EACH person has an equal measure of their voice, and where our elected officials are not bought and paid for by big corporations/big money.
Therefore, as a representative of 'my voice', and the voices of many others, please support putting SB1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, on the November ballot.
Thank you.


[081824:052914] I.N., Pasadena, CA
Corporations are NOT people. This is a malicious corruption of our democracy in order to allow a few to dominant the entire society.


[070721:052914] D.d., Mendocino, CA
Citizens United makes a mockery of democracy. Shame on the Supreme Court!


[043254:052914] j.w., Albany, CA
Sirs: I urge you to pass SB1272, to overturn Citizins United. It prevents Americans,like me, to influence my government,bcause I don't have the same money as large corporatioins or wealthy persons do.


[000114:052914] S.F., Woodland Hills, CA
Corporations are not people, it's time to end such nonsense now, overturn Citizens United ASAP. Put SB1272 on the November ballot, join progressive thinkers, and allow Thomas Jefferson to rest in peace. Thank you for myself and generations to come.


[233218:052814] L.L., Sacramento, CA
People know they have been hoodwinked by this Supreme Court decision and are determined to overturn it. Are you supporting the wishes of your constituents? Then this would be the fair way to let people choose the kind of government they want.


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