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Schedule A Prompt Hearing For SB1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act


[143115:061414] E.O., San Anselmo, CA
I feel strongly about this issue. Our elections are being taken over by big money.


[095440:061414] D.H., Alhambra, CA
We, the people... NOT We, the Corporations! Let the peoples' voices be hears for what we want as individuals! Stop letting big money influence our lives from the shadows!


[074710:061414] I.B., San Diego, CA
Recall this, " government of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Unless we get the money out of politics, our country will collapse. So Sez Me, a citizen of these United States of America. Wake the heck up people!


[170915:061314] M.B., San Diego, CA
Eleminate corporations from the ranks of living breathing human beings in the election process. Allow my vote to count. Move SB1272 forward.


[163829:061314] S.S., Marina, CA
Corporations aren't people...Money isn't communication...Get with this folks before we lose it all!


[135154:061314] j.i., Sacramento, CA
We MUST get the big money out of politics, if we are to preserve a real, functioning democracy.


[105236:061314] F.C., Santa Barbara, CA
This could be the tipping point towards getting our democracy back.


[061454:061114] b.O., San Rafael, CA
Corporations are a profit making organization. Money is not free speech. This is unjust.


[073450:061014] C.F., Hawthorne, CA


[174631:060914] C.R., Redwood City, CA
I'm a disabled veteran that fought in Vietnam, I did not fight so only the rich have influence in Congress and have more constitutional rights than living person. I want a constitutional amendment restores living people constitutional rights above Corporations constitutional rights.


[170908:060914] B.G., Culver City, CA
Unless the "Citizens United" ruling is overturned, our democracy will continue to deteriorate and become more like a third world country, where the rich are fine and the poor get even more poor!


[170815:060914] W.R., Cottonwood, CA
Money is now the most important factor in elections. We've allowed our electoral process to be corrupted so that issues, popular opinion, and even fundraising from ordinary people (that is, all but the all-powerful 1% of the 1%) are much less important than the whims of the handful of biggest donors. That's NOT democracy and it's not the country or the California I want to see.


[162545:060914] R.C., Pasadena, CA
You must do the will of the People by keeping the June 10 hearing for SB1272! Doing otherwise will tell me that there is a deliberate attempt to keep SB1272 from passing.


[162030:060914] F.C., Los Angeles, CA
Keep the June 10 hearing. If you are doing the will of the people, you must keep the June 10 hearing for SB1272!


[131734:060914] d.h., Lake Elsinore, CA
ENOUGH of the best politics money can buy. ENOUGH of the pay to play politics in this country. Let's really have a Democracy KKwhere everyone has a chance on a level playing field.


[124935:060914] G.D., Granada Hills, CA
We need to overturn Citizen's United and take unlimited money out of politics.


[204300:060814] D.D., Santa Barbara, CA
Corporations should not have the ability to give money to political candidates.


[153111:060814] h.b., Capitola, CA

Do the right thing and start the hearings June 10. Remember, you work for us - the people, so get moving!!!!


[191420:060714] K.W., Sunnyvale, CA
I have voted for you and am a supporter. This very urgent issue is time sensitive and needs your attention and processing right now.


[181347:060714] P.H., Moreno Valley, CA
It is essential that the Citizens United decision be overturned IF we are to continue to have a truly democratic republic in this country or if we will have a government controlled by the One Per Cent super wealthy and the corporations.


[151858:060714] B.S., Sunnyvale, CA
Restore government of the people, by the people and for the people.


[090614:060714] S.B., Martinez, CA
A recent study has concluded that we already are an oligarchy, as of 2002 I believe. This is the single greatest issue facing the people. Please help.


[085846:060714] R.B., Newbury Park, CA
Even the playing field. Make humans better than corporate entities. Make Everyman equal in his speech and its effectiveness. Don't listen to the shouts of dollars over the needs of you constituents.


[211226:060614] R.B., Simi Valley, CA
It won't be long before a Saudi oil cartel supports a radical Islamist for US public office with unlimited funding. Think this can't happen? Think again. It is not a matter of 'if', it's a matter of 'when and where'. Before we realize our horrible mistake, radical candidates will spread like a disease throughout our nation...unless we overturn the crazy SCOTUS 'citizen's united' decision.


[175608:060614] C.K., Pacific Grove, CA
The issue is clear and simple - government by the people or government by the wealthy. Please do the right thing.


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