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Cosponsor A Parallel Joint Resolution To S.J.Res.19, To Amend The Constitution To Overturn Citizens United


[124455:101514] M.B., Florissant, MO
We, the people, one vote each should determine election outcomes--not it, the money, currently employeded by the few who are the most affluent!


[122848:081314] B.D., Watsonville, CA
Please support restoring our government to a government that is for the people and by the people. .Do not let our democracy continue to free fall into ruins. Be brave and represent the people


[145904:081014] W.M., Tetonia, ID
If money WERE "speech, every person in jail for bribery should sue for violation of their First Amendment right to "Freedom of Speech".
If corporations WERE "People", they would bleed, die and go to prison when they break laws, THEY DO NOT!


[055449:081014] J.J., Baltimore, MD
I recently received a letter from you indicating that I opposed S.J.Res.19. That is not correct I am in favor of a parallel joint resolution. to amend the constitution to overturn citizens united.


[121846:080814] D.S., San Francisco, CA
Money could be used for more important things like restoring the environment. If a cap is made on election spending, that money could go for more important things. That way we won't have to get so desperate for jobs and money that we do anything just to get a job, even if the job hurts people (such as the excessive prisoning of persons, and the countless ways our jobs harm the environment). Putting money into our leaders is one thing. Giving each person dignity and happiness, knowing their families will be nourished and provided with health care. Choosing our candidates should not be made by the richest persons in the world, because then all the advertisements we see are about the candidates is are paid for by the multi-rich backers.


[154602:080614] R.O., Redding, CA
If corporations really were people, most would be in jail for corruption and bribery. Buying a politician, a judge, or a piece of legislation is the best investment corporations make these days. The Supreme Court needs to be replaced for making it legal.


[044820:080614] D.K., Berkeley, CA
Time for this country to live within the law. Also sign onto Climate Change Summit agreements.


[122047:080114] d.s., Baltimore, MD
Citizens united has hastened the conversion of our democracy into an oligarcy. We need to take back our democracy so that our government will serve ALL of its citizens and not just the rich.


[191352:072914] W.M., Tetonia, ID
If corporations were people, they would bleed, die and go to prison when they break laws, they do NOT!
If money were "speech" everyone in jail for bribery should sue for violation of their First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech.


[072530:072914] B.K., Worcester, MA
This is extremely important: Corporations DO NOT have the rights of people. *People* have the rights of individuals, not corporations, NOT the reverse, and corporations must be made to understand this unequivocally. That they cannot "get away with murder", figuratively speaking, by claiming by they are individuals, when they most assuredly are NOT. Corporations are trying dance around facts and figures - whatever those happen to be at the moment - by using this little technicality, to which they are not entitled.


[210822:072614] a.v., Cuttingsville, VT
I'm one more person against Citizens United. How this ever passed in the first place is unbelievable. A corporation is not a person. It is a corporation. If it is a person then it should pay personal income taxes. We are working our way back to feudalism with lords of the manor reigning over the serfs.


[155141:072414] A.C., Pensacola, FL
Too much money in government. Washington is a cess pool that needs cleaning. The people should be the power - not corporate wealth. Stop the buying of congress by special interests and allow statesmen and women to consider the issues without bribes and inducements! We can't be heard over the roar of the bucks!!! People want the money out of government and why want gun control and an end to the "wars." They are ignored because big money calls the shots!


[115443:072414] E.B., West Sacramento, CA
The peoples representatives are elected to pass laws that level the playing field in the election process, as intended by our founding fathers. When judges decide Free Speech allows any amount of resources to be spent in the election processes, they are tilting the playing field in favor of whomever or whatever has the most resources. This could mean not only Corporations, the wealthy or Unions but possibly Foreign Governments. Please reestablish the checks and balance that have protected our Democracy. Overturn the Citizens United decision.


[143041:072314] D.S., Mattapoisett, MA
It's long past time to get big money out of politics. The corruption it is causing is unprescedented. More money does not equal more say in the USA!


[120844:072314] C.A., Grand Blanc, MI
If our system of government is to survive, we must pass this Amendment in order to reverse the disastrous Supreme Court decision on Citizens vs United that gave too much power to corporations.


[113352:072314] R.M., Huntington Park, CA
Although I do not belive this resolution goes far enough, I support the cause and encurage you all to support and cosponser the bill.


[105516:072314] M. ., Crete, NE
Corporations are not persons and do not have the same rights and freedoms as persons, and that needs to be make clear to everyone with an amendment to the constitution.


[141524:072214] L.R., Columbus, OH
Corporations are not really "people".
Money is certainly not really "people."
That is why the few men who control a lot of money and/or corporations should never be allowed to control elections in this country.


[124827:072214] S.A., Alamogordo, NM
If money is speech, then speech is Not Free.


[122612:072214] F.W., League City, TX
You must overturn Citizens United. These big money oligarches should not have the right to buy elections. We the public have the right to know who is contributing money and how much.


[093659:072214] S.E., Granville, OH
Dear Representative and Senators, please sponsor legislation to have a constitutional amendment sent to the states that limits money donations to political parties and campaigns.


[180444:072114] e.f., Los Angeles, CA
Would someone show some guts and get rid of this joke of a ruling????


[083930:072114] c.k., Wills Point, TX
One person w/one vote ... corporations should not be able to vote based on their money-on-hand ... Only individuals, not corporations, should be voting on anything in this country, in this world ... our world is in bad shape due to big corporations and GREED of the wealth and those who are in powerful positions.


[175056:072014] R.S., Dodge City, KS
We need to get back to the notion of one person one vote not the more money you have the more votes you have.


[155333:072014] T.N., San Jose, CA
Money influences politics. Period. This must stop if our democracy is to survive.


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