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Support An Executive Order To Make Federal Contractors Disclose Political Contributions


[221917:052115] T.S., Bridgewater, NJ
Dear Sirs
Having had acopier business in NJ I can assure you that it's aTit Tat system on who gets what jobs or contracts in schools,
Especially! Increasing property taxes rediculous U! That the greed disease is an epidemic in this country eating away at the internals of our society that the Nation will die from corruption within! Read your history Gentleman! Nobody will be immune!
Regards. TWS


[100034:051915] T.K., Fort Dodge, IA
In order to save our Country it is necessary for the people to regain control of THEIR government - it starts there, no discussion. In order to regain control of government we must know who is giving and who is accepting monies and or perks, under whatever guise, in order to determine whether which elected leaders are representing us (the people) and which are beholding to Special Interests.


[212729:051815] P.J., Conover, NC
Thank you for your time. I look forward to your reply.


[201451:051815] g.m., Boynton Beach, FL
This should only be a start. All elections should be public financed.


[072925:051815] S.C., Vista, CA
We are getting tired of legalized corruption.


[142753:051715] L.C., Corvallis, OR
Let's keep our government honest.


[114850:051715] P.R., Ann Arbor, MI
Dear President Obama,
Clean up your legacy and support democracy by making disclosure (transparency) a vital part of government contracts. Thank you


[103431:051715] A.S., New York, NY
Congress never intended federal contracts to be handed out on a political patronage basis. For that would be corruption, would it not? I request that members of Congress to sign letters in support of the initiative to get President Obama to require federal contractors to disclose their political contributions.


[094229:051715] C.K., Smyrna, DE
What do you think will happen when everyone realizes that our Government is almost continuously going against the will of the majority of Americans? Remember history class?


[085112:051715] J.C., Oklahoma City, OK
Citizens United was a horrible decision for transparency. I urge you to take steps to correct that by supporting this request.


[211341:051615] C.C., Cleveland, OH
Please support an executive order to make federal contractors
disclose political contributions. This will help discourage
political patronage so elections can be fair.


[193851:051615] J.L., San Pedro, CA
The people with the REAL power are the billionaires and multinationals.
As far as I recall, these "folks" have NOT been elected.


[173725:051615] L.H., Crete, IL
Thank you


[151450:051615] W.R., Yorktown, VA
This is such a no-brainer. Really.


[143152:051615] B.D., Citrus Heights, CA
This could help reduce "pork," and is therefore a very good idea.


[141830:051615] H.R., Denver, CO
We need this!


[141727:051615] M.W., Silver Spring, MD
I'm an retired Federal Employee and I had to abide a code of conduct. I would want Federal Contractors to be required to do the same!


[133653:051615] L.B., Cincinnati, OH
Thank you for your attention to this.


[122509:051615] j.m., Columbus, OH
We don't want Corporatism in this country because we seen what it did to Italy in WW2.


[114222:051615] B.B., Kents Hill, ME
Please help restore our democracy.


[111844:051615] b.m., Long Beach, CA
We are so tired election cycle after election cycle, watching millions and millions and millions of dollars go to candidates with NO knowledge of whence it came!!!!!What kinds of agendas, deals, favors are being made and asked....and in the end who is really siting in our Oval Office?????? DARK MONEY MUST stop!!!!!


[102110:051615] M.S., Santa Barbara, CA
How about a constitutional ammendment that states that corporations are not people and money is not speech? This would help end the bribery and corruption which has replaced our democracy.


[094920:051615] L.N., East Charleston, VT
this is critical, as always. thank you.


[092126:051615] D.K., Green Valley, AZ
Lets get a little more honesty in politics. We will all be better off for it! Dr. Kriesel


[085642:051615] R.B., Chico, CA
This is one small but necessary step in the ultimate goal of getting big money out of politics.


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