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Tell Congress What To Do About The Iran Nuclear Deal


[165537:082115] C.K., Los Angeles, CA
Trust issues with Iranian "leaders" - too bad the regular folks have to live with them


[014607:082115] T.D., San Antonio, TX
What are the REAL reasons to oppose? I believe this is what's best for our country.


[204826:081715] H.G., Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA
The Iran Nuclear Deal is fair to both Iran and the negotiating countries. It is a good step to prevent nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.


[171541:081415] H.B., Scottsdale, AZ
Please note that 37 US military leaders have recently signed on publicly in support of the Agreement because of
1.) the merits of the tough international Agreement itself that most forcefully caps Iran's enrichment abilities and insists on the most intrusive inspections a sovereign country has been made to agree to in history, plus having the International Atomic Energy Agency engaging the world's top scientists in the process of monitoring and verification.
2.) the senseless, horrific vision of the alternative to the Agreement, namely another US war, this one with the US going it alone in defiance of our political allies who negotiated the Agreement.
I urge YOU to SUPPORT THE IRAN AGREEMENT for the sake of all of us!


[043622:081215] J.W., Ocean City, MD
I support the Iran treaty. Please work for a peaceful solution to stop nuclear proliferation. While profitable to some, war should never be our first option to international problems.


[142831:081115] C.D., Casper, WY
Please pass the Iran deal. It's the best we're going to get at this time. Don't start another war!


[031144:080915] R.S., Berwick, ME
A deal, even if flawed, is so much better than no deal. Talks can always continue. I have no comprehension of why anyone would vote against a peaceful solution. It is a start! Let's have peace and no more wars.


[230539:080815] E.P., Signal Hill, CA
We've done War in the Middle East, and that Hasn't Exactly worked out. Please Support the Treaty, and give diplomacy a chance.


[103158:080815] H.M., Alton, NH
Nothing is to be gained by continuing to beat down the citizens of Iran. The nuclear deal seems to be the best way to move forward without further alienating the young population of that country. There will be sufficient controls and we will be able to begin a positive, productive dialog.


[111016:080415] G.F., Tacoma, WA
Iran is not the problem. - All the world, except USA, knows it is Zionist Israel.


[055103:080415] L.G., Plant City, FL
This deal is the best that can be negotiated at this time. No deal means that Iran will have nukes to protect themselves from attack by the US and Israel.


[105230:080215] D.R., Boca Raton, FL
Much of the deal is secret. There will be no significant on demand inspections. Iran wants to destroy Israel and the West. They have cheated all along. Their neighbors will also have to build the bomb.


[073023:080215] D.D., Charlotte, NC
The US cannot afford - in people or in budget - the kind of saber rattling/threatening military approach to solve problems not ours. Wake up and do the right thing. Voters are watching.


[202112:080115] P.D., Wallkill, NY
Let's give diplomacy a chance. I'm with Secretary Kerry and you should be too.


[163418:073115] k.B., Belleville, IL
After hearing the President's message on this subject, I am convinced this is the way to go.


[143135:073115] D.S., Teaneck, NJ
Supervised inspections help protect us! War and threats open us to mass annhilation!


[045510:073115] H.S., Kingston, WA
This is a no brainier unless you're just a shill for the military industrial complex.
There's a special place in hell for those who would perpetuate endless war for the sake of profit.


[143207:073015] a.k., San Anselmo, CA
It's about time the US gave diplomacy a try. Murdering people that have different views and making up new rules to suit our short term needs has always led to huge losses in blood and treasure. Get off the high horse Congress. Under your collective leadership this nation has fallen to new lows in education, healthcare (single payer would be a good start), infrastructure, and just about everything else. Funny we turn a blind eye to Israels deadly antics, and give them 3 Billion each year to continue their holocaust against the Palestinians and Lebanese for the last 67 years, but we are ready to murder anyone who won't do as we wish, which is never in the best interests of the US public. Lets walk the talk and cut the bulls--t.


[094151:073015] R.F., Santa Rosa, CA
Using our own US Congress as an example, isn't more productive and safer to engage in dialogue and negotiate our differences rather than retreat into silence and suspicion? I support the nuclear arms deal comprehensively and intelligently negotiated over four years with Iran and strongly urge you to approve it. It may not solve all issues between our two countries, but it provides a foundation for continuing to work on these other issues.


[234612:072915] c.W., Robert, LA
the entire world approves of this spectacular achievement ... except republicans in america's congress. this would be baffling if it were not so predictable. this obstuctionism is so sad for this country. wake up. support diplomacy. support PEACE.


[173343:072915] K.M., Byron, IL
I find it outrageous that GOP members behave as if they have better sources for advice regarding the Nuclear Deal with Iran than does our President. It is tiresome to see their continuous anti-Obama-no-matter-what go on... forever. Whose children do you think they put in harms way with these antics to stop the deal? Let House Representatives children join the service! Risk their children instead of ours then! Or better yet-give PEACE a chance. Let the deal go through. Dont give us another war bill to pay because you don't like the President or desire to see him fail.


[090801:072915] V.M., La Fayette, NY
Like Churchill once said" jaw, jaw is better than war, war. We really have nothing to fear from Iran It is our so called ally, that lose cannon called Israel that we should be afraid of. Its influence, if not control, of our congress is very scary.


[193208:072815] M.P., Berkeley, CA
We have prevented Iran fro developing nuclear weapons -- without losing one life. All the nuclear weapons experts not beholden to Netanyahu agree that this is a remarkably positive step and one that will help to convince the world that the US is a leader for world peace. That is just what is most needed to undermine the recruitment message that terrorist groups qar using.


[172313:072815] S.G., Davisburg, MI
This Deal is a necessary step to get to Global Zero: a world without nuclear weapons.


[104311:072815] P.N., Tomah, WI
I support the President and feel that Congress should approve the Iran Nuclear Deal. John McCain, Jeff Flake and Paul Gosar are hypocrites for doing deals with the Resolution Mining Co. This mining company has Iranians on their Board of Directors and they mine uranium and provide it to Iran. The Republican Congress rewarded mining company, Resolution Copper (a subsidiary of Rio Tinto), with a sweetheart land deal in the U.S., while allowing them to continue business with Iran.


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