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A Bold Proposal For Comprehensive Gun Regulation


[112555:101515] d.d., Wakefield, RI
ENOUGH! something real, like this, needs to be undertaken NOW!


[171000:101415] A.S., El Paso, TX
These steps detail sensible regulation of firearms.


[104945:101415] T.B., Davenport, IA
Citizens who own firearms owe our society responsible safeguards on those firearms, which includes an archived ballistic test that can be compared to fired bullets so that the specific weapon can be identified even if it isn't available for examination. Because guns are the weapon of choice for murder, it should be required to accurately document the current owner. Because guns can quickly and easily kill someone, every owner should be required to attain gun safety certification.


[230118:101115] J.S., Santa Cruz, CA
I have read this proposal and I believe it to be a sane starting point to debate and draft legislation on gun control. I'd ask that you please consider supporting this and proposing legislation on gun control. Please lend your voice and support to ending the senseless violence and wild west culture we in this country have allowed to exist.

John Souchak


[135220:101115] S.K., Middletown, NY
This Democracy has cowered to the super lobby known as the NRA far too long. The children of this country need to be protected with common sense solutions and respect.


[080340:101115] M.S., Somerville, MA
I would further encourage Amnesty Gun Returns in every state and commonwealth, city and town, to get some guns out of homes and off our streets. Perhaps local rewards to those who provide information leading to the capture/surrender of illegal guns would also help.

Personally, I see no reason why any US citizen needs automatic weapons such as assault rifles, or large magazines, to hunt. I realize this proposal does not mention either assault rifles or large magazines, but I would also support retrictions on their purchase/use.

I do not believe that having more guns carried out in the community necessarily makes one safer. Research shows that only highly trained personnel who practice regularly and are on duty (i.e., primed to respond), can react quickly enough with their own weapons to halt a determined shooter.


[154009:101015] E.L., Pacific Grove, CA
Register Guns--Save Lives


[124431:101015] C.C., Rocky Point, NY
No person may acquire ownership of a registered gun without a background check, instant or otherwise, and transferred by a licensed gun dealer, whether sold through a store, at a gun show, or otherwise. If a private party wants to transfer a gun to another private party, licensed gun dealers must offer to facilitate such transfers for no more than a modest fee as a condition of their own right to be a licensed gun dealer.


[211857:100915] A.M., Spokane, WA
I would also add that I think all automatic and semi-automatic weapons should be made illegal.


[121933:100915] C.T., Ormond Beach, FL
Let's do it now.


[121923:100915] S.P., Midway, KY
Tea Party and NRA run the government. HOw much longer before we can join the rest of civilized world?


[112116:100915] E.M., Elmont, NY
The founders put the 2nd Amendment in place to protect the country against armed invasion or insurrection. Not for citizens to assault each other.


[112037:100915] M.C., New Orleans, LA


[111832:100915] C.J., Hereford, TX
I believe this is an excellent start in the right direction now if our esteemed congress will get off their backsides and at least try to do what they were sent to DC to do, just maybe we can begin to act like a civilized nation and also begin to tone down all this hate! Please don't send me your uniform letters and e-mails!


[010108:100915] W.S., Santa Monica, CA
Through gun shows, internet, "straw man," and private sales, anyone who wants a gun badly enough can get one ... and deranged individuals are regularly committing mass murder.

On a day-to-day basis, the astonishing prevalence of guns in American society is making the use of a gun in many events and human interactions a likely possibility, almost always with tragic results.


[171933:100815] j.n., Moorhead, MN
"There's a beacon in the sky, meant to catch your eye...", Happy Rhodes. Dispelling the scarcity based interlocking and laced global economic, fossil fuel fueled, cannibalistic systems of the corporate structure's convolution, and thereby realizing nature's abundance based reality of eternal, free, solar energy, through abolition of that fossil fuel dictated defacto-slavery, will realize the evolution's definition of power as life, growth, consciousness, realizing spiritual flight's potential, etc., and dispel the notsee definition of power as manipulation to extinction and total destruction of the earth, etc., only if we struggle with their vacuum-up model of economics, that supposedly garner ever increasing amounts of delusional profits, pleasures and powers, in ever increasingly cyclical and centralizing patterns. "You can't struggle with the man's house (mansion) using the man's tools", Audrey Lourdes, "be the change you wish to see in the world", Gandhi. reality


[124832:100815] Y.B., Indiana, PA
Guns are by their very nature dangerous, and need to be treated accordingly.

1) All gun ownership must be registered, which can be done perfectly well at the state level in every state. Currently this is done in only six states, but that alone demonstrates unquestionably it is constitutional. Without mandatory registration in all states there is no sound foundation on which other proposed reforms many operate, because now lax states are the source of most illegal gun traffic.

2) If states, having been given a reasonable time to implement their own gun ownership registration programs, fail to do so, the federal government by default should implement its own registration program applicable for those states. That should provide more than ample motivation for any states fearful of federal power to do so themselves, with strict limitations on how the federal government may access state records.

3) All gun registrations must be associated with a ballistics test on file. Had such a system been in place, the recent freeway sniper in AZ could have been identified after the first incident. If someone turns up dead with a bullet in them, it could be traced back to the gun owner responsible for the registration. This will also tend to discourage straw buyers.

4) After a grace period for all law-abiding gun owners to register their deadly weapons, possession of an unregistered gun must be a crime, and the weapon itself subject to immediate confiscation, tending to get unregistered guns off the street. If any gun is stolen, it must be reported promptly to the registration agency.

5) No person may acquire ownership of a registered gun without a background check, instant or otherwise, and transferred by a licensed gun dealer, whether sold through a store, at a gun show, or otherwise. If a private party wants to transfer a gun to another private party, licensed gun dealers must offer to facilitate such transfers for no more than a modest fee as a condition of their own right to be a licensed gun dealer.


[124519:100815] L.B., Mount Vernon, NY
This is the LEAST we can do.


[112901:100815] N.S., National City, CA
This does not infringe on the rights of responsible gun owners. It simply applies common sense regulations. Loopholes must be closed. It's past time for us to stop The NRA from buying the gun laws in this country.


[090258:100815] B.B., Palm Harbor, FL
We have had enough tragedy. Gun control needs to be stricter than getting your drivers license or passport and also enforced with more vigilance. Innocent students should not be subjected to crazy violence by people who have no self control or judgement.


[085343:100815] m.k., Bloomington, IL
You can be part of the solution to end the blood bath or you can just let the dead children keep piling up. Are dead children a family value? Or do they only count if they are yours?


[073329:100815] V.J., Brownsville, TX
We require more paperwork for driving a car than for owning a gun. We need a class in using weapons followed by a gun test, registration of the weapon, permits for the weapon, a biannual renewal that verifies the owner is able to see well and pass at least a physical test of competence. Please make sure our owners are capable of safely handling their weapons and competent to fire them. A lock should be required to be sold with the weapon that is bought from a dealer or store. The customer must know how to use the lock.


[070821:100815] J.B., Buda, TX
Enough is enough, stop dodging gun control as a mental health issue. Both issues need to be addressed but they do not go hand in hand. Gun control should be the top priority of every lawmaker, be it local, state or federal.


[065924:100815] T.S., Snoqualmie, WA
I am currently working to get signatures for I-735, opening the door to State legislature to get big money out of our election system. It's big money donations among other things that scares legislatures out of getting gun control legislation


[063129:100815] J.S., Hastings, NE
The loss of lives from gun violence is so tragic, we must take at least these steps to reduce the carnage.


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