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Don't Repeal Obamacare, REPLACE It


[201702:040216] K.G., New York, NY
Even third world countries take care of their citizens. So should we. Single payer means less total money for healthcare, thus more money in the economy.


[105716:033116] J.D., Seattle, WA
The lack of imagination that would lead to a repeal of the ACA without a better system to replace it shows how bankrupt of ideas some members of Congress are. And these are the people that are supposed to represent us? Wow are we in trouble.


[192316:030716] R.B., San Francisco, CA
Medicare works because all over 65 are covered. We need to expand Medicare to cover everyone.


[215325:012416] G.L., Portland, OR
thank you !!!


[215019:012416] G.L., Portland, OR
thank you!


[013157:012016] C.G., Cave Junction, OR
In contrast with the widespread failure of for-profit medicine, Universal Single Payer Health Care is the only way to provide health care for every American. It would make a huge, beneficial difference for the economy of Josephine County.


[075225:011816] M.T., Missoula, MT
It is a national embarrassment that many of our citizens do not have health care. Let's change that.


[161707:011516] j.m., Myrtle Point, OR
Single Payer!!!!


[175123:011316] S.R., Independence, MO
It is unbearable the wast of trees, time ,Money < and resources not to mention mytime getting ALL the books and paper from All of the Insurance companies...IT IS REPLUSIVE>>>>WHAT A WASTE!!!!SINGLE PAYER is the only sensible solution! JUST DO IT! Who are you workin for anyway!


[190608:011216] S.S., Fort Morgan, CO
Single-payer is the only way to bring US Healthcare costs under control and make healthcare (without personal bankruptcy) a right for EVERY US citizen. Every other industrialized country realizes this and provides for a healthy citizenry, realizing a healthy society benefits EVERYONE in their country both directly and indirectly. Except for the big profit motive of the health INDUSTRY in the US, why is this so out of the logical thought processes of America?


[174426:011216] P.Y., Woodridge, IL
It is a national disgrace that the US, as one of the wealthiest countries in the world, does not offer universal healthcare to its people. We have the resources to do so and at the same time, offer state-of-the-art care. Yet we lack the necessary collective will to do what needs to be done, just as we lack the will to address most of our other gravest and most urgent problems - addressing climate change and ending the use of fossil fuels, getting dark and corporate money out of politics, feeding and housing the poor, reducing gun violence, making the attainment of a quality advanced education without mounting decades worth of debt a right and not a privilege, making the tax code fair for all, investing in our aging infrastructure, and much more.

Perhaps with the Affordable Care Act we have taken the first step in stymieing one national crisis. Now let's take the leap required to make high quality healthcare a right in the US. Let's overcome the paralyzation that grips our legislative process and start to overcome the many obstacles between where we are now and where we should be as a proud nation. It is time we remove our heads from the sand and account for the problems we have created for ourselves and get to work solving them. Universal single-payer healthcare is the only real solution to one very large problem.


[132358:011216] L.L., Seattle, WA
Health care is not for profit. Shame on us for making it so.


[102155:011216] S.D., Glencoe, CA
It would be a wonderful thing if Republicans in Congress had some constructive, positive proposal for meaningful health care reform.
Unfortunately, all they are interested in is tearing down what is already there, leaving nothing but wreckage behind.

We all know the real solution to all this, a single payer system that extends to all the opportunity to buy into our existing Medicare system. That is what should have been passed in the first place, and what remains the only viable long term alternative.


[215113:011116] P.C., Salida, CO
I have always known that single payer was the way to ensure healthy Americans! let's DO IT.


[202942:011116] J.S., Liberty, MO
Fix what needs to be fixed, but we have to have universal health care. Everyone deserves heath care.


[200606:011116] C.D., Spokane, WA
It's embarrassing that the supposed richest country in the world has untold millions who can't afford health care. Obamacare is new, and the wrinkles need to be ironed out. Work across the aisle like the Constitution intended you to do and come up with a plan without wrinkles. Working together, there is no reason why we can't fix all the overwhelming social ills that plague our great country.


[194621:011116] J.L., Spokane, WA
Don't repeal Obamacare without a plan to replace it all ready to go so that the people who finally have health insurance won't suddenly find themselves out in the cold again. I don't see anything but transitioning to a single payer plan that makes any sense. Why would most of the rest of the developed world do so well with it if it didn't work. And anything would be better than what Obamacare replaced


[172336:011116] T.D., Torrington, WY
Medicare and Medicaid are already successful programs for a huge number of Americans. Don't repeal Obamacare, REPLACE IT. The real solution to the issue is: 1) A single payer system that extend to all the opportunity to buy into our existing Medicare system and 2) Reining in the price gouging by Big Pharma and the insurance companies.


[135252:011116] M.C., Dayton, OH

Don't repeal Obamacare, replace it with something better like Single Payer.



[220210:011016] B.H., Fort Collins, CO
Single Payer, Medicare For All, Universal Health care is what American needs and wants. ACA is what we got and it is a good start, at that. Yes, before this reform it was impossible to get health insurance in the individual health care market if you had one single health problem (Pre-x). How sad it is to be in the only country in the world where we have a for profit health care system. I can't believe these lame duck idiots in Congress are trying to repeal it, for what the 60th time? Stop wasting our tax payer's money. Yes, right on to Colorado, our progressive state who has gotten an initiative on our ballot for a single payer system...rock on!


[210718:011016] H.W., Woodland Hills, CA
I believe that it is inherent upon every elected representative of the people, to protect their general welfare. Health insurance would certainly fall within that massive category.


[184238:011016] B.D., Midlothian, TX
It would be nice to see congress and the Senate work with President Obama and Obama Care is very important to millions of people SO Don't Repeal Obama care it seems all that is important is REPEAL this is wrong!


[183458:011016] L.C., Elgin, IL
Basics needs such as Healthcare should not be for profit. Make it simple - one source - one payer. Make it the best it can be.


[181457:011016] K.D., Oceanside, CA
Affordable Healthcare Act may not be perfect, but it should not be repealed. It should be improved on. The U.S. did not provide healthcare for the citizens until the Act was passed. Why should Americans go to another country in order to obtain affordable healthcare?? When is Congress going to step up and do what is right??


[145819:011016] B.N., Huntingdon Valley, PA
It is disgraceful that we are the only country in the industrial world that does not guarantee our citizens universal health coverage.


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