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To President Obama: Don't Hesitate To Nominate A Well-Qualified Replacement For Scalia


[214728:031316] J.F., Norwich, VT
President Obama has approximately 10 months -- almost a quarter his second term as President --- to wisely choose a qualified and thoughtful nominee for the Supreme Court. We, the people of the United States, need to support this procedure, regardless of the partisan lobbying that he should not get this opportunity. Why, one must ask, do some Congressional members get to even consider blocking one of the President's
obligations to the people and the Constitution of the United States? Partisanship really has no place in this decision.
Jane Filnay


[131214:031116] A.G., Clinton, WA
The president should nominate a qualified candidate of his choice and the congress should do its diligence to make sure the court is staffed. An intelligent well qualified candidate for the Supreme Court will make decisions that reflect the country's best interest and should not be treated as a partisan political football.


[174716:031016] N.F., Fremont, CA
As Elizabeth Warren said, "If Republicans won't do their jobs, it's time to replace them." It's no secret that the GOP is ANTI-U.S. citizen, anti-environment, anti-wildlife ( and -lands), anti-diplomacy, anti-foreign relations, anti-science, anti-aircraft elections, anti-social services, anti-logic-and-reason, anti-healthcare for all, anti-fiscal/ANY responsibility, anti-American. . .and the list goes on.

Please don't let the Grand Oligarchy Party deny all U.S. citizens the right to a fair and just legal system, which includes/necessitates a BALANCED Supreme Court--not one that, for decades, has been bought and dominated by unreasonable, soulless "conservative" Republican puppets doing the party's corrupt and supremely-destructive-to-America bidding.

I humbly suggest Elizabeth Warren be considered for this unbelievably important position on the High Court.

Thank you for allowing me to share my opinion,

Nicole Fountain


[151650:031016] J.P., Lagrangeville, NY
Do what the american people want ! That is what we pay you to do !!!!!


[140303:031016] C.P., Omaha, NE
The decision by Senate Republicans to obstruct President Obama from appointing a Supreme Court justice is just shameful and embarrassing on a global level. It's encouraging to see that most Americans agree with me.


[011533:031016] J.F., Silver Spring, MD
Our families and our future need a functionable judicial system to protect our future.


[234530:030916] P.R., Salem, OR
Go with Kamala Harris, California attorney general.


[195343:030916] E.C., Mount Royal, NJ
Appoint a progressive black female for the Supreme Court to even out the members.


[164844:030916] T.S., Tonopah, NV
This is no time for a false Irenicism. Nominate Elizabeth Warren!


[150525:030916] P.G., Belleville, IL
It is the job of the Senate to hold hearings on nominees. There fore to earn the paychecks that we all contribute to, they are beholden to do their job....That's the way of the world, work for pay...period


[143409:030916] A.G., Wheat Ridge, CO
Nominate a real progressive liberal for the Court, we don't need any more middle of the roaders who just sit there and do nothing but collect their salaries until they die!!!


[122646:030916] r.v., Surprise, AZ


[122143:030916] H.J., Spring, TX
Playing politics with the nomination process of a Supreme Court Justice is simply unacceptable.


[110312:030916] M.G., Olympia, WA
Republicans are reactionary based on fear. Therefore I'm not surprised thay want to use fear to control the world. Their view is limited to what they know: fear. I think if an honest Republican would study history, they would see that torture has been used to ill effect for several thousands of years. The romans in particular come to mind and they have long since fallen. The way forward is to avoid the extremes and proceed with respect and humane justice for all. We have evolved. Let's act that way.


[105756:030916] K.B., Eureka, CA
This nomination is your right - please exercise it!


[103302:030916] D.S., 2000:9252:David Jolly,
Please, President Obama, Just do your duty per the Constitution and let the republicans pay the price for denying the Constitution.


[095917:030916] J.R., New York, NY
Is there no way for the President to nominate himself? That would be my choice!


[083355:030916] R.V., Beaverton, OR
It's time, nominate!!


[064219:030916] J.A., Los Angeles, CA
It's time for the senate to do its job!


[033433:030916] J.B., Costa Mesa, CA
Nominate Elizabeth Warren for the Supreme Court.


[023634:030916] S.H., Pico Rivera, CA
I don't know what the GOP is so worried about. Anyone Obama nominates is likely to be a right-wing ("centrist") corporatist like himself.


[011202:030916] L.H., Felton, CA
Stop trying to appease people - choose the best judge that will undo the damage done by decisions that allow corporations to pour unlimited amounts of money into political elections.


[005105:030916] E.G., Moline, IL
Nominate a scientist, not a lawyer.


[201313:030816] G.D., Bayfield, CO
Elizabeth Warren would be a fine justice


[194109:030816] S.O., Silver Spring, MD
Mr. President: This is your opportunity to nominate the person of YOUR choice. Name the person of your choice without reference to whomever might take offense.


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