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NO Supreme Court Nominee Who Approves Of Citizens United


[123736:030616] P.V., Carlisle, PA
Please elect a progressive Supreme Court Justice who will help move America forward into the 21st century and NOT back into the 18th!


[000101:030516] K.V., Brooklyn, NY
Citizen's United has destroyed democracy in the USA. Do not propose a justice to the Supreme Court who will continue the subversion of our democracy.


[170210:022416] G.H., Pinehill, NM
Please make the decision that will put you on the side of history that supports our democracy: NO Supreme Court nominee that approves of Citizens United!


[214107:022316] M.R., Arroyo Grande, CA
EVERYONE has a list of things the supreme court supported, some that we think are illegal or immoral, We need a new supreme court justice that is for the MAJORITY not the 1%


[213829:022316] M.R., Arroyo Grande, CA
EVERYONE has a list of things the supreme court supported, some that we think are illegal or immoral, We need a new supreme court justice that is for the MAJORITY not the 1%


[183519:022316] K.C., Ithaca, NY
Citizens United is a terrible idea!!! We need it GONE!!!


[171006:022316] K.S., Keene Valley, NY
The Court's Citizens United ruling makes a mockery of democratic governance--everyone with a speck of ethics and intelligence knows this. Time for the Court to acknowledge their error. Please allow for a nominee with the backbone to overturn the ruling and help America get back on a more honest and representative path.


[124001:022316] A.M., Arroyo Seco, NM
Biden should shut up. That Kennedy and his political slant was a main advocate of 'citizens united' , the most damaging decision of the modern SCUSA. Big money in politics=tyranny, fascism, plutocracy.
Get a 'liberal' on the Court! Someone who wants to preserve what is left of this miserable, failing democracy.


[024002:022316] S.R., Great Neck, NY
Urge that you not follow Vice t Biden's advise with
regards to your next Supreme Court nominee. Justice Kennedy
is a poor model for your choice. Your legacy will depend on your
changing the balance of the present court.The future of our democracy will depend on it.
Shirley and Stanley Romaine


[233353:022216] P.R., Salem, OR
Biden is wrong to say that Obama should nominate to the Supreme Court, someone like Justice Kennedy. How about someone like former U.S. Senator Russ Feingold? Or the California Attorney General Kamala Harris? Don't pick a Republicrat just because his chances would be better.


[232258:022216] J.B., Fremont, CA
For God's sake! Haven't we had enough of right wing justices catering to the so called "religious right" and to polluting corporations? Money is free speech- REALLY?


[222008:022216] K.O., Davis, CA
NO appointee who approves of Citizens United.


[181659:022216] R.W., Kerrville, TX
nominate NO ONE who would support Citizens United.


[165942:022216] C.K., Roanoke, VA
If Justice Kennedy was one of the authors of Citizens United, then DO NOT nominate him. Since the passing of this terrible law our political system has taken 2 steps back (maybe more) from representing "We the People"


[155905:022216] S.S., Castle Rock, WA
It would be better to leave a vacancy on the Supreme Court than to add another Justice who equates "freedom of speech" with freedom to buy elections.


[145141:022216] D.L., Concord, CA
The issue of this Supreme Court Nominee is one of the most important political matters in my life time (I'm nearly eighty one). Never have our freedoms as citizens been more threatened.


[140908:022216] R.C., Santa Fe, NM


[140858:022216] W.W., Brookings, OR
We need the next justice to be a man of integrity so that we can reverse Citizens United and put the teeth back into the Voting Rights Act.


[140521:022216] D.W., Louisville, KY
As supported by the U. S. Supreme Court, and certainly Citizens United, the big-money contributions to political campaigns will eventually pave the road for purchasing political office(s). This isn't the model for Trump triumphing or Jeb Bush failing, but given time, it is the formula for victory of corrupt forces.
Donald Walters


[134816:022216] R.N., Naalehu, HI
Biden is a flipping flopper!


[134232:022216] m.k., Bloomington, IL
America needs a justice who will SUPPORT voting rights, women's reproductive rights, abortion, expanding ACA, expanding Soc Sec, same sex marriage, reducing students' college debt, immigration, civil liberties, racial justice, higher minimum wage. That's NOT another Kennedy drone.


[132917:022216] D.K., Oak Ridge, TN
Please expedite the appointment and confirmation of the replacement for Supreme Court Justice Scalia so the decisions made in this current session ending in June can be finalized. I hope President Obama selects a moderate so there are no excuses, even though the Constitution requires confirmation unless the appointee is a criminal, has lied about education, or there is another compelling reason, not the personal political affiliation.

The Constitution clearly states the President "shall" appoint and the Senate "shall" confirm. It does NOT say they "should", they "can", or they have the right to do so. It says they "shall" which means they have no choice but to comply.

Thank you.

Diane Kerley Long


[131643:022216] T.L., Menomonie, WI
no one entity should have veto power over another, we all put our pants one leg at a time, that equality should be ever present in our government


[130305:022216] R.C., Matthews, NC
If you are looking for guidance for a Supreme Court Justice, Look toward Thurgood Marshall.


[115507:022216] R.V., North Brunswick, NJ
Repeal of Citizens United should be a litmus test for the next nominee to SCOTUS. Our country is already a plutocracy in nature, Citizens United simply affirms it by law. It must go ! ! !


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