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NO Politician For The Supreme Court


[143643:030116] A.G., Eugene, OR
Leave it up to the Republicans to attempt to install a Republican politician as a judge.

This is not why I voted Obama twice.


[201110:022916] J.S., Denver, CO
Let's pick someone with real qualifications, that will represent the people! Please don't cower to the Republicans on this issue because this is extremely important to the American People and the Democracy/Laws of this country. Don't let this be part of this administration's legacy of kowtowing to the Republican's "Just Say No Policy."


[033921:022916] B.B., Saint Paul, MN
Mr. President: Tear yourself away from your Republican corporate colleagues in banking, military manufacturing and fossil fuels, and nominate a justice with commitments to democratic and Democrat principles.


[004815:022916] C.N., Colfax, CA
If President Obama doesn't want to nominate a progressive candidate, wait and let President Sanders do it. We may have a Democratic Senate by then also.


[140721:022716] K.C., Vail, AZ
Don't be a fool Barack!


[101839:022716] P.L., Oakhurst, CA
We must have a progressive jurist of the highest caliber. Thank you!


[100250:022716] R.S., Buena Park, CA
We should be considering legal experts for the top judiciary position, not a politician. If you disagree, go see a mechanic next time you need a doctor and let me know how it goes.


[225738:022616] B.D., Citrus Heights, CA
You are supposed to be a *Democratic* President, not a Republican one. Perpetuating a right-wing Supreme Court because the Republicans have threatened to obstruct your nominees would not be the act of a Democratic President! It would be the act of a weak seat-warmer with no integrity.


[214613:022616] d.m., Westminster, MD
No political ideologues beholden to special interests belong on the court!!!


[211656:022616] K.R., Seattle, WA
An argument for voting for a Democratic president has been the importance of getting progressives on the Supreme Court. If instead we get a nominee who meets a political strategy and not someone who will serve well and thus energize potential voters, undermines that argument and suggests I should more seriously consider the Green Party.


[184937:022616] K.S., Rock Springs, WY
Absolutely NOT a politician for the Supreme Court! I also think there should be a time limit for their tenure also! Lifetime appointments is part of the reason there are so many bad decisions coming from them!


[173043:022616] J.T., Stratford, CT
Choose a current Judge only.


[161641:022616] F.S., Belle, MO
Please! Nominate a career legal mind to the Supreme Court, not a political ideologue who is beholden to special interests.


[150140:022616] N.G., Palm Desert, CA
No politicians for the supreme court.


[140805:022616] S.D., Placitas, NM
A Justice of the Supreme Court should be without a background of any politically affiliated office so that she or he can be "unbeholden" to contributors to his or her election campaigns.


[133045:022616] C.L., Flushing, NY
I agree with the qualfications President Obama stated he was looking for in the next appointee to the Supreme Court of the US/


[130705:022616] R.P., Hayward, CA
The Republicans are going to snub you no matter who you pick. You might as well pick the most qualified person for the job. Don't try to appease them by picking a conservative, because they'll see that they are winning and up the ante. If I were you, I would pick a moderate.


[123409:022616] G.L., New York, NY
President Obama should select the most qualified person for the Supreme Court in the mold of his previous appointments, although gender should not be a major determinant. The major issue is justice and the rights of American citizens.


[122237:022616] R.M., Bend, OR
We need a progressive nomination, not a compromise with a right-wing Republican Party. Considering a Republican to embarrass the Party is a waste of time, and I think, poor tactics.


[121205:022616] M.D., Denver, CO
President Obama, what are you doing? We do not need a politician on the Supreme Court (we seem to already have enough on court). This country has some serious issues to settle and we need an open-minded judge to deal with them. A Republican stacked court will take us back further in time that this one has. It's going to be a fight regardless who you choose so use your energies on a judge who lives in the present, not the past. There is too much at stake to put a politician in.


[120702:022616] L.S., Minnetonka, MN
We are awake and watching. We have too many politicians! Our system of government is not working and people in the street will start to demand changes and won't stop till it happens!


[103952:022616] B.S., Battle Ground, WA
Mr. President, you are sending mixed messages on the Supreme Court nomination. We do NOT need a more politicized court, what we do need is an eminently qualified, intelligent and thoughtful, legal mind. Keep politics out of the nomination.


[103423:022616] D.L., Oxford, PA
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is the nomination of a Republican politician acceptable for the supreme court nomination!


[101433:022616] H.R., Kingston, NJ
It seems to me that a politician is not someone whose first interest is the law. I want a respected legal mind, a person who has devoted his/her life to understanding and upholding and interpreting the law, not someone who knows how to win elections.


[094213:022616] T.L., Pe Ell, WA
President Obama, I voted for you twice please put a liberal
On the court . Thank you toni lawrence


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