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Pass The New Overturn Citizens United Act To The Assembly Floor


[235409:050916] L.H., Forestville, CA
This bill will provide a necessary large step to returning our country to a more Democratic one.


[153626:050716] A.P., El Cerrito, CA
In January of 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and shape the priorities of our elected officials. This is, of course, profoundly wrong. Human beings are people, corporations are legal fictions.

We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United and other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.

The Supreme Court is misguided in principle, and wrong on the law. In a democracy, the people rule.


[201257:050616] J.M., Santa Cruz, CA
Clean water is a precious natural resource that belongs to all humans and animals. Allowing a private for-profit multinational company to profit from the siphoning off of southern California's vital natural resources is one of the worst ideas you could ever conceive of! You are the stewards of our land and resources! Protect them please!


[162143:050516] p.r., San Francisco, CA
For the sake of the nation and all that matters over turn Citizens United.


[175658:050416] S.F., El Macero, CA
You can restore democracy to the people!


[171527:050416] M.D., Martinez, CA
Honorable Committee Members,

Corporations are not people and money is not speech. Please overturn this travesty to our elections so we no longer have the best democracy money can buy, but ne that the people elect.

Thank you.


[140749:050416] R.E., Fremont, CA
Honorable Council Members,
Corporations are not people and cash is not speech! Please overturn this travesty to our elections.


[131337:050416] W.M., Ben Lomond, CA
The worst legislation against the people. We need to dump it.


[131016:050416] d.s., Concord, CA
Let's give the average citizen a voice. Overturn this discriminatory Citizens United!


[125802:050416] m.b., Lafayette, CA
Please do your part in responsible governing and enable a government by the PEOPLE not corporations.



[124404:050416] J.T., Caspar, CA
It is time to give Californians a chance to vote on the damage done by the citizens United Decision. Please make sure that happens.
Jim Tarbell


[121239:050416] M.L., Goleta, CA
Restoring democracy for the people and by the people instead of for the dollar and corporations is a good move for the State and the Nation.


[112358:050416] M.D., Martinez, CA
Honorable Committee Members,

Corporations are not people and money is not speech. Please overturn this travesty to our elections so we no longer have the best democracy money can buy, but ne that the people elect.

Thank you.


[095140:050416] R.U., San Jose, CA
Please get big money out of politics


[090513:050416] C.P., Martinez, CA
Please vote yes on 254.


[004027:050416] S.H., Oakland, CA
It's in everyone's interest to finance campaigns publicly and get corporate money out of politics. Imagine your life without having to spend all your time raising money!


[002915:050416] J.F., San Jose, CA
I urge you to vote YES on SB 254, the New Overturn Citizens UnitedAct and send this important legislation to the Assembly Floor.

The huge and growing amount of special interest money in our political system corrupts our democracy and thwarts the will of the People. SB 254 will allow California voters to instruct our representatives to support a constitutional amendment reforming the system. Please--allow the People their voice and vote YES. Thank you.


[000539:050416] H.D., El Cerrito, CA
I respectfully request that you vote "YES" on SB 254.

Helen Dickey


[000138:050416] S.W., San Jose, CA
We must overturn Citizens United. Our voices can no longer be drowned out by big money. It is a moral imperative to protect our planet and our people. Corporations have no soul. They are NOT people.


[235911:050316] J.W., Santa Barbara, CA
Please support SB 254. As a veteran petitioner who led MoneyOutVotersIn-Santa Barbara in gathering 1,200 signatures for "Prop 49", I'm ready to "do it all over again." But I would prefer not to have to. John Watson, Santa Barbara.


[232810:050316] C.P., Martinez, CA
Vote yes on SB 254.


[232231:050316] V.G., San Diego, CA
We, your California constituents, have a right to vote on this is vital to our future! PLEASE move it forward!
With gratitude and respect.


[230252:050316] K.B., Danville, CA
Please do the right thing. Let california have our say.


[223928:050316] L.K., El Segundo, CA
Pass SB 154!


[223408:050316] M.E., Oakland, CA
The decision of the Supreme Court to invest in corporations the status of personhood is a radical revision of the Constitution and inconsistent with anything the framers contemplated. It is a political, economic and moral assault on democracy. It converts "one person, one vote" to "each dollar gets a vote". Congress has the opportunity with SB254 to right this terrible wrong and restore the democratic vision of a nation with government by, for and of the people.


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