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We Want A Platform Fight NOW On TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)


[144840:111616] G.M., Sevierville, TN
It is my opinion that TTP cost democrats the election


[202933:080416] K.G., New York, NY
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is Citizens United on steroids.


[015807:080216] S.R., Van Wert, OH
TPP, We need opposition to this treasonous piece of work.


[004406:072816] L.D., Santa Ana, CA
Dear Mr. Sanders,

Thank you so much for all your efforts. I hope you will stand up once more and make some noise about this for us! We need your leadership here, at this moment when nobody else has been able or willing to bring it up.Thank you again for your service to our country and to the people of this country!


[002513:072816] R.R., Penn Valley, CA
NO TPP or any other trade deal that makes second-class citizens out of the world's peoples.


[162720:072716] J.S., Berkeley, CA
This will ship all the remaining manufacturing U.S. jobs overseas. Leaving only the burger flippers!


[115412:072716] D.H., Overland Park, KS
Thank you for all you have done for our nation. You have inspired a new generation of progressives and that is more important than winning an election.


[112417:072716] M.M., Eureka, CA
Any "democratic party" r4ejecting the social justice of $15 minimum wage, ending aggressive war immediately, free college education, or legislative rejection of TPP, TPIP, and other corporate-power trade agreements MUST be completely dismantled.

Unless the world-controlling corporate trade agreements of the past, present, or proposed, are repealed and nullified, this phony party MUST BE TAKEN DOWN COMPLETELY, and another erected by and for the people and the earth.
I suggest that all populist, social justice, environmental, climate change, and ecologically-caring voters move immediately to the Green Party, which espouses these agendas for wnhich the US populace has spoken.


[090333:072716] j.s., Wichita, KS
Bernie. I am ashamed I trusted you.
Last night at the convention you SOLD OUT

what did they promise you?

I trusted you.

I would have voted for you.
I am glad you showed me the DNC IS CORRUPT, completely.


[082659:072716] P.H., Alexandria, VA
Please keep standing up with us against TPP. We need you Bernie!


[200441:072616] J.H., Milwaukee, WI
You should walk and run as a third party candidate. The difference between the two is far too minimal.


[191253:072616] K.C., North Kingstown, RI
Please, Bernie. You've worked so hard, pushed the Democratic power brokers so hard. Please do this one last push regarding the TPP which we all know is a monstrosity. Thank you -


[175505:072616] J.C., Austin, TX
Need a rock solid commitment from the Democrats before this convention closes that TPP has had its day. A disaster in the making. Thank you, Bernie, for all you've done to bring this issue to the fore.


[170435:072616] R.S., Murfreesboro, TN
fight against TPP for us


[170220:072616] C.L., Huntington, WV
This is a must and we should fight for Medicare for all too!!!


[170119:072616] C.L., Huntington, WV
This is a must and we should fight for Medicare for all too!!!


[165707:072616] J.D., Saint Paul, MN
Sen. Sanders, thank you for the efforts of you and your family over the past 14 months, and of course your life. Thank you for staying involved and please help the rest of your supporters, and Hillary knnow that we need you more than ever to help Hillary talk to your supporters, if that makes sense.
Tim Kaine, actually might be a good choice. However, it is shocking to learn where he stands on supporting the TPP.


[154544:072616] L.S., Murphy, NC
WTH is up with the DNC? Get that TTP opposition in the platform. I know Obama is largely responsible for keeping it out, but despite the good he has done for America, he is now trying to screw it all up! FLOOR FIGHT!!!


[154328:072616] K.F., Immokalee, FL
Dear Bernie, I hope this message reaches you. I watched your speech last night at the DNC. I know you think you are trying to do the right thing, but you have shattered so many of us by your backing of "offshoring" Hillary. It seems to me that you do not fully appreciate the sheer magnitude of "the revolution" that you have started. Has Hillary threatened you or your family in some way? You are a father-like figure to all of us. It now appears that our "father" has sold out for promises that will never be kept. Hell, I was nearly in tears! Hillary and the DNC are under no obligation to implement any of the progressive planks now in he DNC platform. Once elected, Hillary can and will just ignore them. I am greatly torn between signing the Bernie or Bust pledge, and voting for Jill Stein of the Greens, or doing what you ask us to do, hold our nose and vote Hillary. This is because I tend to follow orders, and deep down I am also a pragmatist. The DNC betrayed us, and you are still standing by your agreement. Please Bernie, wake up! There is still time for our "father" to do the right thing. Quit the Dems, run under the Greens with Jill Stein as your VP. Do it, please Bernie! I beg of you!!!


[133832:072616] S.D., Orleans, VT
PLEASE run as a 3rd party candidate! You were SCREWED by The DNC so SCREW them!!! I WILL NEVER SUPPORT BILLARY!!!


[131111:072616] s.g., Lakewood, CA
Stop the TPP. It is a massive give away of our rights, our internet, our privacy, our jobs. It is a total sellout to corporate America.


[114542:072616] N.G., Haverhill, MA


[112840:072616] J.D., Pompton Plains, NJ
The TPP is just an all-around bad idea. Now we have a vice presidential nominee who is a big proponent of it. Please advocate in the strongest terms a change in the Democratic platform to change the language to reject the TPP.


[104120:072616] G.P., San Jose, CA
The Clintons and VP Tim Kaine stopping the TPP must be addressed. The dark NWO folks would have you believe that you have gained concessions which as we have seen time and time again ... that once elected these concessions go away. Considering it was Bill Clinton that repealed Glass-Steagall and promoted NAFTA, it is clear to see that THEY are part of the "Establishment" that we want and need to be changed. The U.S. of America should NOT be fostering Imperialism and Corporate Elitism onto the World. It will bring in a new age of Corporate Wars and result in the enslavement and usury of the People and Sovereign Nations around the world. Who will uphold International Law when arbitrations are done under a SEPARATE Corporate Venue?


[102102:072616] B.G., Oakland, CA
TPP = game over for America's middle class (it's long been over for the poor) so it MUST be stopped. A floor fight may be the only way left...


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