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TPP Or The White House, You Can't Have Both


[172318:091916] M.M., Eureka, CA
I cannot vote for Hilary (nor can the entire community of Arcata CA, which has found it necessary to vote Green in local and state political elections) UNLESS
College tuition for all - this will give goals to many poorer children who now just dribble out their lives in minimum wage jobs and use alcohol and other drugs to lessen their chronic social difficulty
Removal of ALL antiwildlife riders and environmental takeovers by states or privatization in must-pass appropriations bills
FAR greater efforts to restore intact ecosystems on public lands and connecting private and other lands.
Ending toxic mining on all public lands and lands affected below/downstream of private mining lands.
Importantly: CESSATION of use of military as dpiplomatic tool, Ending aggressive wars and US intrusion into nations. THIS has caused a worldwide refugee crisis and the blame is properly laid at our door.
Defunding the military by 1/2, we are still the most military nation on earth (except tiny North Korea, which is NOT a threat), and are constantly overusing military both for invasions and for international services more properly left to nonmilitary federal agencies.
While as one who has studied biology, ecology and behavioral sciences, I have many more issues, including overpopulation, energy waste and misuse, excess allowance of guns (they are NOT the answer to unrest, social difficulties, etc), republican attempts to take over public lands and kill vital native predators, and many more issues.
PLEASE hear the will of the majority, in order to become the majority party.
Thank you, Sincerely,


[234626:091816] J.C., Springville, AL
Hillary, keep the promise you made Bernie, release the transcripts of your Wall Street Bankers' fundraisers.
You keep this promise, voters will trust you again. (maybe)


[050942:090916] J.K., Chippewa Falls, WI
Clinton - you seem to be a complete phony. That's why Bernie is still the man. Shame on you. Your choice for Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar would be one of the worst. This shows how you will make a horrible president and not represent the will of the people. You are jusgt more of the same and we need a change.


[112936:082916] J.A., Santa Monica, CA
BAN FRACKING TOO! Stop obama's drilling giveaways!


[170119:082516] P.M., Wichita, KS
The TTP is a horrible idea. It doesn't do anything good for our nation.


[123718:081816] R.W., Bozeman, MT
The TPP is mostly a grab for corporate power over national sovereignty and the laws which protect us.


[202144:081216] B.N., Minneapolis, MN
I am resigned to the fact that you are the Democratic candidate for president (yes, I am an 80 yo feminist who voted for Bernie and proud of it!). But, if you vote for TPP and run again in four years I sure as hell will NOT vote for you again!!!! By the way, I will be joined by many millions more.


[142453:080816] B.f., Seattle, WA
I am disgusted! Dont these politicians see the handwriting on the wall. What do they want? A total revolution? Trump is not enough of a warning sign?


[011022:080616] G.A., Lacey, WA
NOBODY BELIEVES YOU when you way you oppose the TPP.
If you REALLY oppose it you would have told your Platform Committee delegates to include an ANTI-TPP plank in the platform.
I'm VOTING AGAINST YOU because you only PRETEND to oppose the TPP -- and because you keep supporting endless wars.


[013021:080416] D.G., Cave Junction, OR
TPP and TTIP are deal-breakers, we'd prefer our first woman President to be Jill Stein.


[013021:080416] D.G., Cave Junction, OR
TPP and TTIP are deal-breakers, we'd prefer our first woman President to be Jill Stein.


[222028:080316] L.Z., San Diego, CA
The Trans-Pacific "Partnership" is unacceptable, high-handed, and destructive of the average American's hopes for a decent life. Please do not push the people to such despair. Anger and violence come from hopelessness, and I fear for our future as a nation. Our children should be able to expect peace during their lives.


[210616:080316] C.H., Minneapolis, MN
TPP is a betrayal of the American people. All "free" trade has been destructive to American jobs, exports, and quality imports. ISDS is a disgusting corporate grab of our rights for their profits. The fact this deal was even considered is absolutely disgusting. I am appalled at those willing to is blatantly sell us out. UNAMERICAN.


[195936:080316] J.D., Saint Paul, MN
Hillary: Do Not support TPP, it will destroy our ability to maintain or improve the quality of our air, water, land. We will not be able to override verdicts set by TPP judges. Corporations must not be allowed to set our environmental standards, conservation policies, or human rights adgendas. Block TPP.


[155307:080316] C.G., Cave Junction, OR
TPP would be the end of the American experiment with democracy. I will NOT vote for Clinton unless she DENOUNCES the TPP before the election, and we will hold every administration accountable. Or do you think the American People are now irrelevant?


[131906:080116] C.H., Nyssa, OR
Yes, we demand.


[195227:073016] G.G., Alpine, NY


[180850:073016] H.S., Oak Park, IL
And I was feeling so hopeful. I do not understand Obama pushing for this awful trade deal nor your support of it. It is unthinkable that we, the United States would sign and support anything that would allow a corporation to sue us, a sovereign nation, for impinging upon their profits. Laws to protect our citizens, our jobs, our environment. Meaningless in the face of such a trade deal. And of course, it is already happening. TPP would simply make it much worse.


[104706:073016] E.A., Brooklyn, NY
The TPP is a surrender of national sovereignty to transnational corporations and must not be implemented. Make a clear statement of denial of support.


[014223:073016] H.C., Fremont, CA
The only way you can earn the votes of political revolutionaries would be to sign a Contract With America. It should clearly state your positions, what issues you support, and what you will do to enact those policies.


[182500:072916] J.A., East Berlin, PA
If you really mean you want to beat Trump, you can't keep shutting out the Sanders supporters. Make a clear and loud commitment not to support the TPP.


[155156:072916] A.R., Fort Bragg, CA
No to TPP or TTIP or any Corporate deal that does not protect workers in America, our environment and water, and decides about complaints in a tribunal of Corporate lawyers. Only we the people should decide our future.


[150319:072916] m.c., Selma, OR
If you do no come out and clearly oppose TPP, I cannot vote for you because we only have one planet and one environment and it would mean the death of life on Earth as we know it. Please become more environmentally aware, informed and caring. I have always voted Democratic for President before, please let me do so again.


[135848:072916] A.P., Fayetteville, NC
Stick to your word! Oppose the TPP! Do NOT change your mind and support this disastrous trade deal. We want to trust you and believe what you say. Earn our trust by continuing to oppose this deal.


[090606:072916] J.P., Roswell, NM
I believe this business friendly, people unfriendly treaty will have far reaching effects. It will show who you really care about in the long run.


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