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Stop The TPP Drug Ripoffs


[111645:100616] J.O., Albuquerque, NM
Pay attention! These are our citizens and they are protecting the rest of us.


[020005:091016] E.F., Roanoke, VA
Public Health is more important than Private Profit!


[170016:090916] S.T., Los Angeles, CA


[123704:083016] L.S., Palmyra, VA
Fix our country! A corporation under law is a person. One person.. We are many.


[093447:082916] J.H., Bridgewater, VA
I sm so disgusted with corporations running this country through Congress, avoiding paying taxes and sending jobs overseas. They are making this the United States of Slavery. How can the President of the USA and Senators and Representatives of the USA live with themselves as they sell out the honest American citizens every day? Get rid of TPP!


[224804:082816] J.P., Buffalo, NY
The TPP will assure ever increasing drug prices.

Was this treaty authored by Pharma Bro with input from Heather Bresch and the EpiPen model?

Nothing quite like corporate oligarchs setting up tribunals to trump domestic law in order to assure obscene profits.


[082206:082816] B.L., West Warwick, RI
TPP is nothing more than another Trade Agreement like NAFTA that allows Multi-National Corporations to lower labor costs by producing goods in countries that exploit it's workers with low pay while taking away good American Jobs. The Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) creates a biased Corporately-ruled Court and Judges that circumvents Laws of Countries by allowing them to receive compensation for recovering Profits lost because of a variety of reasons including not wanting the Products, Environmental or Quality!


[220855:082416] F.C., Dallas, GA
The TTP is a bad deal for seniors like me, for it will keep medication costs sky-high


[220758:082416] R.H., Dallas, GA
The TTP is a bad deal for seniors like me, for it will keep medication costs sky-high


[220609:082416] W.B., Dallas, GA
The TTP is a bad deal for seniors like me, for it will keep medication costs sky-high.


[054203:082416] S.S., Chester Springs, PA
I am disappointed that our Congress would support the TPP Allowing corporate take over of our lives is a long term losing proposition.


[231742:082016] N.H., Chapel Hill, NC
TPP = Democrats losing, in this election and future ones.


[153329:082016] E.H., Uncasville, CT
Stop the horror of the TPP! Your human aren't you? If so, than you KNOW THE TPP is wrong wrong wrong! Goodness be damned if this Corporatist human ripoff passes. And there should be a Guantanamo for people like you, Clinton and All the other Corporatist trying to strip mine the humans of this world.
I really wish that you all fall out of your ivory towers into the misery you people as creating.
And ground those illegal drone assailants/murderers you think is fun to play with. People are suffering because of your policies. And though you are told to implement these horrific, undemocratic changes, they Are on your head and you aww choosing inhuman action over human.


[131526:082016] B.B., Saint Paul, MN
Pres. Obama's support for the TPP (leaving Hillary free to make her totally unbelievable promises not to support it) is just his latest back-flip on HIS unbelievable campaign promises. The DNC and Democratic Party seem to be trying to commit suicide. Giving up our sovereign rights to enact our own national and local protections of our air, water, food and people (children, workers, the vulnerable) borders on treason.

If down-ballot candidates want to survive politically, it's about time to break loose from the profit-driven corporate and military interests who are so ably represented by Obama and the Clintons.

Courage? Patriotism?? Anybody there?


[111627:082016] L.S., Palmyra, VA
We'reretired. Drugs are improvising us. Please help.


[104502:082016] L.S., Palmyra, VA
We're retired. Agreement to TPP adds to our considerable, and unaffordable, medical problems. Please help us. TPP hurts us.


[230126:081916] r.m., Madison, WI
We have to help


[202241:081916] K.L., San Leandro, CA
It's not just the concessions to the pharmaceutical industry. It's the concessions to every huge multi-national corporation that doesn't pay their fair share of taxes, that destroy our environment, that institutionalize income inequality with their unconscionable corporate pay packages, that ship our jobs overseas and then off-shore their profits...shall I go on? Shame on you, Mr. President, for thinking this "trade deal" is anything but a ripoff of the American people by huge corporations.


[165741:081916] S.G., Frederick, MD
BAN the TTP!


[154229:081916] F.D., Terrebonne, OR
Lack of oversight on imported foods, high drug prices that will continue to skyrocket, countries and corporation that will be able to sue if their "bottom line" is negatively affected. Just a few reasons I continue to oppose TPP. YOU should, too.


[153251:081916] G.L., Richmond, VA
I cannot with good conscience vote for anyone--regardless of other, more positive qualities-- who supports the TTP and similar "trade agreements" that destroy America's sovereignty and economic freedom. These type of "trade agreements" do not promote trade as much as they do capital flight and couple with expanded H1-B programs have led to massive job losses in This country. I urge the President to act as he promised voters during the 2008 elections and work to prevent us from being straddled by the TPP. I further ask that all our representatives do so as well.


[125443:081916] R.C., Matthews, NC
What is it with Obama and the TPP? Is he drunk?, Just that bought by busy-ness? Wall Street has his family? Not happy with how screwed up the Democratic Party is?


[124159:081916] R.S., Tacoma, WA
As 2 cancer victims, we beg you to fight against passing the TPP: Terrorize the People for Profit.


[112242:081916] f.M., Brooklyn, NY
drug prices affect us all and the incredible cost hurts all of us. we must stop further price hikes and curtail the high prices altogether!


[112142:081916] J.H., Bridgewater, VA
I am so disgusted with members of Congress, Obama and their corporate billionaires making us honest, hard-working citizens their slaves. However, a vote for Jill Stein is a vote for Trump. It really gives him a chance, which would be absolutely dangerous--and I thought that we had endured the worst with Reagan and the Bush-Chaney regimes.


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