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Appoint A Special Prosecutor To Investigate The Russian Connection


[004203:042517] v.v., Millersville, MD
WE, the PEOPLE need a special prosecutor to investigate all things Trump since well before his election: Flynn for lying about his contacts with the Russians pre election, and how they sabotaged the election. Trump for treasonous acts, before and after the election. Jeff Sessions lying under penalty of perjury. WE NEED a SPECIAL Prosecutor that WILL NOT back down under the intense pressure on him.


[161521:041817] G.N., Tomah, WI
We must have a special prosecutor


[133610:041417] J.T., Hendersonville, NC
A Special Prosecutor needs to determine what the facts are in this case.


[035407:031417] M.N., Chicago, IL
Why are the republicans always able to get away with murder and treason? It's like laws don't apply to them. Obama shrugged off Bush's treason and war crimes. The democratic party is a bunch of spineless for the most part.


[120458:031317] P.S., Montgomery, AL
This is to important. We are all watching. (2018)


[063737:031317] P.S., Montgomery, AL
If your not worried that something sinister is going on. Than sit on your ass and do nothing!


[152525:031217] K.L., San Leandro, CA
The so-called president, and aL.his appointees, are nothing but a bunch of the biggest liars and money-grubbers in the world. They don't want an investigation because they want to keep making money from their ties to the Russians, whether it's legal or not. And that's also a major problem - they throw the constitution out the window when it's not convenient to their money-making or political policies like banning people based on religion. If they have nothing to hide, why do they fear an investigation? Huh?


[003140:031217] C.L., Palo Alto, CA
Stand up, and save American democracy. Fear not, exercise leadership, and restore our faith in American democracy. Thank you.


[231620:031117] D.F., Kalama, WA
I do not think Comey can be impartial after his stunt right before the election, he should have been fired. It's bad enough having Putin helping Trump without having the head of the FBI using his power to swing votes.


[221540:031117] M.A., Albany, CA
Note: the sentence above should say "Reagan made a secret deal with the Iranians."
The deals the Trump and his posse have made and continue to make with the Russian govt. and oligarchs are probably more complex and numerous.
The public needs a thorough investigation conducted by a completely independent prosecutor. Findings should be used to impeach this impostor of a president--against whom enough evidence already exists for impeachment.


[210612:031117] B.S., Seattle, WA
Trump needs to be impeached and removed from office before he can complete the transition from democracy to fascism that is already in progress.


[183330:031017] W.D., Bearsville, NY
Trump has praised Putin and Russia during the election and continues to do so now. More of Trump's cabinet has met with Russian officials than those who have not. Isn't it obvious that our country has been sold out to the Russian oligarchy because our own oligarchy of billionaires envies the power of the Russian oligarchy? Wake up America! Learn Russian! Or, criminalize greed, JAIL the criminal class of rich people and nationalize ALL of their corrupt and fascist corporations.


[172522:031017] R.F., Leonia, NJ
This is not going to go away. And it impedes our trust in our government. So fix it please. Maybe then there'll be less portesters.....


[131038:031017] W.D., Bearsville, NY
Trump has been treasonously involved with Putin and the Russians for some time. It's obvious! Trump has as much as admitted it. More Trump cabinet members than not have had meetings with the Russians. Why do you delay investigating this treasonous President and his treasonous cabal?!


[124615:031017] G.H., Pinehill, NM
Please preserve the balance of power between our three branches of government. Without that crucial balance, we have a dictatorship and our democracy if dead.


[052116:030917] J.M., Phoenix, AZ
We can't have a special prosecutor a moment too soon.


[040017:030917] A.R., Fort Bragg, CA
Investigation is a must!


[234721:030817] B.S., Galena, MO
Trump and his mouth need to be silenced. Get a special INDEPENDENT prosecutor in to see what he has been and still is up to. This man tells more "fake" stories than a 5 year old kid.


[231625:030817] W.S., Santa Monica, CA
This is much more serious than Watergate because the activities and relationships that need to be investigated involve agencies and high officials of a serious geopolitical foe of the U.S.


[202732:030817] L.P., Austin, TX
A special prosecutor will prove or disprove the truth of this situation, so get on with it.


[185134:030817] A.R., Bath, ME
It is the only honest way to do it.


[181511:030817] L.S., Bothell, WA

Good letter to Comey as he should be investigated right along with the Russian Government. Maybe our 17 intelligent agencies can pitch in and take on a few investigations each in order to clean out all the "new swamps" expanding every day !!


[172658:030817] V.V., Millersville, MD
I cannot understand how Trump got so far: 1) he was nominated 2) he ran for the presidency 3) he was elected. Why was there never an investigation? I'm sure any investigation at all would have led to his being found unfit for ANY office, NOW, WE, the PEOPLE must put up with his ranting and babbling until he is bodily carried out of the White House. Of course WE will cheer!


[171857:030817] J.T., Denver, CO
Investigate and prosecute if necessary


[171518:030817] J.T., Denver, CO
Investigate and prosecute, if warranted.


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