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No Tax Cuts For The Rich


[184048:110617] R.B., San Francisco, CA
Please don't let the Republicans continue to distort the facts and pass off tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy as "tax reform". Tell the truth, tell it loud! The U.S. economy did just fine with much higher tax rates for the highest income, and corporations paying their fair share (without the ridiculous write-offs now routine).
Please speak out for a fair tax system that works for those with the least, not those that have the most.


[144039:110117] P.L., Dannebrog, NE
... Dayum nazi's ....


[110312:101717] A.A., Clermont, FL
We the people are getting tired that your salary comes from us but you work for the lobbyists and the wealthy helping them save more money, in the meantime giving us the rest of the pe6 the shaft. How can you sleep at night? Oh yeah, you already have no soul. You sold it already (you have the Antichrist in the WH, how's that going out for you?). All of that so you can have your party in charge and destroy everything for the rest of humanity while you and your rich friends get everything. I call that selfishness and pure evil.


[211459:101517] E.M., Mesa, AZ
The rich should be paying more taxes because they earn and have more money. The richer a person is, the more taxes he or she should pay. Period.


[124957:101217] A.D., Rock Hill, SC
Every time there are tax cuts, the bulk of them go to the wealthy. Taxes, though they do not find spending on the federal level, do serve purpose+-one being taking currency out of circulation, which is good for our economy--due to the fact that money taken out of the private sector benefits the public sector and vice versa. Congress needs to learn how our economy REALLY works. If you do not know--the are unwilling to learn macroeconomics, you have no business being in Congress.


[155355:100817] A.V., Indian Land, SC
when you eliminate ALL loopholes for the rich and corporations eg Exxon 39 BILLION profit in 3 MONTHS GOT A REFUND WTF?
THEN you can take away my state/local tax deductions ALONG WITH CORPORATIONS


[151729:100817] K.M., Panama City, FL
Republicans agenda is to hurt everyday Americans in their support of greed for the wealthy. Shameful and totally undemocratic.


[150535:100817] J.S., Placitas, NM
The richest among us do not need a tax cut. Trickle down has never worked.


[015421:100817] R.D., Las Vegas, NV
America is strong when it's middle class is strong. Any ta cuts should favor the middle class. The wealthy do not need any more tax breaks. Many of hem have amassed their wealth on the backs of the middle class. It's time to re-establish fairness into the tax system and have the wealthy pay their fair share. Also, do not eliminate the estate tax or the Alternative Minimum Tax.


[160442:100717] P.H., Reno, NV
Stop lying to the citizens of our country. Republicans have come to believe their false mantra that tax cuts for the rich grow the economy. It has NOT for the past thirty plus years. I will be watching and voting.


[011931:100517] D.s., Chandler, IN
Flat tax is the only way to make a level playing Field


[222236:100417] Z.V., Muskegon, MI
Stop tax cuts for the rich.


[200043:100417] F.J., Perry, IA
Tax reform is for those who actually pay their share of taxes! That is NOT the case in this country right now! GIVE THE MIDDLE CLASS REAL TAX CUTS -- FOR A CHANGE!


[174408:100417] P.D., Baton Rouge, LA
You are suppose to represent the people of LA. The people of LA (99%) want you to consider what they want. Not have you dictate what your donors want.


[162253:100417] M.T., Casa Grande, AZ
Are you serious? The rich already have all the money and you want to give them more? Are you too stupid to realize how an economic engine actually works? You have to have the consumers doing really, really well to support the egomaniacs in control. You cannot just starve the nation and give to the rich. None of you ever read "Robin Hood?" I am appalled at the absolute lack of brain power on the conservative end of the political spectrum right now. You guys just don't understand economics, nor democracy, nor how to rule. For once, just once, imagine that your family makes up the population of the U.S. Just them. Now imagine trying to respond to their political needs. Would you take away all their money, their healthcare, their jobs? I don't think so. But that is exactly what you are doing to the country with your insane schemes to prop up the rich and your donors, while absolutely making destitute the rest of the country. Hucksters, grifters, thieves, and con artists would be proud of your work.
Mark Tokarczyk
Casa Grande, AZ 85122


[112024:100417] M.H., Raleigh, NC
"There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that, if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. The democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them." - William Jennings Bryan, 1896. Now, economist Thomas Piketty shows "trickle down" is a con, and the only way capitalism works is "bottom up".


[085815:100417] P.L., Oakland, CA
No Tax Cuts For The Rich
There is more income inequality in America now than at any previous time in modern history. The rich have never been richer, and they just keep getting richer. The only time the economy grows is when NOT rich people have more money to spend. No tax cuts for the rich in any part. That's not tax reform, it's tax robbery.


[084813:100417] B.G., Trumansburg, NY
The 2% increase for low income earners and 4.6% decrease for the highest income bracket sets the stage for the rest of the tax give-a-ways to the top 1%.


[234445:100317] E.N., Hoboken, NJ
What are you thinking? No Children's Health Insurance, No desire to put forward a real Healthcare Bill when Obamacare does work, Why are you doing this?


[225549:100317] D.Q., Milwaukee, WI
Paul Ryan is lying again. Eliminating the estate tax only benefits the extremely rich and will blow up the deficit. When it does, new taxes will be thrown on the middle class and the wealthy will horde an even higher percentage of the nations wealth.


[225238:100317] P.F., Bend, OR
Do the right thing by your constituents, many of whom are rural residents and are generally not the majority of the 'haves'. Think of the general public, the every man, not the top few who have the luxury of doing whatever they want anytime they want.


[183224:100317] E.S., New York, NY
We need to be VERY VERY clear as to what these tax cuts entail, who will benefit, and how much will be benefitted.


[183025:100317] R.H., Moscow, ID
Stop pulling our legs about "middle class tax cuts" when it's obvious your cuts would favor the rich much more and give only token relief to whatever remains of the middle class.


[182352:100317] A.P., Honolulu, HI
The proposed changes to the tax code will make the rich richer, the poor poorer, and endanger what's left of the middle class. It is dishonest and obscene and should never see the light of day.


[182304:100317] W.G., North Myrtle Beach, SC
no tax cuts for the richin any way.


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