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Senator Franken Should Not Resign Without A Fair Ethics Committee Hearing


[112943:011418] J.H., Daytona Beach, FL
Senator Franken voluntarily offered to appear before the Ethics Committee, and this should have been arranged. He should never have been driven out of office, since even his accuser said she only wanted an apology, which he gave. She had no intention of making him lose his Senate seat.


[165515:010218] R.S., Fountain Valley, CA
What have we become when a person is driven out of office without even a fair hearing? How is it that right winger Roger Stone knew ahead of time the accusations against Senator Franken were coming, just exactly as he knew the Podesta emails would be leaked? Senator Franken deserves a fair hearing before the Ethics Committee, before he resigns. We demand that hearing now.


[145710:010218] M.H., Cross River, NY
The speed with which his fellow Democrats turned on Senator Franken, without any serious investigation or consideration of his past service and character witnesses among his staff - was despicable and stupid grandstanding and a betrayal of our party's principles. And was anyone looking into Roger Stone's involvement with the first accusation, which he "uncannily" predicted a day or two before it was made, or this first accuser's connection to Sean Hannity and FOX "News"? Where was the same journalistic investigation that went into looking at the accusations against Roy Moore? Sen. Franken deserved far more consideration and careful investigation than Moore, and instead got none.


[203143:010118] K.L., San Leandro, CA
I don't think Sen. Franken forced out. The GOP runs actual pedophiles for Congress and pretend it's OK, while trying to make Sen. Franken resign. I don't think he should, I'm tired of the double standard of this administration, which is led, by the way, by a true offender by his own admission. If he can be president, we can keep Sen. Franken in congress, where we need his progressivism.


[163549:010118] S.H., New Orleans, LA
Al Franken should be given a fair ethics committee hearing!!! Please Al, don't resign without it!


[163305:010118] S.H., New Orleans, LA
Please Al, don't let them do this to you, you need a fair hearing!


[172606:123117] J.S., Boulder, CO
A fair process is important for everyone!


[163708:123117] L.B., Cincinnati, OH
Senator Franken stepped forward, as it seemed the "big" thing to do. Notwithstanding his honor, I believe that the country will be well-served if he DOES go before an ethics committee so that a fair review of his conduct can be made.
Please take action to see that this can occur.


[203331:123017] A.H., Wingdale, NY
I believe working through the ethics committee is the best way to proceed. There are others still sitting in high positions who appear to have committed more egregious offenses than those Senator Franken has been accused of, and they should be investigated by the ethics committees as well, so we can be assured that a single standard is applied in all cases. Fair hearings by the ethics committee can determine whether accusations are real and not politically motivated. Senator Franken has welcomed such a review, and stands a good chance of being exonerated for his actions. I do not think it fair that a Senator who has shown himself politically to be a friend of women should be driven out of office, while others who show women no respect privately or publicly and who are accused of far more serious violations are allowed to remain in office with no review or culpability. If the ethics committees in both houses have any substance, they ought to investigate all accusations impartially, whether or not the accused denies the charges. I am appalled that one congressman can decide to stay in office when taxpayer money has secretly paid for settling cases of abuse, and another is loudly driven out of office with no fair review of his case. The ethics committee ought to be involved in all ethics violations, so that non-partisan ethical standards determine the conduct of all public servants, everyone in office agrees to abide by the same rules of conduct, and deviation from ethical standards is decided by the committee tasked with this job, as agreed by all members of congress beforehand. This protects members from witch hunts, and the American people from unscrupulous leaders.


[173805:123017] R.G., Albany, NY
As a life-long Democrat, the only time in my life when I've agreed with Newt Gingrich was when he said that Senator Franken had been "lynch-mobbed." Senator Franken deserves a fair hearing!!


[171809:123017] J.M., Federal Way, WA
I am aware of the severity of the offence that now is now coming into the light of day and I support all who have been harmed by those who perpetrated the offences. I also feel that those who are serving our country deserve to have a full investigation as sadly sometimes it all isn't what is claimed.
I hold Al Franken in high regard and wish him to get a full and honest investigation and to have all who serve in our Govt. treated withe same. To allow the moment to let some be treated differently does not allow all to have justice both for the accused and the accusers which all deserve. Let Senator Franken have this fair and impartial through review as all others should also have in the same situation.


[164050:123017] R.C., Stafford, VA
His voting record is commendable.. With his sense of humor it is hard to believe the seriousness of the charges,


[150520:123017] J.K., Willimantic, CT
Is he to be guilty until proven innocent? A fair hearing should have been held already. I am outraged that Franken was forced out without a proper hearing.


[140930:123017] m.b., Spring, TX

he's a silly dufuss , Not an amoral predator. like drump
deserves a hearing --a good guy and senator !


[133143:123017] M.S., Plattsburgh, NY
It was disgraceful that Dems threw one of their best champions under the bus just to try to get a "moral high ground" that wouldn't make a bit of difference.
a way to get Trump to resign? he laughed!


[213653:122917] b.b., Longmont, CO
For Senator Franken, For you, we must honor and respect the rule of law.
Your Colorado friend -- betty butler


[003705:122917] R.W., Washington, DC
Everyone deserves a hearing.


[232117:122817] R.T., Spring Lake, MI
Due process should be followed.
Twitter is not a hearing venue.


[231600:122817] L.B., Mount Vernon, NY
I demand some standards here re forcing people to resign. If they haven't behaved badly in the last 5 years, and/or they haven't abused their current position, and there are no criminal charges, then perhaps we can applaud their talents and continue working together.


[213530:122817] G.N., Hope, MI
Senator Franken should not resign. The people of Minn still want him and so do I. He should at least be given an ethics investigation. He is one of the best Senators we have. Please make hi im stay. Withoyt him, the people have noone to rely on to fight for them.


[203043:122817] M.D., Seattle, WA
Every woman I know has been harassed including myself. That doesn't warrant this rush to judgment, it feels like McCarthyism. It is important that a woman's claims of harassment are investigated and the truth is determined with appropriate action taken based on the investigation. Anything else is undemocratic and should be beneath the elected officials charged with maintaining our democracy.


[190210:122817] M.P., Laguna Hills, CA
Because Senator Franken did not want to leave office, he deserves a hearing before the Ethics Committee, as does any senator or representative facing similar charges, who does not choose to leave office.


[182550:122817] A.S., San Jose, CA
Take your pick, you are stuck in an elevator with Senator Franken or Donald Trump. I'll take Senator Franken any day.


[174516:122817] S.B., Clifton, AZ
I believe Sen. Franken was framed. I hope he will hang in there.


[174040:122817] M.H., Atlanta, GA
The 'groping' pic was obviously a joke on the fact that the lady's wearing a bullet proof vest. Bad taste? Yes. Young man? Yes. Comedian?? Yes, at that time. Now a seriously intelligent Senator, seriously ethical and far sighted. Democrats, giving in on Franken in order to join the condemnation of sexual harassment/coercion of women, was a cheap and VERY misplaced shot. BAD idea. Sen Franken -- get back in there!!! Intlligence sorely needed, people who are wisely scared to death of Big Corporate/Big Capital, Citizens' United, Fossil Fuel emissions, ---the Bigs. Go stand back up for good sense and human foresight --- it's not just about our generation...our kids and grandkids need you NOW.


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