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Protect The Mueller Investigation


[215345:053118] E.M., Thousand Oaks, CA
Special Counsel Mueller must, for the good of America, finish his investigation. Period.


[123903:052318] M.A., Oakland, CA
This is vitally important to assure our democratic values.
Thank you.


[193428:050418] C.W., San Diego, CA
This investigation needs to e completed without restrictions or impediments, etc. That Trump calls Mueller's members all
Democrats is wrong, and he lies constantly. This clown needs to go, as he is an embarrassment not only to our great country, but also to the rest of the world.


[100232:043018] S.R., Silverthorne, CO
At Some Point... WE will have to stand up ,and Defend the Principles of Self Government established by Our Founding Fathers.... or We will find Ourselves being Dictated by the Same 'Elements' We Fought the Revolution against, as We Already have Taxation without Representation... and All the Men and.. Women, who have Given Thier LIVES to Protect, an Defend the Ideals and Values of a Government .. By, For, and Of the PEOPLE... Will Have Been in VAIN. It IS.. Time to STOP Playing the 'Political Expediancy Game'.. And Make a STAND!


[080931:042918] R.H., Pentwater, MI
This is why we need law: to codify common sense!


[225606:042818] L.B., Houston, TX
Trump was likely betraying the country when he colluded with Russian intelligence agents. Foreign operatives should not be interfering in an American election. Please let Trump be investigated.


[010735:042818] C.M., Rockford, IL
I am not a supporter of either Mueller or Comey so discount what I just sent. I misinterpreted the statement. I absolutely refuse support what is taking place against President Trump.


[222950:042618] V.F., Washingtonville, NY
In the interest of credibility and accountability for our judicial system we must insure that Robert Mueller's investigation will not be railroaded. This would make a mockery of our democracy. Mrs. Valerie Fais


[135513:042618] M.P., Lapeer, MI
Protect Mueller. Why has no one brought up the whole issue of the russians bailing Trump out of his bankruptcies!!!!!


[202446:042518] J.F., River Falls, WI
By law Mueller should continue his investigation of Trump alleged sedition and cooperation with Russia during the election.


[214231:042418] g.C., Freeport, ME
A tragic shame for our country to be funding this genocide! Stop!


[195603:042418] S.T., Hartley, IA
Please protect Mueller and the investigation against Trump.


[165229:042418] D.S., Mount Jewett, PA
The Mueller investigation must go on until it is concluded. I do not trust Trump nor the Republican congress to protect this investigation.


[161516:042418] L.S., Seattle, WA

We must protect Robert Mueller III from the GOP/Trumpsters attempt to obstruct the truth from being released to the American people. This investigation must be allowed and protected to its completion. Trump likely acts guilty because he IS guilty. Why else would he carry on the way he does?


[082125:042418] E.A., Frankfort, IL
Until the truth is exposed, we need Mueller on the job!


[003142:042418] K.C., Grand Junction, CO
President Trump has often gone back on the things he says he will do or won't do. I think at one point he said he would not fire Tillerson, yet he did. Please protect Robert Mueller's investigation. There is something very wrong going on with Trump's business, and he has often said during his campaign that he knows how to get around the law, or use it for his own advantage. If he has nothing to hide, why is he so nervous about the investigation? His actions, tweets and statements make me believe that there is a lot that he is hiding - that he does not want law enforcement to find out about. Please do what is right, and protect the Special Counsel. Thank you.


[000806:042418] R.H., San Francisco, CA
This illegitimate administration consists of a head thug and his associate gangsters determined to steal American's wealth, assets, and power and transfer them to his bosses: the dark mega corporations and billionaires who financed his treasonous seizure of our government. At the same time he and his criminal syndicate are systematically sabotaging the foundations of our democracy from the judicial system to the democratic electoral process.


[235732:042318] S.P., Oakland, CA
If Mr. Mueller is not allowed to continue his investigation a message will be sent across the world that America's system of justice is a sham, i.e., one only gets "justice" if it is convenient for politicians.


[230103:042318] J.K., Houston, TX
Please prove that *no* one is above the law! Protect the separation of the branches, and most important, our democracy!


[205340:042318] J.P., Ripley, WV
Keep the Muller investigation going. Paul Ryans sees the writing on the so he's bailing out. A good thing for America and now it's time for McConnel to leave too. This is a critical investigation as to weather our America remains a Democracy and reveals Trump regime and his association to Russian Oligarchs, Putin and possible illegal actives along with Donald Jr, Kushner and Ivanka. Open your eyes and stand up for the country and help remove this wants to be, 'Dictator.'


[183737:042318] C.H., Phoenix, AZ
Please do the right thing!


[161224:042318] S.C., Portland, ME
It's essential that Mueller be able to complete his investigation


[154706:042318] B.S., Galena, MO
Mueller needs to be protected so we can ALL have the answers to Trump's crooked dealings with Russia and everyone else.


[152034:042318] K.G., La Habra, CA
Prove that you believe the President is NOT ABOVE THE LAW!


[131112:042318] J.C., Miami, FL
Based on empirical observation, Trump has been acting in the best interests of Putin. He is the worst domestic enemy since Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis. Anyone who enables him by not protecting Mueller is a fellow traveler.


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