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Restore Habeas Corpus


[021950:100108] N.S., Warwick, RI
Due Process of Law is the foundation of our Republic, We must restore it. Veterens in Iraq have fought and died for this very dear thing!!


[101755:012408] P.N., Santa Monica, CA
The Military Commissions Act is an agenda to promote a Police State for a facist government. It is deplorable that such an act could pass. Please completely repeal this act.


[175823:101907] B.D., Concord, CA
The integrity of the Constitution is sacred.


[085102:101907] D.P., Pasadena, CA
It is long past time to reject the fearful arrogance and lawlessness of this Administration and return to being the America we have historically aspired to be.


[190902:101307] S.O., Buffalo Grove, IL
Our Constitution is still the law - Restore Habeus Corpus NOW !!!


[063005:101307] m.t., Aguanga, CA
"Restore Habeas Corpus"


[095918:100907] A.C., Freeport, ME
Stop sanctioning the unlawful detention of US citizens. The right to safeguard our individual freedom in the face of arbitrary state action MUST be preserved.


[123951:100807] P.S., Artesia, CA
I am an independent voter and I think this is a disgrace that King George Boosh would take away an invioliable right such as this. Who does this bafoon think he is? We need to stand up and fight against this kind of tyranny before it is too late.


[062623:100807] J.H., Wolfeboro Falls, NH
The implosion of the twin towers on 9/11 was a govn't inside job. That attricity was committed for oil and to get the communist and inappropriately named Patriot act passed. It removed 7 of our constitional rights. We must vote to void this act to restore Habeas Corpus. If I speak against my govn't under this act I am labeled an "Enemy Combatent" and my Citezenship can be taken away and my rights to Habeas Corpus. I am supposed to be able to say what ever I want under the Free Speach Ammendment! That is not right! Down with the falsely named patriot act!


[060215:100707] L.T., Madison, NJ
It's bad enough to roll back our civil rights to the way they were before the 1950s, but to roll them back to the way they were before 1215? Restore Habeas Corpus!


[182044:100607] C.H., Cedar Rapids, IA
I'm sick and tired of unrepresentative government. You will be held accountable by the people.


[071102:100607] r.j., Havana, FL
The abolishment of habeas corpus is a direct message to the people of the United States that it we do not have a government ,"of the people, for the people, and by the people".


[191546:100407] j.w., North Hollywood, CA
Sorry but this one should be a no-brainer.


[175754:100407] M.B., East Lansing, MI
The abolishment of habeas corpus is a direct message to all Americans that our government is not, "of the people, by the people and for the people" The current administration has all but removed any statement by its constituents. The USA of 2007 reflects nothing that this country was founded on. It is absolutely essential that habeas corpus be reinstated for the betterment of every US citizen. Without this law we are just another country which will soon be overthrown by the powers that be...not the American way. What has become of the "American way of life"? I am very ashamed to call myself an American and plead with you to reinstate habeas corpus immediately or more residents will be leaving this county in order to find solace in another country. You are being given an ultamative. END THE WAR IN IRAQ or lose the support of the persons who have voted for you. We elected you and you have done nothing to stop the genecide in Iraq. How dare you even consider war with Iran? As with several friends, we are choosing to leave this country of irrational governmental officials for others that actually believe in "peace".


[215723:100307] B.G., Seattle, WA
What happened to our democracy...?!


[173808:100307] D.M., Madera, CA
Should we allow ourselves to treat the United States Constitution the same way as we treat our borders, -which physically define our existence, - the spirit of our Nation will not just fall apart, but will be forever erased by tyranny. Restoring Habeas Corpus is a basic remedy for survival of our Liberty and of our much endangered future.


[173618:100307] D.M., Madera, CA
Should we allow ourselves to treat the United States Constitution the same way as we treat our borders, -which physically define our existence, - the spirit of our Nation will not just fall apart, but will be forever erased by tyranny. Restoring Habeas Corpus is a basic remedy for survival of our Liberty and of our much endangered future.


[162912:100307] R.M., Lake Arrowhead, CA
Do the right thing. That's your job.


[153925:100307] g.c., Vero Beach, FL
Covert complicit collateral forces, involving the Mason/ Mossaud killed JFK on 11/22 led to 9/11 and Vietnam forever cause peace is far to expensive for a military from which all things go into and come out of as well as religion, wow and to think Specter and Dodd's son, interesting Senator Eastland's subcommittee partner


[233034:100207] J.F., New Holland, OH
Bring back Habeas Corpus


[181936:100207] M.R., Puyallup, WA
We need to restore our country to the values that founded it, when we became a country of integrity because of our system of individual freedom.


[120925:100207] B.B., East Meredith, NY
Habeus corpus is a Constitutional right! If you don't respect the Constitution, this is no longer America! Support the right to Habeus corpus. It is your duty to uphold the Constitution of the US. You took an oath!

Let's see congress act on their legal authority for a change.


[150442:100107] R.M., New York, NY
Restore habeas corpus!


[202742:093007] A.C., Seal Beach, CA
How would you like to be imprisoned without any rights for justice? Let them have their way, and you may be next!


[134359:093007] A.L., Arlington, VA
Restore Habeus Corpus


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