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Support H. Res 333 (H.Res 799) To Impeach Cheney


[082644:020709] B.W., Sioux Falls, SD
If I as an ordinary citizen had made the blunders of the Bush/Cheney "regime," I would be behind bars. And now for a "former" VP speaking out against a new President of 19 days makes me shudder. I am 68 years old and do not remember any former President or VP trying to still lead the nation by telling the new administration they are taking us down the wrong path. We have been going down the wrong path for the previous 8 years. All Americans speak out now. Impeachment might get their attention, but I'm not even sure of that because they believe they are perfect.


[211709:092908] J.S., New Albany, IN
Failing to impeach Cheney for his undisputed crimes means Congress is just as guilty as he is.


[132417:090808] S.W., Los Angeles, CA
These men have betrayed our country. We deserve the truth and we deserve to have our troop brought home. No one should die for a lie and for oil. 9/11 was a lie and the whole country knows it. We must speak out. We must end the war.


[235415:060808] C.S., Los Angeles, CA
Cheney-Bush Dynasty undermined US citizen rights.


[095655:050608] E.F., New York, NY
It is time for all elected Democrats to do the right thing, and follow the wishes of their constituents. Bush and Cheney must be impeached, and then prosecuted for the criminal acts they have committed in office.


[032831:042508] G.G., Naperville, IL
Mr. Cheney is guilty of High Crimes and Treason against the American people, the United States of America and the world. He must be held accountable for his actions.


[070045:042108] T.D., Bloomington, IN
Yes Bush and Cheney should have been impeached years ago. Is everyone scared of them?


[223145:031208] t.k., Santa Monica, CA
Stop dragging your political feet and do what you were elected to do! You are a representative of the people and you are sworn to follow the constitution. Have the hearings and do whats RIGHT.


[125233:030408] J.B., Roslindale, MA
Support H. Res 333 (H. Res. 799) To Impeach Cheney


[114909:022608] J.G., Milwaukee, WI
What means do we have to check the abusive expansion of executive privilege? The one given us by the founding fathers who knew only too well the power of kings and feared it: the demand to hold our leaders accountable to the law of the land and to the principles of freedom and equality. Given the remaining tenure of Bush and Cheney, many would deem impeachment a waste of time and energy, but that view misses its major import. Impeachment is really about American citizens exercising the Constitutional demand to hold our elected officials accountable, it is about restoring the checks and balances of our governing system, it is about reclaiming our democracy. Whether a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, the next president must not be allowed the leeway to continue expanding executive powers and subvert the principles of democracy. Failure to demand impeachment investigations will sooner or later result in further erosion of our Constitutional rights. Will we eventually need to discuss these matters in secret? Not if we lift our heads out of the sands of denial and take action-now.


[232700:022208] G.N., Rutherford, NJ
We can't let Dick Cheney's criminal behavior go unanswered, or future administrations will simply take it even further. If your oath of office means anything to you, you must protect the constitution from the desecration it has suffered at the hands of Dick Cheney, and ultimately George Bush as well.


[184856:022208] H.C., Nanuet, NY
Support H. Res 333 (H. Res. 799) To Impeach Cheney


[095247:022208] D.K., New York, NY
Please defend the constitution, impeach all concerned from the President down. it is your responsibility. As a voting citizen, I will be watching your responses carefully.


[074759:022208] R.P., Brooklyn, NY
Impeachment is the only way to send a clear message to future presidents, congresspersons, supreme court members, and other government functionaries that crimes comparable to those committed by Mr. Cheney (and the one who promoted him) will not be tolerated by the American people, and will lead to effective, needed punishment. We must not allow those sworn to uphold the consitution to trash it, and to make gratuitous war on the rest of the world. Crime must not be allowed to pay!


[195337:022008] Z.H., Seattle, WA
We are in a serious Constitutional crisis. Democrats were elected to Congress to put the brakes on the Bush-Cheney juggernaut. They should be willing to take some political risks to honor, protect, and defend the Constitution. It is their fundamental oath of office. If we allow Bush and Cheney to succeed in permanently altering the balance of powers between the branches of government, a terrible precedent will be set.


[162001:021808] K.S., Bainbridge Island, WA
If this Congress does not do something to defend our Constitution it will be, at the very least, guilty of negligence. We have elected you and are paying you to represent the citizen of the United States, not protect a person whose behavior has been highly questionable. You need to know the truth. We need to know the truth. Without it you will be setting a precedent that we will all regret.


[201921:020908] D.M., Chicago, IL
Vice President Cheney must be impeached immediately. He is a criminal and a threat to the well being of our nation. Bill Clinton was almost impeached for far less. I urge you in the strongest terms to do your job and remove this man from office immediately, before he causes any more irreparable damage, and then proceed to charge him with the various crimes he has committed. It must be known that NO ONE is above the law.


[213924:020808] G.D., Milwaukee, WI
I support D. Kucinich's H. Res. 333 calling for the impeachment of VP Dick Cheney and Pres. George Bush.
And I believe it is your constitutional duty to hold impeachment hearings because of the blatant violations of the U.S. Constitution by those wo men.


[101619:020808] P.B., New Berlin, WI
Cheney's disregard of the constitution is outrageous. We should not have kept him this long. Please support the resolution to impeach him. The president should be impeached as well.


[064754:020808] K.M., Milwaukee, WI
This administration needs to be held accountable for invading a sovereign nation, engaging in state sponsored torture, spying on American citizens via phone and E-mail, holding people indefinitely without access to representation, and awarding no-bid contracts to American companies working in Iraq. Impeachment would hopefully prevent future administrations from behaving unlawfully and with total disregard for the American people as well as the people of the world.


[184059:020708] U.H., Eureka, CA
Impeach Cheney. To not do so is to sully the office of the president.


[144047:020608] J.G., Milwaukee, WI
When I see a "United we Stand" bumper sticker, it scares me to think people outside this country may believe it. Fact is, we've never been more divided. Our government is not representing the people anymore. Chaney lied to Congress to start a war in Iraq and he knew he did. Hundreds of thousands have been killed or injured as a result. People are being tortured, privacy is being violated, and the constitution of the United States is being ignored. Bush and Chaney swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and clearly they have not. Those in the House and Senate took that same oath and it is your obligation to your office, your country, and those who elected you to do the right thing when others do the wrong thing. Support H. Res 333 / 799 to impeach Chaney NOW, before he deceives us into another war.


[084746:012408] E.R., Moodus, CT
If this measure fails to pass, and the president is not impeached and convicted as well, then Congress is as culpable as the two top criminals in this farce.


[174846:012208] g.m., Crescent City, CA
And now Repug Folks, Just where would we be if, ''Duefus Mr.Bush'' had gotton his way with the changing of Soc. Sec. Accounts to Private ones...... and with the way the stock market is now>? HAW HA.....Dummy Bush ! Right ! You still believe that and we the people don't know BS ....when we see it>"!
Go Suck an EGG/ Cheney-n-Bush You've Truly put the US and us thru HELL! Go Dennis ,I'd vote for you....before the others.


[170855:012008] D.S., Santa Monica, CA
I think that the Aministration of Bush/Cheney has been in violation of the Constitution of the United States since the day they were appointed to office by the US Supreme Court. That appointment itself was egregious because two members of the Court had family members working for the Bush/Cheney ticket. (Scalia, whose son was a lawyer working on the legal case, and if that is not a bald-faced conflict-of-interest I don't know what could be considered one)
Cheney's association with Halliburton, who won a no-bid contract to work on the Iraq War and who has been accused of fradulant billing is just one instance of economic conflict this Administration has. Another is the ethical lapses that have put this nation's moral repute in jeopardy ie. torture and Guantanamo. There is no doubt in my mind that these actions constitute "high crimes and misdemeanors" that are the basis for impeachment. I think Cheney has been foremost in the Administration to influence these actions so should be the one impeached. I do no think this country can afford not to go on record with these charges.
Sincerely, Diana Spears


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