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Support the FISA Modernization Bill of 2007, H.R. 3782


[182855:061908] T.T., Pacifica, CA
No IMMUNITY!!!!!!!


[162044:112207] D.M., Port Richey, FL
What is happening? Are we turning into our worst enemies? Can we start working toward what our country was, a place with respect and honor.


[022640:111207] w.d., Englewood, NJ
i demand news coverage of political issues NOW. media bias is blatant and unconstitutional. i demand news on dick cheney and the motion recently made to impeach him to be carried in all major newspapers and tv networks.


[144704:110907] R.S., Medina, WA
the Constitution has become an abused child. adults must protect it or become complicit in its death.


[125712:110107] K.A., Chicago, IL
This is a simple issue. We all know why Bush is pushing for retroactive immunity and it is unacceptable if we want true justice. Bush has lied and committed crimes. This needs to be addressed.


[052938:103007] J.K., Hermitage, TN
I am sick and tired of having a government that is crooked and lying, with no oversight. It is way past time for you to stand up to Bush and stop pretending that you are afraid you will be called weak on defense if you are strong on rights.


[074426:102707] n.z., Brooklyn, NY
As an American citizen and taxpayer, I want my Constitutional rights protected - no wire tapping, no mail opening, no invasion of my privacy and no immunity to those that participate in any of these Constitutional violations.


[143509:102607] m.d., San Diego, CA


[202624:102507] J.F., New Holland, OH
Remember "OUR" 4th amendment of our Constitution


[115559:102407] M.C., Seattle, WA
The RESTORE Act caves in to Bush's fear-mongering in a major way by allowing for program or basket "warrants," which aren't really warrants at all. They're the modern-day equivalent of allowing government agents to sit in our living rooms, recording our personal conversations. Only they're more frightening, because the government now has the capacity to monitor us remotely and without our knowledge, and to save the information in a secret database forever.

This is an unacceptable invasion of privacy and violation of the constitution. That it is bipartisan policy is a commentary on how close we are coming to fascism.


[134018:102307] L.M., Union City, NJ
I am extremely tired of being angry and ashamed of a government that feels no sense of responsibility for its actios. I am in full support of the FISA Modernization Bill of 2007 H.R. 3782


[121426:102207] M.m., Springfield, MO
I am outraged at the use of illegal methods of everything from lying about what is actually going on misrepresentation, the incompetence and the fear mongering of the Bush, Cheney Administration. They have brought death and distruction to this country. They have caused fear in other countries about the policy of pre-emptive bombings.The jobs have gone to other countries etc. End this madness, impeach and vote for this bill.


[180820:102107] S.T., Oberlin, OH
This is to urge you vote FOR or sponsor The FISA Modernization Bill of 2007 H.R. 3782 introduced by Rush Holt. This bill would not only correct previous abuses, but also the so-called Protect America Act, passed in such a rush before the last Congressional break, which just exacerbated the problems.


[132733:102107] D.C., Cantonment, FL
The rampant abuses of this administration must be stopped and remedies must be initiated. The members of Congress have a responsibility to the Constitution and to the citizens of this country to uphold the laws and to maintain the balance of power. What has been allowed to happen during the this administration's time in office is shameful and Congress is responsible for having abnegated their responsibilities. It is time to step up to the plate and begin to remedy the situation.


[131234:102107] C.S., Miami, FL
The slippery slope of Constitutional and Bill of Rights erosion orchestrated by this illegal administration must be stopped and reversed, this criminal administration must be held accountable for it's crimes.


[125649:102107] K.J., Sun City, CA
I urge you to support the "FISA Modernization Bill of 2997. The encroachment on citizen rights and protections afforded by the 45h amendment tothe constitution must be preserved if America is to continue to live up to its original promise. Please do your duty to protect the fourth amendment and the rights of your constituents.

Thank you.


[213951:102007] J.D., Fresno, CA
The newspapers are telling me that you are going to let Bush frighten you again, and that you are not really going to fix what is wrong. Please insist on a strong bill: no wiretapping without a warrant. No Presidential authority to ignore the law.


[141040:102007] R.H., San Carlos, CA
Richard A. H.they all still need to be impeached and put on trail in the world court for crimes against humanity for what they have done and are still doing under the guise of democracy,they have ruined the honor and rep. of america and destoryed the middle class so bush/cheny and friends can get richer which is what this war is really about so we must impeach them and restore americas honor and rep. go U.S.A.


[082735:102007] D.U., Pacifica, CA
Please help us get back to the rule of law. Thank you.


[221451:101907] L.Z., Aurora, IL
I want to make sure that every violation of the constitution is investigated and that no retroactive immunity be given to anyone involved in these crimes. Also blanket warrants on American citizens should not be taking place and I want to see it stopped!


[120850:101907] N.Y., Brooklyn, NY
Blanket warrants, retroactive immunity, some one must be kidding. However if it's not a joke, in a country like ours, with more imprisoned people than any other nation in the world, there must be room enough for these criminals.


[110736:101907] S.R., Hereford, AZ
Without observance of our constitution, America is nothing. It is our constitution that makes us special. Let's get back to basics, agree on the fundamentals, and stick with what the Founders intended.


[105152:101907] L.O., Hollywood, FL
Some one needs to stand up for the Constitution and the Citizens of this country. Our politicians have insulted us enough with this empty rhetoric of security. On one hand they need to wire tap American citizens while leaving our borders unprotected and allowing employers to hire illegal aliens without impunity. This is an outrage and an assault on the Constitution they all pledged to protect and uphold.


[083407:101907] D.B., Smiths Station, AL
Going to go partisan on this one too?


[060414:101907] D.B., Clemson, SC
I will not give up my rights without a fight! My right against illegal search and the phone company should be punished along with the law breaking president.


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