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No Retroactive Immunity for Telecoms


[131203:120908] S.C., Santa Cruz, CA
my privacy is my privacy!


[174005:030508] M.J., Portland, OR
Time is running out for the House-Senate conference committee. A compromise should not be regarded as progress. The old FISA law is more than adequate in upholding the 4th Amendment. Shrub wants no record of the Administration's spying on American citizens and fellow politicians. Schmirkenfrüher's spying policy is Watergate on steroids. We want accountability and impeachment.


[162931:020308] S.M., Camarillo, CA
Our laws state that those who break them must be held accountable for their actions by them. The benefits and harms caused by their actions mean nothing to the law. The law merely states the penalties that we are to deliver in case of a person's action. They are our choice to obey, in this case, we many people wish to see them obeyed. Therefore let you put the telecommunication companies who have participated illegally in eavesdropping upon citizens through the rigors of the law. Furthermore, these companies have acted based on a faulty premise, and in a manner comparable to our nation's deepest shame. Therefore let them be punished, to prove that we do not back this shame any more.


[193149:012608] P.B., Nashville, TN
I believe that if a law is passed specifically providing immunity for wrongdoing, then we have justified wrongdoing, or we have been bought for a price, and approval sends a clear signal to Congress that we allow the men of means, the men who have power, to be accountable to a different set of laws, and a much lower bar defining ethical and lawful conduct. The integrity of Congress should never be compromised, nor sold for porkbarrel favors, because they hold the integrity of the whole country in every act.


[053028:011108] L.W., Easthampton, MA
Because our president has committed illegal actions by spying on American citizens without our knowledge, does not mean that the companies who were accessories to this crime should be allowed to get away with it. Why even have laws if we don't enforce them? Please do not give immunity to these criminals.


[182222:010808] R.W., Escondido, CA
If we allow this we will be sliding down the slippery slope of facism.


[110554:010708] D.R., Saint Paul, MN


[004818:010308] C.B., New York, NY
Our constitutional guarantees are worthless unless the telecoms are held to account for collecting information about our personal communications for the government with no due process.

I hope you will fight for the same liberties our founders established for us.


[075038:010108] C.R., Hollywood, FL
The actions by the Telecompanies were blatantly illegal and need to be prosecuted to it's fullest extent! Not only these companies, but also the Bush administration for setting forth these type of authoritarian policies more reminisent of pre-communist Russia than of a supposedly democratic country like the USA use to be. It's time to take back our trampled bill of rights, and restore the democracy as the forefathers envisioned them instead of following the desings of the petti tyrant now in power.


[153336:122707] B.K., Syracuse, NY
How can we pat the 'telecoms' on their heads and say,"There, there, little boys, we know you didn't mean to be naughty so you go back out to play. You didn't know that what you did deserves a behind-the-shed spanking. Mommy will fix it." UGH! The last I heard ignorance of the law is NO excuse. So, what is going on here? No one knows what they actually did but we know it was wrong and an illegal invasion of privacy (my privacy and yours, too) and they expect to be absolved of all their transgressions. The law doesn't work that way. They are guilty, guilty, guilty and NEED to be punished before the whole country goes completely wacko and starts crying out, "But I didn't know any better. The telecoms didn't get punished so I shouldn't either." Oh, please. Cheney has become a megalomaniac (or always was one) and cannot be allowed to use his assumed power in such obviously (or secretly) illegal ways. Make them all pay the price. PLEASE.


[131410:122707] j.b., Ashland, OR
End Fascism!


[120831:122707] S.S., Minneapolis, MN
This is like fixing a rich guy's parking ticket times a billion.The neo-con's lawlessness must be stopped.We are COUNTING on you. You are our political troops, and we will support you.


[142435:122607] J.T., Melbourne, FL
Accessories to a crime are as guilty as the perpetrators.


[185651:121907] S.D., Denver, CO
Their lawyers knew better. This was about the money. No Immunity.


[112209:121807] W.S., Homestead, FL
They gambled with this corrupt administration and lost. Let them pay the consequences for breaking the law.


[105747:121807] T.K., Carmichael, CA
Please hold everone accountable for any unconstitutional action taken place! It's the LAW! America should be the standard for all Countries to follow. Stop the loyalty to the elite, hold all accountable!


[075235:121807] J.E., Plano, TX
Remember government by the people for the people - its time our voice was heard. I oppose retroactive immunity!


[073227:121807] d.c., Toledo, OH
please do not give retroactive immuinity to any of the telecoms involved in the illegal wiretapping the current administration is engaging in, and make them talk about what all was asked of them by this administration.
i am behind you guys 100%, along with somany more, you will only get more support by not letting up on the criminals in this administration. we are disgusted with this administration, and more than a little frustrated with congress, but we are willing to tough it out and stand behind congressional dems and anyone willing to make a true and strong stand against the administration. go get'em


[065109:121807] J.B., Roslindale, MA
No Retroactive Immunity for Telecoms


[201359:121707] J.S., Harrisburg, IL
The Nazi functionaries tried at Nuremberg claimed that they were acting under orders in a time of urgent need to protect the Reich from "International Jewish Conspiracy". The excuse did not work for them, and it should not work for the Telecoms. They knew what the Constitution says, but they chose to ignore it.

Congress has an obligation to defend the Constitution, not destroy it. Time for Congress to do something for the country, not the lobbyists.


[144507:121707] G.S., Dallas, TX
To my Senators and House Representatives,

It is critically important that the Senate does NOT grant unwarranted retroactive immunity to the Telecoms for their unwarranted caving in to the Cheney White House on rule of law. Not only would blanket absolution of wrongdoing set a bad legal precedent, they still will not tell us what the Telecoms actually did. Qwest knew right from wrong when they refused to break the law. Congress needs to compel the rest of the Telecom companies to come clean, not signal to the Telecoms that Congress acquiesces in their illegal conduct. Senators Feingold, Dodd and others have declared they are prepared to filibuster if necessary to make sure the law remains the law, and I respectfully ask you to support them and their effort to uphold the laws of the land. Thank you.

Respectfully Yours,
Gary Stuard


[134045:121707] R.S., Morro Bay, CA
Their participation adds insult to injury.


[082445:121707] K.L., Nacogdoches, TX
What AT and T and Verizon did in wiretapping Americans was both illegal and immoral-- and now they want no consequences at all, via a corrupt Bush administration and Congress? Granting immunity to the telecoms is like posting a huge sign over the USA reading: WE WANT FASCISM HERE!


[063549:121707] K.K., Hopewell, NJ
Follow the constitution! It denies illegal search and seizure!
Granting immunity / retroactive immunity to telcos is further on the road to fascism!


[061102:121707] L.S., Milford, CT
How dare you Senator Reid ?If this is leadership for democrats you should go the way of Joe Lieberman and just leave the party for your are not representing us our our US Constitution orhe rules of the Senate.Even Bill Frist didn't do this to the minority.Where do you get off thinking you can?


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