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Join Wexler In Calling For Impeachment Hearings


[200312:012709] K.H., San Francisco, CA
It is so important that these hearing should be convened. This will prevent future presidents and vice presidents from repeating the same mistakes that this administration has made.


[070035:072308] C.P., Pittsburgh, PA
There are more then enough reasons and evidence to impeach Mr. Bush. And there is a reason people's approval of congress is in single digits, the lowest in history. We want him out.


[074206:071608] E.W., Freehold, NJ
If the Congress doesn't move to bring legal force against Bush and Cheney I will guarantee you that I'll vote for a third party. Some say that third party votes are a waste of time but I say that its a waste of time to ever elect another Democrat or Republican. The worst Congress in history! Impeach yourselves while you're at it.


[144232:070908] D.S., San Carlos, CA
There needs to be impeachment hearings to deal with the events of the last 7 years. Bush and Cheney need to be investigated and if the charges are true, they need to be removed from office. To do nothing will damage the country. In my long life, I've never seen a more appropriate time for the use of this important constitutional mechanism.


[213328:070208] R.H., Ontario, CA
impeach to preserve accountability


[053708:060208] J.B., Mattituck, NY
It is past time for Congress to hold impeachment hearings for both President Bush and Vice-President Cheney. The blatant acts of obfuscation and lying, together with the unspoken but obvious pressure placed on the intelligence gathering/analyzes by the continuing presence and questioning by Vice-President Cheney to reach the desired conclusions for justifying the Iraq War must be punished. You must act in accordance with the Constitution - impeach!


[174233:060108] P.G., Grand Junction, CO
The extent of lying and manipulation that has occurred under this administration is outrageous. It's high time that the President and Vice President were held responsible for their actions.


[172234:053008] N.N., San Jose, CA
What ever it takes to get these criminals where they belong: JAIL.


[155402:052908] S.K., Sierra Vista, AZ
Can there be any justification for ignoring the crimes of President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and others in the Bush administration? Your oath of office binds you to take action now and initiate impeachment hearings. Please do you job.


[095947:052908] h.v., Winnetka, CA
We MUST do this!!


[231305:052608] C.S., Belleville, IL
Bush and Cheney both need impeached for war crimes! They have led America and American's down the road to Ruin. They continue to abuse thier power and maipulate the American people with thier War Propaganda. American's must wake up to the reality that thier own Congressional Elected members have continued to bow and give this President and his Administration whatever he ask for including more funding for his war in Iraq!! You say you did not vote for this but not voting at all does'nt help us constituates!! They must stand up and take a stand for thier constiuates and end this illegal occupation of another foriegn country. Can't you all just give Peace a chance?


[080141:052208] T.K., Roswell, GA
I Think Impeachment was in order in 2002. This has gone on long enough.


[235510:052108] M.F., Pinellas Park, FL
Time is running out to initiate impeachment proceedings. Please take action to protect our Constitution (and Republic which it established). The inattention by our representatives and the press to a matter of such profound importance is astonishing and disturbing to me.

In the face of well documented evidence of acts committed by the Administration, openly defying the limits of their authority under our constitution and threatening our freedoms, you have an obligation to your constituents and the Constitution to call for impeachment proceedings of President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

This is not a partisan issue, but a national one which demands action before they leave office if we are to preserve our constitutional form of government.

Presidents Nixon and Clinton were impeached for reasons far less serious. Where are the cries of concern now? Politics be damned: stand up, speak up, do the right thing - support impeachment proceedings!



[121121:051708] L.H., San Francisco, CA
Dear Rep. Wexler and everyone including Shirley and everyone else. You are my heros.


[101852:051608] M.G., Culver City, CA
This shredding of the Constitution must end!


[055321:051108] s.c., Mobile, AL
mr bush and cheney have commited such corrupt actions and I cannot belive that we as a country can still have any faith or bellief in this administartion ! and they need to be impeached!


[082755:051008] H.K., Wasilla, AK
Vice President Cheney has acted inappropriately by waging an unnecessary war, fabricating and manipulating information to cause the war in Iraq which has resulted in unnecessary grief, suffering for the US, and Iraq people. He needs to be held responsible for all his lies.


[053942:050908] M.U., Austin, TX
There is credible evidence that Vice President Dick Cheney abused the power of his office, and not only brought us into an unnecessary war but violated the civil liberties and privacy of American citizens. It is the constitutional duty of Congress to hold impeachment hearings and do so immediately before he and president Bush AGAIN violate our constitution and embroil us in another senseless war, this time, against IRAN.
The only thing Cheney's and Bushs' War has done is fill the pockets of the powerful (from whatever nationality)...This is mass murder for profit...While Americans are paying for it at the expense of the lives of our young and the ruin of the American economy.
It is YOUR constitutional duty to stop this madness.


[100058:050808] D.C., San Diego, CA
The Bush Administration is a clear and present danger to the people and the constitutuon of this United States.
They have committed many of the worst crimes possible including war crimes, treason, fraud and mass murder.
Begin impeachment hearings now!
Dave Chase


[043445:050608] V.N., Chicago, IL


[215504:050408] m.m., Silver Spring, MD
Our country has been transformed to the point it's no longer recognizable. Interminable war, reckless destruction and death, richer rich, poorer poor, harvests of blight. Impeach the entire Bush administration: G.W. Bush, R. Cheney, C. Rice, D. Rumsfeld, P. Wolfowitz, C. Rove - starting with Bush and Cheney simultaneously.


[135244:050408] m.s., Los Angeles, CA
dear congress person, I am very troubled and outraged with the direction of my country, I cannot believe that our congress people have allowed the history of the robber barrons to return to roost yet once again in such a short amount of time, it just seems that very few people are aware of the impending trouble in the middle east, that their lives are about to take a change for the worst, and I am outraged at how very little effort is made to inform the people, of this near nuclear disaster, and attempt to destroy a country and it's people simply for economic strategy, it seems democracy has taken a back seat to capitalism, and the real shame is not having been able to stop this proccess. may god bless my country.


[195744:050308] C.L., Floyd, VA
This is so long over due. Please do the right thing and impeach the Emperor and Vice-Emperor while there is still time. Do it for posterity. So that future generations will know the truth. Please, do it today. Thank You.


[084717:050208] D.L., Boca Raton, FL
Despite the fact that Nancy Pelosi has done absolutely NOTHING, we STILL want something done! Enough NONSENSE and start listening to your constituents!


[164705:043008] J.C., Newark, NJ
"IMPEACH BOTH !!!" N O W ................


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