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Reid Must Step Down As Majority Leader Over His Telecom Immunity Surrender


[183004:011210] L.P., Willingboro, NJ
He needs to step down. Comments that he has said keeps the U.S. from progressing. This is still a country where many individuals are discriminated against because of the way they look.


[093018:011110] D.D., Seabrook, TX
"Reid Must Step Down As Majority Leader Over His Telecom Immunity Surrender"


[191944:072508] A.F., Albuquerque, NM
Somewhere between fuller cooperation between the two most powerful political parties in Congress and the regular succumbing to 'inside' interests, there ought to stand honest courage to stand up for one's convictions and the best interests of justice and of the American people. Senator Reid has lacked the leadership of the latter.


[191455:072508] A.F., De Pere, WI
Somewhere between fuller cooperation between the two most powerful political parties in Congress and one party regularly succumbing to the 'misdirection' of the other, there ought to stand the honest courage of one's convictions and the best interest of the American people! Senator Reid has become too two-faced.


[042105:071008] B.S., South Pittsburg, TN
Bret A Schuhmacher


[083217:041608] T.D., Columbus, OH
Two sides of the same coin, with nothing left to represent the views of the American people. Get out Harry, and don't come back!


[035942:033008] D.V., Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA
It is time for Democrats everywhere to stand up and let this administration and its cronies in the senate that their lawbreaking ways are coming to an end.

In order to do this we need a majority leader who stands up for our party instead of folding up and playing nice with those who want to continue eroding and ignoring our Constitution.

Mr. Reid is folding up and allowing Bush and Bush's cronies to continue excerising the blatant disregard and wanton ignorance of the laws of this land by siding with the Republicans on this immunity provision.

Mr. Reid criminals need to be punished not rewarded for their actions and since you do not have the strength and backbone to stand with the Democrats that want to put an end to this lawless rule of our nation it is time for you to step down and allow the party the type of leadership it deserves.


[173413:032308] J.j., Martinez, CA
Enough of these spineless "representatives" of the people. Get out of town!


[044814:031908] E.M., Woonsocket, RI
We need to stop rollinmg over for Bush, and Harry Reid has shown that he is a Bush democrat. Harry Reid is helping Bush's agenda, he is not a true democrat.


[205118:030908] S.W., Martinez, CA
The Law must be upheld and Harry Ried should either step down or be held as an accomplice


[132722:022808] R.Z., Taylor, MI
Immunity for illegal wire tapping must not be allowed. If it is found that these entities acted illegally, they must be held accountabe for their actions, not given immunity. It's time someone stood up for the people again, not just the corporations.


[080638:022808] D.S., Portland, OR
It is becoming increasingly apparent that our representatives in Congress do not understand the nature of their responsibilities to their constituents and their country's Constitution. The past seven years have seen a steady erosion of our rights under the Republic. Granting immunity for telecom companies that have aided and abetted our criminal government would itself be criminal, and all patriotic citizens must do their best to stop this destruction of our most important liberties.

Do not let FDR's words fall on deaf ears. The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself - embodied in the guise of the GOP and their enablers on the other side of the aisle. Yes, Harry Reid, we are looking at you - and if you can't see the error of your ways, you will be sent on your way elsewhere.


[231307:022408] K.A., Campbell, CA
Please ask Senator Reid to step down.
He is harming our democracy.
Kamal Ali.


[194615:022408] S.L., Union City, MI
Gutless does not even describe it


[143505:022408] M.S., Grand Marais, MN
In Reid we seem to have another Daschle, i.e., useless in any kind to confrontation or struggle. The Democratic Party has been down so long, and now we get another "leader" in need of a spine implant. Reid was not expected to make nice, he was expected to kick ass, even if it hurts his own toes. So far, the Senate has been a huge disappointment, and I dream of LBJ these days. There was someone who understood how to lead in the Senate. Reid hasn't a clue.


[090350:022408] D.W., Tacoma, WA
Grow a Spine, Harry!


[171903:022008] H.H., Toledo, OH
Mr. Reid, you must do your job and defend the Constitution of The United States


[082043:022008] a.a., Bothell, WA
We the People{or democrats} want Mr Reid to step down or be asked to step down and Someone who has the ability to be " MAJORITY" Leader take his place.


[061116:021908] H.H., Spokane, WA
The Progressive Agenda requires tenacious leadership that is lacking in Harry Reid's compromising style. He should step down due to his ineffectiveness at providing opposition to the disaterous "Neocon" cruelty and destruction of core human values that we hold dear and have for centuries. Harry, leave!


[124802:021808] E.C., Castle Rock, CO
Harry, why don't you step down and let someone like Russ Feingold show you how to lead a MAJORITY!!! I know you only have a thin majority, but pleading with bush is what a loser pussy does! Make them filibuster in front of the American people and show them up for the obstructionists they are!


[061401:021708] H.F., Cambridge, MA
What part of the word criminal do you not understand?


[072639:021608] A.H., Gardena, CA
My husband and I are ready to withdraw from the democratic party and find an affiliation that is ready and willing to protect and serve the constitution of the United States and it's citizens.

We are done with congresspeople that seem only interested in preserving their positions by doing little or nothing for the citizens of the USA, and seem only interested in preserving their privileged positions as the only citizens of the USA, enjoying the immense perks and socialized medical afforded themselves and their families. We are tired of carrying you on our backs.


[063454:021408] t.h., Titusville, FL
Just a reminder.. read the polls. They show that NOT caving in to Mr. Bush is what the American people want. They don't want government activities that violate our laws.. whether it be waterboarding or eavesdropping or trials without due process.


[050356:021408] M.M., Homewood, IL
I am so tired of lawmakers breaking the law. Please ask Mr. Reid to resign. And how about getting on the ball and impeaching Cheney and Bush? Or do you believe only democrats have to follow the law?


[095453:021308] M.W., West Milford, NJ
I feel "War Weary". Not from the Iraq war, but from the war on the Senate floor, the war on our constitution, the war on making our votes count, by counting our votes, the war on our candidates.

I'm tired of getting stabbed in the back by a Senate majority leader who allows bills like telecom immunity to come to the floor. The rich (the corporate CEOs) win over and over and over while the public suffers, is marginalized, and subjugated.

Let's follow the recommendation of "The Pen". Let's ask for the dismissal of Harry Reid.


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