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Impeach George Bush


[214324:042709] s.s., Pompano Beach, FL
George Bush is a man that should be in jail-the loss of over 4500 Americans dead at his hands.. lying to Americans, based on fears and lies, pushed us into the war in IRAQ because he felt like it, not because he HAD to. The murders of over 100,000 innocent ppl in Iraq, the blood is also on his hands- not to mention all the lies and stomping on the US Constitution he and his cronies did. Not to mention his approval of torture- HE MUST NOT BE UNACCOUNTABLE FOR HIS CRIMES. WE MUST MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF HIM. Presidents must uphold the laws in this country as well! S. Shetsky


[200826:012709] D.F., Greensboro, NC
even though bush is almost gone he shouldn't be allowed to go down in the history books as one more president, he should join the other bad examples like nixon as an example of what a president shouldnt do, please take the one thing he has left: his legacy in history.


[200720:012709] P.F., Catonsville, MD
George Walker Bush must be impeached for deliberate lying to the American people about WMD and the Iraq invasion and occupation. Right is right and this country will not forget the moral failings of this president.


[200619:012709] a.l., Java, VA
we owe it to the american people and the world to put theses bastards to justice!


[200355:012709] N.M., San Francisco, CA
Yes, he's almost out, but in the next 3 months he could do serious damage. We already bombed Syria, next is Iran, which will lead to Russia and China bombing us. Let's not allow that.


[200203:012709] T.C., Elmhurst, NY
I believe that if we are gonna hold presidents to the standard that Bill Clinton was held to, and attempt impeachment for lying about an affair he had which led to no deaths and little to no expense to the taxpayers then George Bush should be impeached and charged the maximum penalty for all the lies he told and the blatant betrayal of American citizens and the world.


[210814:012009] D.S., Mountain Home, AR
I can only echo R.R. You people are F'd in the head. It's people like you that elected Obama, and it's people like you that are destroying this countries in other ways as well. George Bush both Sr and Jr did right for this country. Obama does only for himself. His word of 'change' and his fancy words were just a focus to keep y'all off his shadiness. I bet you voted for Clinton too? Clinton all but destroyed IT by 99 with the dot com bust, I work IT, I lived it. Banks in trouble now? Put blame where it's due, democratic congress and mainly Barney Frank going back to when Clinton still in office. Bush Jr kept us safe, and while I don't agree with everything he did, the only thing you can fault him for is the war in Iraq, which has been proven time and again to have been necessary. All else was fault of congress, like most of Clinton's recession was. At least Bush Jr is an honest man with real values and wouldn't let popularity sway his opinions. I can't say the same for any recent democrat.

I moved out of Chicagoland 8 years ago because of the shady politics and Obama, and now I'm stuck with him in an even more dangerous role thanks to the ignorance of the lazy. I'll be trying so hard not to say I told ya so, come next election. It's pathetic that the guy has already appointed at least 5 to his cabinet that are proven bad, and yet you leftists still act like he's the messiah. I don't even have to mention his buddy Blagojevich or other well known collaborators that you apparently ignored during the election.

*disgusted with faults in our government*


[124126:012009] R.R., Georgetown, TX
You people are a bunch of idiots, pro-Muslim, pro-illegal aliens, anti-military. You should be prosecuted as traitors, and I hope President Bush pursues all legal action against you Gutless Traitors to the United States of America. Give me a call!


[092841:100108] K.P., South Ozone Park, NY
i have enough of what bush is doing to our country. someone needs to put a stop to him once and for all.


[055022:100108] P.Y., Albany, NY
It is my opinion that President Bush has done a horrible job over the past 8 years, which is why I did not vote for him in 2004. However, since he has been elected to a second term, I feel we are worse off than ever before. Our economy is a mess, we are fighting wars with not enough troops for either, and I feel that he should be impeached before he has a chance to do any more damage to our country.


[212831:092908] J.S., New Albany, IN
By failing to impeach President Bush, Congress is equally to blame for the shredding of our Constitution and the current condition of our country!


[180252:092708] K.G., Fairhaven, MA
He needs to go. He has done more damage than any other president in history. Our grandchildren won't even see the budge in the black. He brought us into the war needlessly and on false pretenses.


[133544:092708] M.G., Redding, CA
Live the Lies-Perish by the Lies


[184727:092108] D.E., Wichita, KS
Treason, war crimes, the list goes on. WAY past time for impeachment!


[205939:091908] D.E., Wichita, KS
Lies about going to war, war crimes, pick the reason. He should be impeached!


[210514:082908] V.R., West Springfield, MA
When President Bush decided to go to war with Iraq I was shocked! I was watching the coverage of the happenings and everyday it was a new threat, "give up your WMD's or else." It came down to "you have this many days before we go to war with you." Well, from my viewpoint and I'm sure anyone elses who was watching the news over those days, Bush didn't give the exact amount of time he said he would! And before we knew it an explosion erupted and I sat in shock as I watched. How can you give a certain amount of time and then not stand by it? Killing innocent people in Iraq is not a way to solve anything! Nevermind the fact that Iraqi's didn't commit September 11th. And the fact that we were on Osamas tail and then turned around, both totally different horrors in and of themselves. And I don't care that we captured Sadaam, it means nothing to me. The fact that our President disregarded everything the UN told him he didn't care. All of these reasons are why Bush should be impeached and why I will never stand behind him again.


[194227:082008] L.D., South River, NJ
No matter how much or little time is left to his presidency - a message for future generations should be sent by impeaching George Bush. We want it to be loud and clear that we can not afford another "leader" as incompetent and contemptuous as George Bush - ever again.


[105220:082008] A.S., Beaverton, OR
Bush is a war criminal, and to leave him in office would be saying we support what he has done, and accept the responsibiity for his decisions. He is a terrible leader and shouldn't even be allowed to finish his term.


[185723:081408] l.w., Austin, TX
We have suffered 7 plus years with an arrogant ignorant creature at the helm. Can't you convince him to do some decent things in the last few months ? Like stop wasting billions in Iraq and funnel it towards a universal health plan in the United States. And what about this oil? All his years in the "bidness" hasn't seemed to teach him much. And the animal sanctuary in Alaska. And the wild mustangs in the West. Why aren't national problems handled first ?


[132706:081008] t.o., Lincoln, NE
theres not a word i can use to describe my feelings


[083911:080108] S.B., Clifton Park, NY
Let's force this worthless bunch of dog-end Congressional Representatives and Senators to get off their lazy, co-opted asses and fulfil their oaths of office!!



[083901:080108] S.B., Clifton Park, NY
Let's force this do-nothing bunch of dog-end United States Congressional Representatives and Senators [Democrats and Republicans alike] to get off their fat, bloated, lazy, co-opted asses and fulfil their oaths of office!



[180029:073108] W.C., Mount Dora, FL
Bush's hands are red with the blood of tens of thousands. No President has deserved impeachment more, not even Ronald Reagan.


[111856:072408] A.H., Minneapolis, MN
I doubt W. will be impeached. The behavior that precipitated the Clinton hearings w/ "All Monica All the Time" ought to be compared w/ W's.
I hope and can envision that Hillary becomes a special prosecutor for the fraudulent bookkeeping of Haliburton and others worthy of such. Her actions there could be comparable with those of RFK when he served from1961 to June of 1968. Hillary could be a real Bear going after those sleazy crimnals.
While I am at it, Impeach my Vice-President.


[151558:072208] A.M., Taunton, MA
I do not agree with what he is doing in office.


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