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Take All Tax Cuts Out Of Economic Stimulus Package


[060453:101109] t.j., Zion, IL
you cant give tax cuts to people who right now can barely and are in most cases falling behind in all of their bills.i am one of those people,behind on all my bills,and obama is not listening to any of us real americans out here struggling just to eat and put gas in our cars,to pay our basic bills,to keep our houses.we need jobs to be created,not tax cuts.he is invited to come to my house anytime and see a real american in a real life situation in this economy.maybe he will get his eyes opened to what he is doing wrong.we need jobs,not tax cuts.with no jobs,there is nothing to tax us on.becuase we dont have the money for you to tax.millions of us are in my situtation obama,dont you see this?jobs,jobs jobs,health care can wait for now....if you dont create jobs,the economy is going to crumble before your eyes and you will surely fail.i am just one of millions.and this is my plea to you.


[071826:031409] W.A., Yountville, CA
Taxes are the cost of admission to a democratic and fair citizenship. Our tax rates are equitable and spread the cost of government in a realistic manner.


[201849:031109] J.T., Melbourne, FL
The Republican Neocons have had their chance to prove that their system and extreme philosophy is the "right" path and they have (as expected) failed utterly. Time to move out of the way and let the moderate Democrats fix what they have broken and then take this country to a new and better era.


[203531:030409] L.S., Pasadena, CA
Famously, it is crazy to try the same failed action over and over believing that you will get a different outcome. The middle class has paid for many of this country's rich to get richer, the conscienceless ones who destroyed the institutions that they ran with their unchecked greed, and then, the middle class has paid into their bulging pockets again, while the very foundations of a free, proud society have been eroded -- accessible, high quality education, health care, social safety nets beneath the poor, elderly and disabled, environmental care and safeguards, a truly free press.

Rebuild the strength of the middle class with a fair tax burden upon the very wealthy. The middle class are not just the consumers who will spend back our economy, they are the bridge that supports the promise of opportunity to build a better life, to change status and fortune, to allow movement within our economic and social spheres.


[105830:030109] D.B., Pueblo, CO
No one is above the law. Justice must be served!


[210537:022309] J.S., San Jose, CA
There is no longer a reason to court the Republicans with tax cuts that do not help the economy and obviously do not change the Republicans minds about bipartisanship. Lets get the economy rolling and then paying taxes is a privilege not a problem. Thank you,


[180906:022209] m.L., Portland, OR
The ruling class got tax cuts and the working class has to pay for a war for profit. This reverse democracy has to stop. This is Grover Norquist policy. Norquist is a known sociopath and is destroying this country from the inside. He and the Republicans should be in treatment centers, not running our government into the ground.


[073136:021209] D.P., Pasadena, TX
Take out the tax cuts


[101704:021109] B.J., Markesan, WI
Please just look at the past, then move in the right direction for the future of all.


[062142:021109] K.S., Porter Corners, NY
tax cuts are not appropriate at this time.


[210321:021009] N.S., Munster, IN
Americans are fed up with tax cuts for the wealthy. When will our congress represent the interest of the people and not the super wealthy and special interest. Stop outsourcing America.


[190019:021009] D.H., Santa Clara, CA
Much as I could use a tax cut, there are many people and programs who could use it more.


[160250:021009] N.D., Erie, PA
I am deeply disturbed at the inclusion of any tax cuts, particularly those tilted toward wealthy individuals and institutions in this, or any, economic stimulus package. I am much more in favor of using public money to help the public: putting people back to work, particularly in sustainable, secure, living wage jobs rather than "shovel ready" temporary jobs, providing single-payer healthcare for all Americans, and moving toward a more sustainable wind and solar energy independence. I am not at all in favor of redistributing public money toward wealthy private interests in the form of tax breaks at the expense of working Americans.


[151705:020909] g.k., Pasadena, CA
Its time to work on real change and stop using the failed methods of the past. Remove the tax cuts from the stimulus package, and include only spending that puts people to work and helps our infrastructure.


[134541:020909] T.G., Dawsonville, GA


[132352:020909] P.M., Chicago, IL
Take All Tax Cuts Out Of Economic Stimulus Package


[095722:020909] E.C., Zion, IL
If Republicans don't want to help right this ship, let them sink alone. I'll miss my Dad but oh well.


[072355:020909] R.A., Melbourne, FL
Why do Democrats accept Republican garbage, instead of fighting for what is right.


[040322:020909] P.L., Westland, MI
I am writing to voice my opinion on the tax cuts that are included in the Recovery Package (also being referred to as the Stimulus Package.) I am not a polititian, nor am I an economic scholar, however, when it comes to understanding the economy I am living in the real world. I am an American worker, a homeowner and I am in the highest tax bracket, paying the highest percentage of my wages to taxes possible.
With the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy still in effect, I see no need to add more tax cuts in the current legislation being drafted. Tax cuts do not stimulate the economy, and they certainly do not create jobs. It is absurd to allow the minority party this level of control when it comes to drafting legislation.
This bill is meant to help America recover from eight long years of neglect and abuse.
It is safe to say that the funding for states should remain in this bill. This funding is meant to be directed to maintain roads and schools and pay for police and firefighters.
The minority republican party is working hard at striking this from the bill in order to "cut pork". It is not unneccessary spending, rather it is long neglected and critical to our economy.
If America is to take it's first steps on this long road to recovery it must reinvest in its' infrastructure, those things set up to benefit the average person known as "the commons".
I would like to say to my representatives in Congress: "Your constituants are behind you on this, strip all the tax cuts to the wealthy in the Recovery Package. Make this legislation about America and its' workers."


[235749:020809] A.R., Long Beach, CA
let the president have his stimulus plan that will put people back to work... then taxes can be cut ..


[231541:020809] J.M., Las Vegas, NV
If you really think the common man needs more tax cuts then try more revenue sharing with the states. How about sending out several hundred billion dollars to the states, apportioned strictly on population. Put limits on how it can be spent with any leftover funds to be distributed back to the population via sales tax rebate days. That ought to stimulate consumer sales from those with any money left to spend.


[204313:020809] D.G., Claremont, CA
The economic stimulus package needs JOBS- JOBS- and more JOBS! California has a higher unemployment than the national average. Tac CUTS will NOT create jobs!


[155943:020809] S.B., Redding, CT
Take all tax cuts out of the stimulus bill. In the last 8 years we have learned that tax cuts do nothing to stimulate the economy. The definition o f insanity is to do the same thinkg over and over, imagining that there will be a different result. Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to make the same mistakes over and over again. Stop being intimidated by the Republicans. They have failed and been rejected by the American people. Enough of their failed policies. ENOUGH!!!!


[155654:020809] S.M., Denver, CO
The tax cuts strike me as ineffective. In particular, the $3,000 for businesses who hire an employee -- no one is going to hire someone because of that. It will only line the pockets of all of the business owners who were going to hire someone regardless. Three thousand's a tiny fraction of what a job pays in a year.


[152149:020809] D.B., Staten Island, NY
Do you think you people could do SOMETHING right.

We voted the Dems in in '06, and what did that get us. Now we have a Democratic pres. that we are all behind, and you're still flapping your gums.

If you don't want to stand up and do what is right, get a real job.



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