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No Nuclear/Coal Power Plant Or Nuclear Weapons Subsidies In Stimulus Bill


[173624:070909] J.B., Clearwater, FL
Florida-The Sunshine State[Get it??


[094711:051509] k.h., Los Angeles, CA
If the criminals of the crimes are not indicted and prosecuted, then the blood is on our hands for not resisting a lack of checks and balances in the three houses of government, as we are instucted to do in our Constitution. I have read it.


[103351:051409] M.H., Tucson, AZ
"What a cruel and dishonest trick on the American people if this is all allowed to pass, to foist the sludge spill disasters of the future on us, in the sheep's clothing of a green energy spirit, which is what we thought we were all voting for in the last election. All they've talked about for years is how vulnerable nuclear power plants would be to a possible terrorist attack, and now they want to build many more?? And this is on top to the fact we have nowhere to
put all the dangerous nuclear waste existing plants have already generated. This is not the change we were promised!" Quote from activisit.thepen


[160449:042709] J.C., Ventura, CA
To ALL Utah voters....make sure Bennett is NOT reelected....along with any other Repugnicans signing to approve this bill making a mockery of "green energies".


[183723:042609] G.P., San Jose, CA
Go Green Not Turn Green. Do NOT put more Green in Corporate pockets. Do NOT put more DEBT on the back of Americans. Go GREEN and start sustainable living for the World and its people. Make America the LEADER of GREEN technology. We can make this Earth a Garden of Eden. Please put a Stop to WMD's -- depleted uranium weapons. Put a Stop to War for Profit schemes. Stop the Energy Commision and 6 degree separation - revolving doors in our Government and the Corporate Sector elites, where they dictate our future and NOT the American people. Please STOP the Madness and garner some 'common sense' practices for the survival of human kind. We have polluted the EARTH enough. If it isn't Green, it isn't Clean.

We are ALL connected and whatever human engineered contaniments are in the ground, our water, our air will come back and haunt us for generations. Unless you have the Power to CHANGE our path. Do you? God Speed to 2012 - a NEW AGE of Enlightenment.


[112002:042309] E.K., Woolwich, ME
The statement that "nuclear power produces no greenhouse gases" ignores an elephant in the living room. While it is true that a nuclear power plant does not release CO2, a nuclear power plant requires nuclear fuel, and those fuel rods do not sprout spontaneously out of the ground like asparagus!

Uranium is a non-renewable resource, just like coal,and like coal, it has to be dig out of the ground by heavy machinery burning deisel fuel. Uranium mining is even messier than coal, because the dust and tailings are notonly dirty but radioactive. Unlike coal, however, uranium has to be processed before it can be used, and that processing requires high temperatures produced by electricity --a lot of it --and that electricity is produced mostly by burning coal. If nuclear energy were used to process nuclear fuel, that electricity would have to be deducted from the electricity the fuel rods will produce in their time. If the fuel comes from reprocessing, that reprocessing requires even higher temperatures requiring even more electricity,and the resulting product is pretty easily converted into weapons. This is a scam, folks. Don't fall for it!


[064635:042209] C.T., Brooklyn, NY
I am not at all in favor of nuclear or coal power plans, no matter how clean coal technology is being used. Please make sure that in the bill for clean energy there is no loan guarantee for these polluting sources of energy.


[190942:040209] M.V., Seattle, WA
I can't say it more clearly--NO nuclear or coal for ANY energy related issues.


[190927:040209] M.V., Seattle, WA
I can't say it more clearly--NO nuclear or coal for ANY energy related issues.


[232121:032409] J.C., Ventura, CA
I would suggest that the citizens of Utah do everything in their power to ensure that Sen.Bennett loses his senate seat for his outragious behavior of sneaking thru the provision in question. Anyone who thinks coal is clean should have a ton of it dumped on their front lawn and then bring a barrel of nuclear waste and bury it in their backyard for good measure.
As a matter of fact why doesn't one of Bennett's constituents suggest he do exactly the same thing as the above...


[142443:032309] M.G., Ojai, CA
No means no.


[045823:031909] J.F., Huntington, MA
I want green energy, and I do not support either the coal or nuclear industries.


[064723:030409] M.C., Santa Barbara, CA
Although, cheap,reliable, and poswerful energy is requrired to drive civilization and progress, we must work harder and be more committed to green energy for at least transportation and home utility puposes.


[031230:030209] V.T., Hollywood, FL
Our country needs to move away from earth polluting energy.


[172152:022609] K.S., Frazier Park, CA
Wind mills and solar power should be the focus, as well as hydro and thermal. Leave coal, nuclear, natural gas, and bios to the industry. They just want to continue selling energy when we can have it from the sun, wind, water for free. Stick to the plan. It's good for the economy to not have energy companies siphoning money from the economy.


[192915:022509] n.p., Fairfield, CT
STOP the deliberate suppression of green energy technologies and all the outright lies that accompany them, including the deliberate censorship of overunity energy devices like the Lutec 1000 which completely eliminates the need for energy grids and will make people truly as individuals completely energy independant!!! Wake up and do your own homework like myself and many others who realize the truth is being held hostage in order to profit those with major holdings in the uranium mines like the carlisle group, the queen of england , haliburton, depleted uranium weapons manufacture, huge corporate interests like GE (contracts to build nuclear power plants). There's too much money to be made from uranium especially when radioactive waste from power plants can be freely tossed around willy nilly in bullets, bombs, missiles, and tanks!!! It's the gift that keeps on killing long after peace has been declared!!!! Why not build more nuclear power plants now that we have such a clever solution for nuclear waste!!!!!! So what if cancer rates are sky high and expected to go much higher in the next five years or so? So what if the planet is being permanently and irrevocably degraded and destroyed. So what if overunity energy technology has not only the potential to free people all over the world from the lack of energy and electricity and everything that implies ( heating, cooling, water purification, recycling, irrigation, greenhouses, end to hunger ect.) but lo and behold it has applications which may even make it possible to reverse damages already done to our planet. Unfortunately, saving the country, and even the planet itself is a very low priority for our elected officials (that means YOU GUYS). Ensuring profits for the greedy, powerful, cleverly hidden rulers of this country, and continuing the slavery of U.S citizens through their dependence on the corporate energy grid system is the #1 priority of the congress and senate. WE know who you work for, and it ain't us (u.s.). Stop the pretense.


[134535:022509] M.M., Sun City, AZ


[213318:022409] J.A., Elbow Lake, MN
With all the new technology isn't it worth the investment and not dragging on the old way. Even if the old way is worse but more profitable. In the long term new things move us forward not the old ones. Where did progress go ,or should I say, stayed? Thank you for your time.


[054425:022309] r.p., Danville, IL
clean coal is an oxymoron! With some oversight I could support nuclear power but absolutely NO coal!


[193716:022209] A.D., Lakeport, CA
I object to spending loan guarantees for coal and nuclear technologies. Both pollute our air, water, and soils. Please focus money on Solar, which is free, unpolluting energy.


[105524:022009] m.w., Palm Harbor, FL
"No Nuclear/Coal Power Plant Or Nuclear Weapons Subsidies In Stimulus Bill."


[161507:021809] F.G., Aiken, SC
Nuclear Weapons Subsidies have no business being in any stimulus package. Coal and Nuclear are already covered by previous actions. The stimulus package must be just that, aimed at stimulating the economy, with more construction of
new schools, prisons, rehab centers, added teachers, health care workers and the country's crumbling infrastructure of roads, highways, bridges and updating and expanding mass transit, passenger and freight rail lines, crossings and bridges. Putting researchers to work developing new technology ie. fuel cells, hybrid and plug-in vehicles, all with the empathsis of providing jobs and putting people back to work. All of which calls for massive outlays of money, not tax credit or relief for the wealthy which has been the Republican Party's disasterous mantra which for a large part brought on this economic meltdown, the likes of which has not been seen since the Great Depression seventy years ago!


[151924:021809] B.S., Saint Paul, MN
Stop the theft and do the right thing.


[112335:021809] l.j., Griggsville, IL
I have read where 50 billion dollars of Obama's peoples' aid package will be given to coal and nuclear plants. And please never forget, this is the people's money he is spending.

this is at a time when most banks and insurance companies will have nothing to do with either the nuclear or coal industry, these wasteful and deadly examples of wrong minded energy paths. The only way they can build or extend such plants is to take from the taxpayers of this nation.

Then, as they have done now for decades, these energy sources turn around and poison the land and the children of this nation for generations to come. I don't think this is what was meant by the native people of this nation when they said for every decision made by our people to be done so with the next seven generations in mind, but that is exactly who will be devastated if we give 50 billion dollars to the coal and nuclear industry.


[162321:021709] D.M., Urbana, IL
Nuclear and coal power plants should not get any stimulus money. They are long term agents of appalling and deadly pollution and cannot be made clean.


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