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Reject H.R. 2346


[191901:040910] L.L., North Richland Hills, TX
where are you people HR676 is not DEAD because we will ELECT and gt, @AlanGrayson next Presidental Election NoWar


[073517:102009] S.S., Cuyahoga Falls, OH
An expanded Medicare 4 All Single Payer system is what we need! Put Single Payer in play! p2 hcr topprog HR676 RT!!


[192501:100309] E.A., Eureka, CA
Reject H.R. 2346


[181329:100109] C.B., Olympia, WA
"Reject H.R. 2346"


[062909:091009] L.L., North Richland Hills, TX
Stop the wars NOW by stopping the funding now. Reply to to tell Congress, "Reject H.R. 2346"


[002300:090309] D.C., New York, NY
Stop the wars NOW by stopping the funding now. to tell Congress, "Reject H.R. 2346"


[205501:083109] D.P., Greentown, IN
Stop these unjust wars now


[015101:083009] D.C., New York, NY
Reject H.R. 2346


[183957:082309] J.I., Detroit, MI
It is time to stop wasting the money of the American tax payer. It is time to close up those 140 bases around the world, and drop the DoD budget to half of the 500 billion it receives annually.


[203500:081609] S.F., Brooklyn, NY
Congress, Reject H.R. 2346!


[070901:072309] C.S., Naples, FL
I support funding the wars. Continue on despite these other tweets.


[181700:071409] R.S., Mankato, MN
Reject H.R. 2346


[142301:071309] W.H., New York, NY
to tell Congress, "Reject H.R. 2346"


[122942:071109] M.E., Silver Spring, MD
You are contemplating spending Obama's, "US tax payers money" on funding a war again? (on country's who have not declarted "war" on our homeland) and supporting our troops to conduct and build them up up to our impression of our historical perceptions of traditional democracy...

Obama is a political turncoat, he professed what would win his nomination as president.

Wrong. More citizens of the USA have no health care then before he was elected, more American a looking at losing their homes by
through foreclosure, more credit card holders are raising rates without warranrty to date, more citizens are unemployed than before Obama was inaugurated, basic food costs for most citizens are escalating at mind bogeling rates... many USA citizens can not even feed their primary families!!!!!! etc. , etc.

Obama is a visiting Russia and Afreica today. Today The United States of America is drowning in unfahomable debt and its citizenry
is joining the ranks of suffering experienced by "third world countrymen"... without a prayer of salvation. And, certainly, not from another Obama in blazing Bush clothing.

at unfathomeable rates


[103901:063009] D.H., Richmond, VA
Call the lie of Iraq a lie. Call the myth of victory a myth. Stop abusing the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan.


[050501:063009] M.J., Providence, RI
Congress! "Reject H.R. 2346"


[054657:062909] S.C., Greenbelt, MD
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were started on the basis of proven lies on the part of the Bush administration. We can end these wars by defunding them. We need the money for health care at home, not war overseas.


[134351:062509] L.A., Medina, WA
I am so sad. We are funding murder and profiteering by non-bid contractors, yet our own citizens are jobless and without health insurance. What a disgraceful country we have become in this world. Shame on us! Stop this madness now.l


[110721:062509] E.B., Seattle, WA
Vote NO on H.R. 2346, for CONTINUED funding of all these disastrous and counterproductive wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and soon everywhere else.


[084101:062509] K.V., Muncie, IN
Sorry previous message mistake. Relating to H.R. 2346


[083900:062509] K.V., Muncie, IN
Stop the war now! This is relatesd to HR1235. No one wanted this terrible war.


[052725:062509] B.P., Lancaster, PA
Do you serve the people? Are you a public servant or are you an overlord? Do you even care what the people want or do you feel that you know what's best for us and average citizens just don't know what is best for themselves or the world they live in? Do you listen? Just curious. I think we'd like to put an end to all this spending to police the globe. We don't have the money. It is going to bankrupt this country.


[193538:062209] V.M., Rogue River, OR
This war needs to stop now. The U.S. started it over nucular arms possibilities. There wasn't any. So why are we still there? Is it still the oil? We have the knowledge to use other fuels. We do not need oil or food for fuel. Most of the people of this land do not want any more war. Stop this war, and no more money for it. Thank-you.


[123500:062209] W.H., New York, NY
tag tell Congress, "Reject H.R. 2346"


[063501:062209] C.D., New York, NY
to tell Congress, "Reject H.R. 2346"


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